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NBME 24 Answers

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submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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I eayllr ntid’d rndseutnad hits tqisouen nvee reaft eidganr lal eth seswnar erhe so I ledmeia Dr. elabnudK e(ht exr)te!p

sHree’ ahwt eh iasd:

iThs si a caes of cteau rteha erfalui wgfinooll na uecat csiechim eetvn ST( ivtoelnea in rreainot l.ade)s RSV asiercsne beuesac of rmlneuhroauo toacit,vina hhicw hslep ot ianiatnm B.P PCWP rnicessea ecbsaeu uaect HF seasuc ooldb ot abkc up toin het panrlymou iornlccu.ati edrIcnase nrmpluaoy bodol uvmelo cussea lal eht mnrouylpa erreussps ot eecisn.ra RVP AERCEDESS ecbuase eht ympoalurn strcuelauav ahs a yerv hgih cpeila,mnoc adn rtfhoeere sapilevys estsnddi in esnospre to caerensi .lumeov iThs pievsas ssneosdini eacsesedr teh RP.V

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motherhen  I tohguht ni roanegiiccd ,oksch PWCP nca eb dnisceera or ceeeadsdr pngdneide on fi hte olbod is naicbkg pu in hte nlsug H(FL) or dybo H)F.(R nCa oeosenm cyilafr woh ew oknw hwich is ihgenpapn er?eh +1
motherhen  PW*CP +
jsanmiguel415  yheT yas 'tis an anrtrieo" ETMI"S whcih ot me tnaem 3V, 4V aka ,ALD cihwh uspespli teh ltef vlrineetc so enerdacis CPWP. fI CPPW aws seredcdae it dulow mane htgri tlrceveni si rupsedtdi chhwi si reom ACR nda dwolu eb ,II ,II AFV ro na rnfriieo dasle +4

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by yb_26(315)
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yM pismel tnuisnreddnga si htta p'st hrtea litotctyaicrn si cedsdaree ued to IM g&=t; harte nta'c pupm a otl of blood g=&t; edreisacn ckpaub wolf otin ynoulmrpa raesuucalvt =g;t& dscrenaei PWPC.

eorM bdolo ni anuprylmo vtslceaurua &g;t= thye iwll atdeil in rdore ot ustj eekp lal teshe odblo t&;=g srdeeeacd purnlmyoa aarucsvl cneasrtsie

aderDeecs riacacd utptuo tg&;= aepihplerr cncoovistantoris &t;=g ecsdraien scsyeimt ucavlars sceeatirns

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susyars  hTe iuqnstoe syas “TS evtaleion in hte ntorerai sea“dl ,so ni soem wya I was hkingnit of het omts aneirrto rtpa fo het ahrte hwhci is eth hrtgi iecrlent,v dan not het ltef .oen +4
makinallkindzofgainz  noitrrAe IESMT = TS lnevioetsa ni 3,V 4V hwich si lspdpeiu myoslt yb hte ADL. RV is tymsol piedlpsu by hte RC,A hwhic duwol hows pu no na KEG itwh cmieihsc ahecsng in II, I,II nda vaF +7
qiss  wBt ecenadsri CWPP iitnadsce sicedaern odbol in eht ltfe ,uitram ont sneisacryel reesiacnd obdlo ni eth anopmlyru rcaalsetvuu see reeh. +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by keycompany(351)
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endwsAer my won oqsti.uen aeIrncsde estsrs rmof a EIMST lwli tetivaac hte tctsmeyipah erunovs etmssy -- Paonyumrl tvloonad.iasi

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pathogen7  uJts to ad,d HCNCIOR ertah uafrlie is a uasce fo lyopnmrau otnh.yrieenps So in eth tueca n,ttegsi rpnouymla mdaee adsel to acesrdede R,VP ewihl ni het hnorcic ,ginetst it acn dela ot edeinsarc VRP, I ht?kni +
hungrybox  hTis ots'nde aekm .seens ntgiaiAcvt hte astctpyheim evrosun mtssye luowd uesac cooidaltnbohinr (iva )2β ubt 'its ncluare ot em ehtwhre it oldwu sittcrnoc eht odblo elsessv va(i )1-α or edalti etmh i(av β.)2 +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mousie(272)
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fi ouyr OC lflas ... duw'ntol ttah seacu otacscioirtvsnno ni eth unlg a?euutvcaslr yiaopxh ducedni sittcnrs?oaovcnio

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ug123  My aetk on tiss--i-hH- iaentsrsopri aer -anig-th-thhi/22m illw caseu 2c0 -swo-au-stoh tauaclly lngu has hihg oar-oxeln-mu-pgyny too.inslivdaa notD konw fi ist +5
usmleuser007  yM stungedadrnin is atht teh ounalpmyr cinocaltiru eshnacg eyvr tllite in tsmre fo na ueatc MI. It si b/c amlpnryou laouirtcnic ash a otl erom omor to illf hitw odblo ucmh ilke hte sneelp ni tmrse of bodlo ucoainaut.lmc Whti gehihr melouv fo ooldb ni mnpyruloa nr,ocicitlua oemr bolod vesssel rea lbae ot be rceutredi acypseill the aexp. iWth rmoe iecrtdeur obold lveesss = edcurde seserpur /dt uctocirnail in alalpler +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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My ndnrtuiansged is atht eht amuyrlpno riintlcaouc ehscgna rvye eltilt in etsrm of na tecau M.I

It is cb/ ypnoralum oulrccaitni ash a lot orme omro to fill thiw dlobo mhuc lkei het psleen ni rsmet of odbol i.tulcucamona

iWht gihrhe evluom of bolod in nlapruymo inu,clctoair emro loobd esselvs era labe to be ructerdie eicsylalp the

itWh roem dtecrriue bdloo leesssv = ecdudre pueerrss /dt tcicnauriol ni aalpllre

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sheska  y,se in osrabd dna beyond he ealixpn ihs.t orraalxtleve se=vsles itearesr nad sine,v erlaonltairav cplsissv.esai=erlale lrcpsileiaa wlil aisreenc inecestrsa ebuesca will hvae oemr lobod mfro ukcbap fo eht etfl uatimr adn will gte euddsgm g&t=; easiernc WPPC reserita adn svine thwi moer odlbo llwi eopn omer nda tuhs rcdeeeas yrpaulnom uracvsla ns.sitercae +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by diplococci(1)
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I saw seufcdno abcseeu WU 19208 yssa ulyarnomp yraetr sistyolc rserupes ilwl be ricseedan ot ntnmaiia worardf netomemv of olbo.d How esdo shit ton dale to uamrpylno ascrlvau aseestcnri bgnie c?drisanee

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boostcap23  ressurPe esntd'o yssecelainr ulqae draneices carlvsau setanc.eirs loParumny cistnaeers earilogntu ylmani ssireneca ni saaer fo iaph,yox nad ceedsaers ni xoaltewnedlg-ey asae'r to sedn doblo ot ellw vdelttiane raeas, hnongit ot do wiht na atecu .IM nI atfc in IM rehte si oiastnloidav of iacpla ircaleiplas dna het QV/ ioatr lliw capoaprh 1 ot tcamcodaemo het erxat oldob. In siht p,attien you nca ese his tysimesc olodb urrepess si wol yte ish ictysmse vcluaars sseiacrent si hgih (ued to theapistmyc notostniircc of lssesev in epnrseso to wlo ).CO I ujts tugothh fo ti eilk ohw in lanrom genrist tstae nntltoeiaiv si adwtes ta hte aepx so ni a elmovu eolrevdoad setta htta txrae blodo clodu og pu ot eth exp.a +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by keycompany(351)
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nCa dyesmboo how daudennsrt why PRV cdaesrsee htwi a f-dLietSde tcanrfi leaspe enltngeih m.e I odlwu olsa pceapratei it fi ouy could tealer ti ot hrigt dseid hrtae ilrfuae oot .i(.e owh wdolu it canhe)g.

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sajaqua1  I leeibev thta ekaynps'ymoc naswer cesom eth ctesos.l nI na I,M nirsodec ti as gdeiccraoin hsokc. The ethar si a p,mpu dan ti is afilngi to move bdloo otu fo the rteha adn onit ucevat.rslua Tsih is why WCPP .esincaser seceuBa fo enufcifstnii ,uuottp het dybo sah a psethtcaiym on.esepsr eTh cslmectainehoa ethn ecusa ttsscvnroaniiooc ni rrehlappei uuclavtrsea ot peek odbol srpursee up and iunctnoe lf,ow leinadg ot cesdirena S.RV ih,Malnwee hte aecismptthy rpesnsoe esucas inoaditlvsao ni het un;gls shit odulw eb an epatarroppi uogtrutaolarey nse,peors eeuacsb hte bdyo si rtynig to peke up het lofw of yoegnx tgruoothhu eht steyms. hTsi casseeedr w.85mlPh1h7on .V5r pccpw. n.a//eCs5stm////i:bwigiPctnMlt.v4R sI a yetptr dogo elraitc on i.ths Of cseour eth iningbd fo omeslechnatacti eghacns ngdeepnid on aanituorst and eht soneprse si not rfclpeeyt +13
usmleuser007  My nnarnegdsudti is tath eht ynpmoalur uaritclncoi csenahg eyrv little in rtesm of an ctuae .IM It is bc/ ynpmlaour nlircuaiotc ahs a lto rmoe room to flli wtih boodl cmuh ilek eht lpnese in tesmr fo oblod otctauiaWhm.u licn hiehgr leouvm fo odlob in pnyarlmuo ,uriaccloitn orem olbdo evlssse are eabl to be urctieerd leailpcys the peax. thiW reom urdetcrei blood slevses = dcedure errssepu /td iuncltaicro ni era.llalp +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by kevintkim4(4)
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Atnreroi ldae MI gneidal ot rindgiceaco hscok wiht dseceadre LV .tnctirylociat

RVS siers in candigocire ckhso sa ntcooaympres oepserns to low O.C PCPW seisr escabue ni noarrtie IM t'sereh dsdreeeac otticriyctanl dan loodb acbks up oitn .LA

tTha velesa oen resawn tionpo fo hgih VSR adn gihh CPWP dna you dto'n vene aveh to nikht tobau RVP );

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by jurrutia(47)
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aWnts' user aubto PR,V tub SRV nad PCPW fed go u.p hatT nylo selvae 1 srnaew.

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by louisville(12)
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Anr:sew RSV deaei;nrcs PVR cdraese;de PPCW edniae.rcs

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kcyanide101  SEPELA ON:ET If tish inqetsuo swa na IM ni het ARC, the WPPC is deu.edcr +

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