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NBME 24 Answers

 +21  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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I lraely td’ndi aendndrtsu hist isuqotne enev traef gnadeir lal hte ewrsnsa eher so I alemedi rD. dKlebnua h(et xrp)!eet

ers’He awht he dasi:

hTis is a csae fo etcau taehr aliuefr ginllwofo an tceau simeihcc entve S(T oetenivla ni renritao a.)lesd RSV secenasri cbuesea fo lenouourhram novitaaci,t wihch ehlsp to iiantnma P.B WPCP risesance ebausce teuac FH sceusa odolb to abck pu iton eth nouarypml ticilounac.r aensrcIde puaymnorl olodb elvuom scaseu all het npolumray rpreeusss to PRV ESEREACDS suebeca het laroynump tlaruvcsaeu hsa a revy ghhi omeai,nlccp and eeteforhr lyssavepi ssdidnet in roenpses to ceenaris vlmu.oe ihTs saiesvp iossdnnesi sdaeescer teh P.RV

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motherhen  I ghhttuo in croengadcii ,schok CPPW can eb inreecsad or ecdreedsa ndinpegde on if teh boldo is ibcnagk up in eht unlgs (FHL) ro oybd .RH()F Cna eonmsoe ifaclyr who we owkn ihhcw si nhpagenpi reh?e +1
motherhen  C*WPP +
jsanmiguel415  Thye sya i'ts an rti"oerna TESIM" ihchw to me anemt ,3V 4V aka ,LAD ichhw liuspesp eht tlef entelcriv so asndrecei .WPPC fI CPPW asw aecrdeeds it owldu mnae igrht cineltrve is iturpsded hcwhi si emro RCA nda dulwo eb ,II I,I AFV ro an inriofer aedsl +4

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by yb_26(315)
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yM pliems snreninagdtud is that ps't ertha irioctltcnaty si eeaeddsrc eud to IM g;=t& eraht a'cnt pupm a lot fo olbdo t=;g& eensdaicr backpu lfow noit onapmlury craeluatvus =;&tg nreascied PCP.W

eMor odolb in pnulraymo svaaucluert g=t;& eyht llwi tldeai ni roder to usjt ekpe lla etesh boldo tg&=; easceredd ayuplonmr slcaavur eentraissc

redeeDcas aadcirc tpouut t&g=; riehplapre csoocrotnnasiitv =t;g& ieascdnre mtsiscye valraucs trssceeani

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susyars  ehT eqniusto says “TS nleeotiva in the orraetni dae“sl ,so in meos yaw I was ghkintin fo eth toms anrrteoi artp of teh hreat whhci si the htgir evier,cltn and ont hte ftel o.en +4
makinallkindzofgainz  tArioenr ITESM = TS tnsevelaio in 3V, 4V cihwh si lisppdue lmstoy by het .DLA VR is mtyols ulpepids yb eth ARC, chhwi olduw wsho up on an EKG tiwh hicmseic ncegsah ni I,I II,I dan vaF +7
qiss  twB scrdinaee WPCP aitsdecni daesnicre bdool ni het ftel itarm,u not neyeclaissr dcesairen oodlb in eth npaoryulm lrtevuuscaa see rehe. +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by keycompany(351)
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erAndesw ym won .seqtnoiu desceaInr srtses rmof a MESTI lliw cttaevai the imctsyaphet nsrvueo tsymse -- aPumyornl ilisoadvntoa.

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pathogen7  tJsu to add, RCHONIC retah ufealri si a caesu fo mualpnroy ynt.ieohseprn S o in the catue tg,ntsie ploumarny edeam lasde ot eeascedrd RP,V hewli ni teh icrocnh gietsnt, it anc adel ot eedsnicar ,PRV I tk?inh +
hungrybox  hsiT 'endtso keam eness. gictaAitvn teh hpymeisttca eruosnv symste dowlu cusea roihnitobcnoald aiv( )2β utb s'ti nuearlc ot em ertehhw it ldwuo sctnoitrc the obodl svlesse vi(a 1-α) or laetid ethm iva( )2β. +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mousie(272)
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if oryu OC aslfl ... ntdluo'w taht sucea coicsnrstovtaoni ni het lgnu lur?vuetaacs aoihyxp dcindue ocitcsosnianto?rv

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ug123  yM aetk no iHst-s-ih-- iesrsaptnrio are /hmnhhiia2gt--t-2 will cesua 2c0 su--oths-awo uatllcya ulgn sha hhig ro-xgupy-malnney-o sa.onlidtaoiv tnoD nkwo if tis tr.igh +5
usmleuser007  My rusgednantind si taht eht unalpormy lrccaitnuoi ecsahng yerv lietlt ni rtmse of na uteac MI. It is b/c pumyaroln oiutrailcnc hsa a tlo oemr romo ot illf itwh boold much lkei hte elpsen in etrms fo doblo oiumlct.anauc Wthi rhehig umevol of oobld ni ryupalnmo icltni,cruao emro olbdo sevslse rae eabl ot be irduceter leacplyis eht .pexa ihtW mroe iteerrcdu odlbo ssvsele = cdduree srpeeusr dt/ niaurctoicl ni llaaplre +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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My ngruisnndeatd is htta hte yumorlapn irlunatocic sachegn rvey ltilte ni tersm fo an utcae MI.

It si /cb luyoarnpm ilicantuocr has a olt eomr omor ot ifll thwi boldo hucm leki hte npseel in tmesr of oldbo ualtimao.ncuc

htWi heirhg leuvmo of dbolo ni pnauomylr cnoiu,ctialr reom odblo vsslsee aer lbae to be cdieuretr ilcyaspel the xea.p

Wthi more dicrretue obold sseelvs = erddeuc srerpseu t/d lnaiiocturc ni alralepl

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sheska  yes, in ardbso dan nbeyod he ilnaxep thsi. loatxrvleera ss=leesv artrisee and evsni, eatalrvroainl vls.aislrcaelseesi=p aielcsrpali llwi snieaerc rnisecaste euecbsa wlli avhe mroe bodlo fmro ckpbua of teh etfl ituarm nad iwll egt ddgmsue =tg&; icsnreea WPCP rseetiar nda isevn twhi oerm dbolo liwl oepn mero dna tshu esacrdee nalupormy arscaluv sceis.trnea +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by diplococci(1)
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I aws cdofnseu saeebcu WU 91208 ayss puaylrnom ryrtae syslcito esuesrpr lwil be inedcsare ot tnnmiiaa rawdorf eotevmmn of lod.ob owH edos htsi tno edal to rauynomlp aruvlcsa ranescites gnbie iedeacnrs?

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boostcap23  reresusP ost'dne eniyscrlaes leuaq dcsaneier arcsvlua ersncstaie. aumlPoyrn teriascsen tgaonuelri nyamli cesnrsiea ni saear fo xp,hiyao adn earseedsc ni logydneete-alwx s'area to ndse ldboo ot lwle ndlettvaie rsaa,e ghitnno ot do whti na etacu .MI nI acft ni MI ehert si aidolvsatoni of acipal eliaiasrlpc nad hte V/Q trioa will pcpraaoh 1 ot mocdatocmea het artxe b.oldo In tsih niaet,pt ouy can ees hsi smciyset odlob seeuprsr si low tey hsi seitsmyc arcslvua rienasecst si ghih (deu ot ptsahmicyte sttnrnicoico of slvsese ni epneosrs to low O.C) I tjsu uhtoght of it keil owh ni nrlaom nregits tetas iolineatvnt is astwde at eht expa os ni a vmolue alddooerev tatse atth artex oobdl olcud go pu ot hte +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by keycompany(351)
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naC mebyoosd owh ndsrneadut hwy VPR caeresdes ithw a d-diSteeLf incraft eesalp ethnligen me. I odwlu lsoa aprtacpiee ti fi ouy oludc etelra ti to gtrhi edsdi htrae lieufra oto i(.e. hwo lwduo it hae)

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sajaqua1  I vbeieel thta ks'nyameoypc rwsnae csmeo teh octsel.s nI an M,I doicners ti sa ccioeagrdin cs.koh eTh ahret si a pmup, nda ti is lgafnii to veom bodlo out fo het tehra and ntoi ra.etlscuuva sTih si hyw PPCW ian.sserce sBeceua fo sfniunfectii pout,tu het ydbo ash a tpyiatshcme eeo.ssrpn Teh lsmeaacintecho tenh esauc ncoctoisrosvtina ni ipaeprrhel rvcatlsueau to epke oldob sresuper pu dan cnnioteu ,lfow iaenldg ot eerndacsi .RVS ewhne,lMia teh tcseatmhpiy oseenrps escsau tinsdoavailo in teh g;unsl tshi ldouw eb an oppprrteaia aleortugrtouya erses,pon ebaceus hte oybd is irngyt to epek pu het olwf fo oeynxg tguthroouh hte symset. siTh edeerssca Ran54hno/8rV ctl5Mts h.. 7c5ein.ppciw/1mPwP/sm./Cwl/:b.i g/vt sI a ttpery odgo tarclie no sih.t Of rouecs teh bdignin of temhtaancscelio acsngeh pndideegn on oauatsrint nad teh seonresp si nto clftypree stoerndoud. +13
usmleuser007  yM iudnrdeasnngt si atth eht onurmyalp itaccroinlu gahnsec vrey ltetil ni mesrt of an uecta .MI It si bc/ pornmaylu rnoilutcaci sha a lto rmeo mroo to flli whti oblod ucmh eilk hte npesle ni rsetm fo obdlo uchiaamtuWt.o icnl ighrhe luomev fo dloob ni olpyurman uoirnlctc,ia omer dolbo evlssse aer aebl to eb ceureidrt esplcaiyl teh p.eax Wtih more dceeutrri olobd eelsvss = eeddurc eusserpr t/d aliitnuccro ni .plalrlae +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by kevintkim4(4)
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retorniA dlae MI eliagdn ot oradiciegcn hkcso twih eaeeddscr VL ltntryccat.ioi

VSR rsies ni cicndoiearg sckho as pmtyosecnora sepoesnr to lwo .CO CPPW iessr buesace ni tiaoerrn MI hesrte' ddereceas tycloniciartt dna olbod sbcka up onti A.L

Tath eleasv noe swenra pooitn of ghhi SRV dan ighh CPPW nda oyu no'td enev veha to nkith touba VRP ;)

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by jurrutia(47)
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tW'asn rseu oautb V,RP tub VSR nda PCPW edf go up. htaT lnoy seleva 1 arsnew.

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by louisville(12)
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ew:snAr SRV ns;deeiarc PVR ce;reeadds PCPW craein.des

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kcyanide101  EAEPSL ONET: If shti qutisnoe wsa an MI in hte ARC, eth PWPC is eceu.drd +

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