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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#18 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old man with alcoholism is brought ...
Competitive inhibitor ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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Cmiivetpeot nsbiohiirt saenicre eth Km of het sat.tersub The mK reseneprst hwo layise a autrtsbse nac nibd the ticeva eit,s ithw a owrle Km eeresngrtnip easy igdbi,nn nad a gerihh Km ienngma eomr iitdcf.ufl If you dda a vpmeiteocit brtioihin, kiel naeloht in htis aes,c ti aemks it mreo ifcfdtilu rfo hte haotmnel to bnid eth vateci s,iet ubsceea ti tsum epmocte hitw het anthe.lo

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deathbystep1  utb owh is nhtoale a ni"torhiib" of chlaloo dhys?egeenador nsti hte cntopec taht obht tlenhoa adn methalno cpomete fro het esam ngbdnii tsie fo chloalo oenhyaedresdg nad eehcn tlnaeoh cpideassl oemhtnla vpitegnrne tsi limms?tboea if haoltne were ot be a irihboitn ti oudwl ahve ot suth ffo eht ,meynez ichhw is odse .tno +1
krewfoo99  hbdete@1stayp vCtipoeetim iihitborn sipmyl asemn inragsceni tccnitoorenna fo a paiturlcra ttsreuasb liwl loalw eorm ingndbi of het tursabtse to eth Tshu the rutsasebt itwh the egrihh tticnroanecno will vtcieoptemi tinhibi the erhot teabstsru by gnndibi to eth m.enezy It deotsn aeiysrlecsn tush fof het ezenym +7

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(670)
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ololl os iasdten of usign eofimoelzp tyhe sutj gnoan etg hmi erla dnurk

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johnson  eyp - euspsdypol, holeant si udes whne a ct/yplaoiialtishf odste'n veha emzi.oofple +6
usmlecrasherss  Dnirk dkavo anm , hiteer way oe'yru igynd +2
drschmoctor  Or fi uyo rllyea anawn egt kudnr dan ehav a wram plcea ot pls,ee drkni a uhcnb of ahlentmo ni teh tgniawi romo of eht DE, tehn etl meth pmup ouy lful fo ahoelnt and epke uyo a.fes +3
madamestep  telydeahdace is a tlo tterbe rof yuo naht oedeaylmdrfh +

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submitted by โˆ—j44n(141)
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I thae eshet so uhcm eesht nsqeositu geiv me ACMT SPDT

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submitted by โˆ—madojo(212)
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eTh Km is sreevyinl eldtera ot teh tfnayifi of teh nemzey orf ist sabuetstr os ni tshi acse ew nwat ot ianerecs mK so atth the fniyftia of eitpahc alhlcoo derheynodsgae ercesdase rof omnthael nad the ohaenlt anc tnhe tca sa a emtecvoipit oiinbhtri by eronivcomg eht tconointacren fo elothmna huts nrevnptegi x.ytotici

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—an1(114)
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I lfee eilk eoveerny si anglitk batuo lla etesh tsaoicner wneh I tjsu wdra otu the prhga. eW tnewad to neresaic eht mK em(ov ti on hte X )six,a tath ulwdo adle ot ti croingss on eth y asix .(aVx)m fi ew ketp eth mK ta teh msea pt,os ti uw'tlnod vepolar eht iptno no het amx slee hd'tye aevh bene eht xtcae eams l.en.s.i

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an1  ^^ if we ktpe eth Km at eth smea po,tni it owdlnu't vroealp het ption on eth aVxm dna if ti ,idd d'yeht eahv het asem s*ine*l +

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submitted by โˆ—thesmexynevus(1)
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crrteCo em fi I'm rnog,w ubt I hknti eht snerao oaltenh si sued ot elytctveimopi itihbni aohocll ddsygneeaerho si eceubas is't ttemaleboi a)ddeet(lhacey is hcum lsse oxcti nhat lrmhedfyaode tah(w loamnhet si lbedzaaoitc .)to

So you tebter heva a abd" taioisu"nt tnha a rweos" tuis"aino.t

Tish dluow ,eb of uce,sro in aecs eloofmepzi is otn lilaeaavb dna ni caerccadon ot eht iesngdeil.u

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