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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#37 (reveal difficulty score)
A 66-year-old right-handed woman develops the ...
Area labeled 'B' (Internal capsule) ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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lnoioFglw a koes,rt hsit ttenaip dha skeansew fo her lfet efac and y,bdo os hte etorsk muts hvea acfeeftd eht rhtig iesd fo rhe rnabi. B asw eth ylno coeihc no het rgith sied of reh abir.n

Sillt es?odufcn edRa ..n.o

hTe laoytnvur omrto ebfirs os(riitpcnaolc )crtta decedns mrfo the pryriam omort otxecr, cssor ceau)dtss(e ta eht rmleldyua pmydr,isa and nteh pyssane at hte nietoarr tormo honr fo eht nlpais elevl.

aesecuB of tsadoisunec at eth udmyelarl dayrm,spi uyo ohldus emak a tneo of wrhee yna sokter co.rcsu sI ti bvaoe teh elumydalr arisdm?py Then ti lilw fatcef hte eids ptpoieso teh orkste sI it eolwb eth lreumydal rmasd?pyi Tneh it lilw cfefta teh sema sedi as the ekrsto

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hungrybox  ,sooWp E is lsao no teh hitrg ides sola( mmrebree htta ngagiim si nooilgk up at esomon,e feet itrs.)f But a elcblarere ostekr udlow veah eusadc taaai.x +
mnemonia  reyV nic!e! +
usmleuser007  Whta tsge em is htat eyht oinenmt that tefL /23 of ecfa is a.ftfedec sThi slhuod ceiidatn a onn iltcaroc ioeanntrniv sa mots fo hte crnaail elucni rea yaarblltile dteenvnair ofrm eht elft dan ghtri .ieeperhhsm f I ftle /32 fo het eafc si edfftcae neth ti udolhs also emna tath het loenis is rfaet N5C niceul. +1
yotsubato  u@nybrhxog Tas ht nto the curebellem hatts teh plcaociti uoY wudol ees ilfstedde muhsomnoyo hnameipsoia ni htat oselni +8
mrsmac  To ym dn,mi ti si emsprli to srncoeid eht outinqes isfrt ni ermts fo lobod plyspu obinir.udttis teLf dieds rhasesiimpe nda skseewna of rlowe /23 of feca rae hobt idviantice fo a MAC k/rsutuortrepe its(Fr iAd 2801 .pg 4.)89 ,emrFuorhert ensci the irujny sha taecffde rotmo nniofutc we uwodl be gesrdocniin eth idseenncgd arttc ie.. elrlata oaciolsciptnr chwhi esscruo thrhoug eth arltpielisa rioteprso ibml of hte nitnlear alcupes htne dcsaeeusts in teh laaduc .dmleula +1
mrsmac  Ye'uor nnscoeiidrg the ognrw CN .hree N5C omtor tifnuocn voenlsiv cleussm fo stmtaciaino and rwole 3/2 of on.uteg ehT rneve ni nqtuseoi in siht seca is I/N7ICV alicaF n. IICVN MUN unyrij easfctf het narcetloalrta ,sied arehwse NLM ujyinr fscfeta alrtisalipe irs(tF dAi 8102 .gp .)516 ..ei oerfeb dna efrta the snuceul ni opsn vrece.slyitep I eoph siht hp.les +3
nala_ula  iastSpc asenm NUM ilesno, iecns yteh olsa 'nodt pieyfcs fi erhte is mar ro gle ,nwkeeass I 'didnt smause it aws AMC esotr.k I enwt hwit teh igosnenar ttah fro rehet to eb tspcasi pse,aeisrhim ereht utms eb dgamdea ot eth MUsN nad fhteeeorr eth trnlinae ulacesp is rehwe teshe tracts .rea +
champagnesupernova3  gOm shit oewhl siodsiscun si ncsnfigo.u artenlIn acuelps notncsia LAL snicpacrtooil nad cubcotilrraob biefsr = ateocratalrln rsishmeeaip and MUN lcafia lesnio +24

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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psylmi lnatenri aspluce has nositacocplir dna roulrbictoacb atrtcs assp htur ,it hnece the /lc semsreiihpa fo ydbo nda fae.c

If ta lla eyht wnat ot wnok ahtw epsyiicclfla spsaes hrtu ic ic(hwh is alcialtcyrp RV,E)EN antteerhoin r ibml - camctorlolaihat ent,us gratc - bboeuiootli trrca,rcosrp mibl - ciro,santipclo lla yersson

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—zevvyt(45)
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=A uadaeCt ( nslfak Lterlaa eB=enVl r)tic netranlI u,Capels eebtenw saTlhaum nad rtoefminL Nusecl(u nume,Pat )CPG= h(luTsama Fnsalk d3r elrteD= Vicn lroTpema bE =Leo cacpiOtil ebLo

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—burak(71)
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ntePtia ahd tlncrae icafal vrnea mdeaag 4 flte erasiei;mshp dna lal teh eimgas rea fmor eht hEtrei eh has geaadm to tollnacaeratr tcilaocr sarae ciwhh pesertner etehs trusructse ro ipotstlilrosnaci-ncoparccoi renev emgd.aa

enlnratI auplces oerisrotp :biml iiCrsooaltcnp tromo adn neosrys vu:sGrnneee blroibrtocuCa eieirbortfs rAn :blim amThotcollaiarc iesbfr

dyrSmenos sdcuae by CI aa:dmge rPue mtoro hsmee,raispi ureP snseryo otrk,se eg-ehaiilmaxiAtp, hlaurtmiyD-yrCssa ahnd

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burak  oilooncait*scpbbl-rrrutoicca +

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submitted by โˆ—sahusema(174)
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ainePtst iwht na ienaltnr aplcsue tsekor cyolommn veah rpue rmtoo ewkassne gnciafetf eth celttnararoal m,ra ,elg dan wlore .afec rtoatealrlCna ctpitaiyss ro endesaric noet whti heyrfaerpleix era soal se.trnpe

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