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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old man has had progressive dyspnea ...
Usual interstitial pneumonitis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by notadoctor(175)
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lUuas eiitianlsttr npoumientsi is the lsltaihiocgo ifeidinotn fo dtiihpacIo ylrumanpo oi.isrbsf eW kwon atht shit tneiapt ash ynurlmpoa sofsirbi ecueasb the tuiosenq esstta taht eerth si fuorisb nnihtcekgi fo teh olvrelaa st.ape Thsi stiunoeq was just tietgsn thta we ewkn teh oetrh aemns for mPranuoly soFbiisr.

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aneurysmclip  Nmeb abck ta ti igaan +37
pg32  sI ti iltsl rednidceos tpcadiiioh ounapymrl obsirfsi si it peraasp to hvae bnee cseadu yb na lacpitay epunniaom? +1
zevvyt  yhW otn ia?oossiScdr lWtnu'od Ssdracioos saol be a hcoinrc fnnomaialti whit urobifs g?itcnhknie +2
swagcabana  IUP is a terebt awr.nes icSroad si a plae ni gl,oci lusua tsaiiirltten unoetipsmin si otbxtkeo scalghiiolot dfieontnii of itaiohcipd apnmorlyu fs.oibsir hTe bioysp ash no nonimte of eniasnacnotg runlaamgos dan eth clalcnii tpireuc is not otntseiscn ihtw an aamlmrynitof oso heva ot csfou on hte rttebe aes,nwsr ytr tno ot etg ugtcha pu in hte "wyh "t?nso agCinll iths soscasodrii si kile eomoesn mignoc ni htiw ltcatoporipy sahtma dna uingpjm to nohlsoiipice roanugmsotual whti stgpiinaly.oi uSer its a issbiytploi but tsi filteyenid nto .kiylel +7
mangotango  I cikdep feiud“sf ervlloaa ad”gmea iwht malournyP bsiriFos in mind ubt eeths ear auatylcl yek swdro ofr RSAD /: +5
zevvyt  khnta you aaas!wbagcn yreV dgoo aoeatpinxnl nda t!resgaty +

 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by gabstep(15)
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funod tshi ni rbnob:si teh lgioaicodr nad olstiigohc tteaprn fo sribosif is rdrerefe ot as uulas eatttrslinii naeiupomn, hwhic si rrueiedq rfo the osidigasn of .PIF

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drdoom  se*ouniipmnt +
drdoom  v^r!ninedme +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by sweetmed(157)
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sUlua intlteaisitr uionpeman (U)PI is a rfmo of glun isseeda idacteczraehr by srevipgesor anrsigrc fo obth sg[.lnu1] eTh cnsagirr ii(fbo)rss ovvisnel het itgornpspu omrwfrake t(risuit)etnmi fo hte gun.l UIP is tsuh sfaelisdic sa a omrf of intierltatis gnul saies.ed Teh rtem auuls"" fseerr to teh catf atth IUP si the osmt comnom form fo tieitrtilsna b.rsoifsi i"eonmn"Pua aicsdinte ngl"u tiala"n,mrbyo hhicw eudsncli isfboris dan .antaofmliinm A etmr opuyerlvsi udse orf PUI in eth Bhsirti irealtteur is yirongtpcce soirngfib asieitlolv FC,)A( a ertm thta ahs ealnfl out of rafov isnce the biacs irunydnleg layphtogo si nwo touhthg ot be biof,sirs otn aaiitnmolnmf. eTh term asuul srtaelttiiin sionuinptme I(P)U has also foetn been ,deus btu a,igna teh ist-i tpar of ttha neam mya pevsorhziaeem olmim.aniatnf thBo IPU adn FAC vhae neeb idsdbecre as syuynomnos whti cphiiidota muonlrpay ibsfo.ris

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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oPaamht assy thta inesirtatilt ay)alcit(p omanupine is trccizdeareah by ffseidu srlitiettain ttiineafl,rs neerptss /w talivlreye mldi perpu prse topsmsmy imnlmi(a psmtuu amp&; wlo f)re,ve dna si stmo nteof uadsec by r,evssiu tbu can eb iabl.taerc eHv,rweo siht ionsuqet is strgpnenei a icnhroc c,sae os Im' imsugsna atht the isvrpueo irnsittlaeti mnnaipueo acdues a rioftibc pesonrse ni hte .nlgu

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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Ialfl slee lias:f etno htta rheot rswean shecioc rae DCPO sepyt

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dragon3  cp(exte csdri)iasoos +2
leaf_house  I gto hgun up no wyh hsit tnlcoud' eb daos,cir dan I htkni no hanmalphdyoepty si oen of the soenasr uoy toud'wln ickp it (hhTogu ti emess iekl it nca eusac vleraalo peslta g:iknicthne t0.rf8o1g4i1tu3p/a215.:1/uso.s/5rs.01gl0h/rn6dlpb//) +
lovebug  tsitercvieR VS becittuvOsr y!vre odog po!tin HX!T +
schep  if it erwe rcdsoai, ton'lduw teh sopybi wosh ceianosntnga argnso?amlu +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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ym rneginandstdu fo hits si mrof apathom - rliestitIant cla)(ayitp pnueinaom - acdseu by dfusefi nltetirsiati fl.stretiina anC eb sedcau by yompasacMl eu,npmo S,RV diayhcalm u,onepm lnnfzuie,a eiaxllco reuinibt

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athenathefirst  ahYe utb hwo odse tath help yuo oosceh lsuaU rttliiatesn enopi?nmua +

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