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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#19 (reveal difficulty score)
A 22-year-old man has had frequent episodes ...
C1 esterase inhibitor (binds activated C1r, C1s) ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—mcl(670)
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tatenPi mya ahev rthieeayrd im,ndeoagea wcihh si sodcasteai wthi rcrrutne"e astctak of ete,nsni ,vssaiem dilcoalze asotusecunbu edema nnoigilvv eth mxtter,iiees gtnae,ilai afc,e or knt,ru or ssbouamlcu daeem fo upper yiawar ro e."wlobs eTh craleit eogs no ot sya eeatCre-s1"s ibiiohnrt oswkr tdrlceiy on eht emmcetnopl nda cctaont sapaml sesacacd ot uredce rkaibnynid eerelas" whcih is also obplbayr ogod ot k.nwo


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notadoctor  oguThht tshi swa a ikcrt eunsiqot as C1 eertsase ccydiefnei oasl lseutsr in a creeased in .4C eewoH,rv eth nesdoc arwesn cechoi asw nto egrrefrni ot C4 but ot 4C nigdbin terniop, chihw I wno nkow si nreedftif. I also dt'ind ierlaez 1C aeestesr was acnehyliclt a mntpoelemc e.rontpi +4
youssefa  adBse no naym uescros atredyierh meoeadaing esod TON secau a hras itraiaru)c( hwich is a mnia ngefnieatdriift inpto ewteenb mgeoaanide dan lge.ryla ihsT eamisld me ni tihs ienu.qsto nyA naci?alrcioift +27
ergogenic22  +1 on het abeov uacebse poutated esttas htat 1c seeaster noibhriti nfeycidi,ec tobh qdaiuecr dna eroitnnda,erhy rae ohtb nrarlnci,oaut-i -curnoniirpt, and htat si nefmdicro yb eht aovbe ikelnd tcaelri +2
sahusema  toisuneQ tiwerr lrbobapy 'ndidt owkn het eeffnriedc eebewnt nueacutso rtrauaici dan uaunuetscsbo demea. +5
almondbreeze  a.sme tgo ti nrgwo cb eth pt dtdn'i eavh xs of aeryeitdrh onmgeaidae - oelwlsn plsi nda eydleis +2
teepot123  fa 19 pg 071 +1
beloved_bet  cdnciorgA ot Amssbo as"tM mcledilet-aed dge maneOaftnoie dcoasitesa hitw rrcataiiu adn pO esrtiutrhru atsesiaocd itwh naicllic ifnsdngi of rlelicga tesroiacn se(e etpy 1 hsnreiivytseitpy tsnsrnr )iaetecoPe twihni 30 simutne to 2 huros eafrt epxuerso nda rvoeesls evro ohurs to yd"sa +2
skonys  sTih onuiestq si ass +1

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submitted by โˆ—jsmoov(25)
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iTsh aitenpt sah CUDEQIRA OAIG,NEDEMA hcwhi si tnfredief omrf itHr.aeedry nI yatHerreid yuo do TON sreenpt ihtw itcairaru sa dienomnte yb mseo uerovpsi moct.smne


uiqdrecA danoeimage (AE)A is dtrziceecarha by aqrdieuc fniccidyee of 1C birhtiion C-1I)H,(N cytoiahatvinerp of hte aslisccla haawtyp of nhaum otlecnmpem adn aoeingmead stmyopms damteied yb nabinrkdyi eaesdrle by pianropptiear cttavoiina fo teh otin-ccinantk tss.eym

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—syoung07(58)
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msees ihst drrietehya neiaoeadmg kalsc we,ll nregvehity ttah is rreidathey goiae.amnde aThts emos doog flmayi unf htere eh Cntoto

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—abhishek021196(119)
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eyrHdreait agiaodnmee A()EH udseca by -rtseaseC1e ohiitribn yecncfiedi is an muatoadnosatinmo-l eiseads nltegruis morf a mnttoiua ni hte iiohbintr-1C HAE is dccerezariath yb rceetunrr astckta of seenin,t aie,ssmv liadzelco sstbnouauceu meaed ignivvnlo hte extree,tsimi aeatii,ngl cea,f ro ktnru, or msoalcusub mdeae fo ppuer iywaar or ewb.ols oeuRtin mrnegt-lo syiaopxrhpl thiw etrhie euatendatt nreasondg ro sr1s-aeteeC rtoihibni has nebe nhswo to udecre eth nyreeufqc and vysreite of EHA aact.kts

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submitted by kolivera(4)
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hiTs is wtah I maec cosrsa pigtunt teh two a(ngmeidaeo + )aoapysrslngm ere.tothg Teka iton uoatccn tath thsi foin is agrrigden EAIsC tub, I sgeus wthi a itacner syeetv,ri edegnaiamo anc eb caietsasod tiwh rhote s.x ,erH"owve adaioenmeg has urredcoc edslduyn arfte nsmoth to years of rhy,atep adn uboat 20% of knnow csesa of maegadneio ricgcunor ni htsi xtoncet aym vvoilen reeves sotmypsm (,e.g. sydp,aen rtdsir,o o)p.rasalsgmn"y


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submitted by syloruspincter(1)
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I to'dn liveeeb thsi qnetiuso is ndridsesag eydirhrtae edaiamngeo hc(whi si tlinyfedie a aentsionftiam fo H1N-IC ce,fy)edcnii ubt erthar sjtu aevceriotv nmteopmcel ec(nsi sit tiobhriin is cnd)feeiit. mRreeebm htat uscdtopbry fo hte pmteemcnlo acecasd dlecinu C,3a ,Ca4 and 5,aC whcih rae lal plnaaaioh.ystxn Eesoispd" fo usaonecut iuacrtari and cinscaoola odsseeip of gnso"pmrsaayl bsircedes na aglicelr otiancre atht nac eb datimede yb het linyoanhasxpat coduderp ni eth aacsec.d Teh teohr rwasne eicochs ldwuo dela ot deerseadc cmeotmnpel tvyitcia nad othfereer eeelras of refwe

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