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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#19 (reveal difficulty score)
A 22-year-old man has had frequent episodes ...
C1 esterase inhibitor (binds activated C1r, C1s) ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—mcl(670)
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iaentPt yam eavh rehieyardt ogedinama,e cihwh is ascdotaise iwht "rercnuetr stactka of etens,ni mvs,aise eocldliza uoanesuubstc ameed vovnilign the itistxee,rme niaeg,itla fe,ca or ,rknut or sscuumlabo deaem fo reupp riaway or b".sleow ehT reialct goes no ot say e-saC1ts"ree bhinrtoii srowk yercdtli no eht motneelmcp and taconct mspaal saesccad to uerecd inibdyaknr reeasle" hwhci is oasl baolyprb ogdo ot nwko.


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notadoctor  Ttouhhg isth swa a tirkc qseution as C1 rsetsaee cyinecdife sloa rutsesl in a edresaec ni .C4 H,evoewr eth ceosdn aewsrn cihceo saw nto nferrireg ot C4 tbu ot C4 indgnbi or,tinpe ciwhh I wno wokn si drtffniee. I osla ndi'dt reziale C1 teaerses was laltienhycc a tonmcplmee en.pitro +4
youssefa  aBeds no many cosreus irarhteyde agidaneemo sdoe TON uasce a hsar ctiaua(i)rr ichwh si a iman igfrniiettndfae itonp weteneb aeaomndgie adn leyl.rag Tish mseiadl em in tihs neutiq.os nyA ctrcf?iainailo +27
ergogenic22  +1 no teh avbeo ubeaesc ottudpea esstat ttah 1c eeaesstr tbiihiron yecnfiiecd, thbo reaqciud dan aeiryondnhter, ear both ai,actr-unonilr -rocupnint,ri nad hatt si dmnfrcieo yb eth obaev dienkl rtiacel +2
sahusema  niseotuQ reirwt abplobry ddint' kwno eth ifcnedfeer tnwebee ntueocasu aauiirtrc dna uoscsneuuabt d.eaem +5
almondbreeze gto it nowgr cb eth tp ddnt'i vaeh xs of detaryhier aimnedeoga - elonlsw lisp nad edesiyl +2
teepot123  af 91 gp 710 +1
beloved_bet  cidcgnoAr ot soAmbs a"stM eelald-midtce ei nntaeagmfdoOe aiatcsodse twih ctauiiarr dna stehrOptuirru sitacdasoe wthi ilicacln sfgdiinn fo glcailer csnrtioea (ees yept 1 tsyivpehiynrstei ietsonn eaer)tcrPs tihniw 03 einsumt ot 2 sohru arfte pxueoers nad soevslre vero usrho to sd"ya +2
skonys  This oneqistu si ssa +1

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submitted by โˆ—jsmoov(25)
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Tshi petiatn sha QUEIDRAC EMENDIOG,AA ichwh is tenfierdf omrf eeiaHtyrrd. nI rdiatHyeer uyo od NOT prseent twhi uaiicrart as tnnomeedi by smeo pvouersi tsco.enmm


uqdcArei egdeoaiamn AA(E) is trhdarcaczeei by duacqier icenyeifdc fo 1C rinihobti )-(H,CNI1 eranhaivytoitpc fo eth csllasiac tahpwya of hnuam otpmcleenm and ediomgnaea ssmtmpyo ietmaded by dknnbiryia sedrleae by poeraiprnptai atiniacvto fo eth anntniikoc-ct meyts.s

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—syoung07(58)
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essem htis diayeehrtr eedamnoiga clask ew,ll vhegnetriy atth si yedtirhaer meed.naigoa sTtha omes good mfayli fun ehrte eh oCnott

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—abhishek021196(119)
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Hrdiyereta aneeioagmd (EAH) udcase by tsa-ees1Cre trohbniii yceniiefdc si na sttu-modoinanlamoa esdseia tsgnlieur fmro a timtnauo in eth b1i-ithCirno e.egn HAE si ehidtecrcazar yb runteerrc astaktc fo teens,in aemv,sis lzdailoec uocebtuusasn daeem voivnignl hte exteseir,mit n,igaitael face, or knrt,u ro bslumcusoa eeamd of uprpe iwaary or oslbew. tiRuneo ml-rteogn oahxyrlspip tihw hretie detteaaunt ogderasnn ro rCs-t1esaee brnihitoi ash enbe whsno ot eeucdr teh ucneyqfer nad esrvyeit of HEA tkaasct.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by kolivera(4)
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iThs is wtha I aecm asscor tginptu teh otw a(igaednemo + pmsanoalysr)g r.ohgttee eTka tion cocntau ttah isth fino si earinggrd CIAEs btu, I uessg iwht a entacir ,veieryts idegamonea nac be dassiaecot iwht orhte xs. ,werve"oH nieoageadm ahs cdceourr ulendsdy atefr otnhsm to aerys of tehyapr, nda uatob 0%2 of wnokn sesac fo agiemdneoa ogirncurc in htsi oetxntc yam vnelivo veeres smymptos ,(e.g. sye,dnpa ro,rtdsi )as.sna"yrpgmlo


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submitted by syloruspincter(1)
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I tnod' elvebei tish etqsiuno si edidgnsras eeyirhrtda dieaoegnma hwic(h si iynietedlf a oatniatmsfine fo NI1H-C iydcce)efn,i ubt rtahre tjus cvoveierat mcnepetmol se(icn tis ithbniroi si cnifdi.tee) mbereemR atht syopdurcbt of hte tpnmemloec aascedc cuneldi Ca,3 C4,a dan Ca,5 wchhi rea all apnxinto.yashla ospEe"isd of tuceansou ircuarati and clonaaoics spoeisde of "raymlosasgpn sereidbsc na riaglcel orectani atht anc be eidtmeda yb teh aaatnxlypnohis rcodpeud ni the ehT herto reawsn shicoec udowl adle to rdecdseae empelmocnt iivtcyta nda eohrrtfee reelaes fo rfeew .oahxysaaninplt

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