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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A study is conducted to assess the normal ...
500 Men from a list of patients scheduled to be examined by a urologist 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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nxnmEgaii iepatnt mfro a uotirglos ispmeli oeskrnB Bisa chwih luodw wesk eht tnpiolaopu mane of surme eura terniong awya morf hte reut auraecct e.amn ,hTen eraeilz ipcnosier is etneddepn no tclittaassi er""Pow wchih is csndriaee bsdea no the sezi of eth appniooult fo the .dsuty crdis(eena csrienpio = ndacriees acisittsatl .rew)op oT,refereh na rnseieac ni uoponlapit of a isabed pgour hwti adel ot cnuiccraay with hihg irpoens.ic

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forerofore  ot dad pu, het goutsoilr shemlif nodte's dad ro oemrve ruccayca (sniec hist is a oldbo ,se)tt hwta rasceedes eht crcacuya si het fatc taht ni rredo ot eb etns to a irsgtuloo uoy aorpblby era iksc ni eth frsti aelcp nelec(soit ab,)is so ouyr uaer nognriet is ylkiel ot be ed.lreat +27
sharpscontainer  I ohgthtu fo esnoprici as mero fo a tfcninuo fo vrncaeai. cVairaen iwll reescdae thwi a rragete pmsela sez.i daH a dahr item suaceeb I saw gnihnkit aotbu tseoh 4 adnr sgeartt oltdnw(u' 050 trasd lkoo rmeo deaprs out tnah ?01 ubt ,on teh anivreca ilwl eb bttree) atth veha eben ni my xtobktsoe eicsn t7h aderg nda rfo eth tirsf tiem I swa saedk a nusiqeto tbuao isht oecpntc ylno to icsvrode hatt I idt'dn vhae ti nwod sa well as I su.emads +1
peridot  ehsrpcaosntiar@n I lfee o,yu I ughthto teh xctae meas hi.tng ooLedk iton it a tib dan I ihtnk it has soimgneht ot od ihwt teh ayw tsdndraa roerr ro adrtdans iadnvoite or sohnimtge keil atth si ,aeulldatcc tub 'mI stlil osnufecd adn too edtri to dgi re.hrfut sAo,l wtadne to notniem taht hist NMEB has a airlsim outeinsq tbu eantisd s'ti oatbu hte %95 ccfednneoi ialentvr - mabey lla'htt ehpl ouy sunrtndaed eth iiosrcpne tnhig reebtt icnes the 5%9 ecciondefn avnleitr nrwaors hwit a arlgre malpes seiz? So i'st kniad deit ot iipcnsr?oe +

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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.1 aEpxlem of crtaciuena but lhhgyi eeipcrs 
    a. 500 isanpett eniesg a rlapcrauit rotocd rfo a pctialaurr 
les2l.nis laEmpxe of accaetur tub mri
iseecp    a. 10 teiatnsp rnoudeg a eiesgncrn at a alml 3.
 tohB Auetarcc nad cerpise 
    .a 005 inptesat ih(hg irescinpo) oeungrd a ncenirgse gh(ih cccaaury ~ on siab ro etcissym oe
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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accurAyc smaen the aadt otpisn rea s,epdrside tbu ehwn ouy tkae eht mnea fo seoth os,tpin hatt maen m(p“sael )na”em is ynbera eth potolunipa emna r(uet“ ”)mea.n ataD tipons era m“eor ce”erips if the esiipdrsno scorsa adat istpon si armesll tnha soem oerht tes fo atda tnspio t(enioc hwo htis si a rnsiaompoc nda ton an e“aulbo”st t)sm;aenett rconsepii sysa otighnn obtau owh close the ravgeea of hte aadt tspnio ear ot eht urt“e .a”men

eepK ni dmni ttah ucarycca dna sreincpio rae lereaitv or;scietrdsp ouy a’cnt yas -o-“snsoda si rse”cip;e o,n ouy can lnyo sya scadnh-usuhc“- is ermo seecpir athn a”oo-s-nds or dss-aoon-“ is mroe ucraatec hatn snhcsud-”uh.-ac oS, in ihst aes,c ew nac rfien atht NEBM sesirodcn “men ta the to”ruilgos ot aveh NBUs ahtt are oclsre to ecah rhtoe eomr( t;eedlsruc rome iec;spre essl e)edpsrsdi anht eth BUsN of m“ne at lm”al.

sre’He a cnei eg:iam

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by cuthbertallg0od(15)
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gsDcisisnu ciosrienp lyno kesma essen if ythe wree ot sample "X # ei"nattps mlleiutp etism and ees hwo ecsol the fenitfdre raneem'messut rulstes eewr ot ehac heT aatcul zeis of hte leapsm u'dolhst efftac crse,nioip utb hreatr it solduh tjsu eftfac cacauyrc wch(hi si dureecd yb hte beiasd toulppnaoi ta het g.tor)uosil hSm

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by ali_hassan(11)
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wHo does 050 men tiwh uarsvio lcouigrloa onotncsdii rletsu ni a iepcsre mietea?ts 'ndtlouW the vrtyaie fo veuals eud to avoiurs egeresd of sisnlle euedrc niecsroip dan ucesa a deiwr et?yariv

bMeay I hrutohogvet ti

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