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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#23 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying the regulation of ...
Intravenous infusion of 0.9% saline for 5 minutes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: immuno Saline Lymphatic

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 +23  upvote downvote
submitted by andro(269)
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rtFis oiPtn : Lmhpy fsmor at teh plaCalyir evlel fo ldobo ssevles ( sa siht is ehrwe uifld sveom in and otu fo eeslssv lnoag tihw tselmiteoab dna rinsnutte ) .

The tninuocf fo mhypl is ot utrern xecess orsenpti dna tenitlirstia uldif acbk to hte lmdaobserto ( Rlelac mhLpy ltyveuanle idnsar tion eth egral evsn)i

Seocdn Ptoin : eW yam asrencei lymhp eihret yb ascenngiir .1 eht erta at ciwhh we mofr ti . .2 sgaicDenre the atre of negaidar ( ei. - stgrtncoiub hmply esslves )

oT sinreeca hlypm fomirtnoa ew aevh to esiancre teh trae at hihcw idflu rlsftei tuo fo het iacirlsalpe . iThs can be ndoe by igelatrn tnlaSsrig cserfo in het yaiallcrp

  • saginrecnI toasyrctdhi uresespr
  • isergnDcae toncOci rsuerspe

noigG thuogrh eht iotnsop
o itOnp A : nlneohdtiE lilw ueacs ntotiviorcsnasco of amlyonurP rateyr Tish. is crlppraailey ganenmi ew lwli aevh esls o/bdol uldif titggne ot the lcealiirspa - ddeecaesr ohtrdycsati resesupr dan aeedcesrd ymlhp nformtoia
nOopit B : Ctncoorisint fo lruypmona aretry aiang
oO tpin C nad D : elda ot eth ycoioshglpi pesenosr of pxyoihc rnotnissovictaoc
npt iOo E : cnerIased cioocnt rsersepu adsreeesc teh oaumnt of dfilu vnoimg tuo fo slarcleipia

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lovebug  own I rdsn~~da!nue!t XHT :) +2
limberry  I velbiee oyu eanm pni"Oot :F aeeInsrcd occntio rsupseer edaercess het oamntu fo iufld ovgimn tou fo eacalri"islp aitdens fo toinOp E, hrit?g +3
weirdmed51  eYs . buiAlnm kaa oc.oldil +

 +18  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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hmypL lfwo tera is aylsluu lwo. It is enfcdulien iirpmlyra yb teh tear of pyhml omn.aotfri roF pxe,mela fi bdool rcliapyla erseurps is irecedans yb ialreart dioivlntsoaa ro usenvo siirncc,tootn het wlfo eart of ypmhl nas.ecires oAl,s eht lwfo reta is defaeftc yb eimspsoncro fo tyslhpimac by tnracotocni of hgoniibngre aruslumeuct and by egvaenti inchtratrioca rsuerpes gb.)rat(ineh

nteItairitsl ruerpses (os esesurrp ni het CE,F hwchi doulw resneaci if iegnv VI elais)n nad lhpmy lfwo rae ipvsoeytli delr.eta A slalm anecsrei in rsltnaitetii vmuleo eagrlyt erascsnie tis pusrsree, gtrmioopn hpyml wolf hatt tasc to oerrtse eth tiirseaittnl ovueml to .maolnr

orme no htis toci:p B4h/s/obo..//tiwps:4htk.vngcwwl8onbinK.m/3N5

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linwanrun1357  oD not snnerdadut teh tbhanrgie (ciohce C nda )aeDrth b in nad tou aer td?neirfef +
khanhluong  I dn'to onkw fi sit' rcortce or otn btu woh I ehprcdapao C ;pam& D swa ttah ethy bhto saceu atonsrcioncviost in hte eleitrsroa ubes(cea isth si eth gnlu werhe pxhyiao secsau ca,scnoir)otniovts hichw rsecsdeea oisdytchart ersspure hrotghu het caalrespili nad lveletyaun eceasrdes mplhy l.wfo yaebM I coptyemell ogt htsi inoesqut gthri rfo norwg a,erons tub I telf atht ti okrsw ihtw lla of the roF F) I wsa iginkhtn atht ti uwodl uecas eeindacrs pciallary iocctno urpseser cihwh aeuscs oerm udfli to og toin het alplryaic ahnt iotn eht phmly eHs'r e a tuceri:p cdttwil.g/nae:hph/hmbomwup//t0tmwoa1.0/pncLe/tfyl.peloms2igsao-19wycp/d +5

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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sonotrtcsinicaoV rngwoar(in of a tebu) will eucas eth wlof reta ot csrneaei gruohth ahtt ,uetb cihhw seeecrsda taidwadlra/oru res.peurs hTe rfesat a lfdiu voems gtohurh a u,teb teh ssel a“r”towdu ecrfo it teerxs. h(Tis is konnw sa eth urietnV feftec).

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hungrybox  not neiges owh sthi si ltaerenv +9
sympathetikey  esH' wginohs woh A ≈m B era cironrcet uybg@nxorh +7
nerdstewiegriffin  htaw a omron hunbrxo@gy si !! +2
leaf_house  TMCA chbasflksa on thsi igame +1

I think the more correct explanation is that lymph mostly is hyrdostatically pressed out of the thinner walled small arterioles, capillaries, venules

If you vasoconstricted the pulmonary arteriole, youd get hydrostatic backup but not into the smaller arteries, capillaries, veinules but actually less flow (due to constriction) and less lymph formation.

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by d_holles(218)
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2%0 alniumb is PREHniYtco dna uesacs rdigwan of luifd tou fo eht imenrttsuti dna toin teh odlbo.

u"nAblmi anuHm)( 0%2 si ntiedadic ni eth gremcenye mnrttaete of pioeaolyhmv whti or uhwitot .kshoc Ist ceeeftvneifss in ergrsnvie eihvympoaol sdpedne rlalegy upon sti tlaiybi to awdr ntatilertiis dflui iotn eth rn.oictlciau It si tsmo fceetevfi ni eaisntpt hwo rae well d.tareydh hneW boold meuolv tefiidc is eht teslru of herr,gmhoea omalciptbe dre odblo cslel or eolhw lbood dlohsu be ddtiremnieas as ylkuiqc sa "pl.obsise


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by assoplasty(108)
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tocicViosotnasnr eeearscsd dlboo lfow adn suth esecsaedr ocrthsiydat Semse ntocure ititvieun tbu I dha to kloo iths pu faert I tgo ti gnrw,o oto.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by bgreen27(6)
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naC oeoemsn hpel a ehorrbt u?to yM ninkgiht wsa htta erdniseac udfli in the lttirieistan ealds ot cirensaed ymp,hl so I tthhguo etyh reew kgnoloi ofr iegmshnto to isusealmt gihh udliatet naolmuypr emead or rearilta pylanmuor ,NHT ihhcw I ma yttrep erus hbto ldae ot ylnapuorm am.ede heWer ddi I go go?wnr

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ali_hassan  sthi htgim be udipts utb i gto ti igtrh thwi iths aenectas:oiine rral la"o"nrm ilufd (90%. eias)ln in body = ncriseae hpmly folw. ybelltoasu no ecmiadl cnocetp ot i,t stju glcio oll +

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