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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Increased parathyroid hormone 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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Syoadecrn iredhytpipaarysrohm llya(usu /td cnohrci lnrea f.raule)i

bLa gsnndiif uncelid ↑ HPT snoep(ers to lwo )cau,clmi ↓ uemrs cailmcu ln(are lifru,)ae ↑ emsur hahesptop a(erln ri)afu,el adn ↑ naleakli aoethshsppa HT(P cigitvanta )l.sosetsBato

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haliburton  loas errmemeb atth in enlar ei,aulrf shy-darplhleo-y1xaa acttiiyv is won,d os terhe lwil eb esls icaainvtot fo ocleahclhl5oefyrd-cyrxoi2 ot elo-le2yafiyo5ocr1dr,hc,xhlc ihwch is a yek nmiscahme uincsag ehypialmcaoc. +4
cr  ywh not daeinscre eolor,lcf-hilchayo5ec2?dyxr thwi the aems gloci binrltaohu ialpxen +
nala_ula  ndecasreI peopta,shh cinse eth yindesk ertna' gwnkoir lelw, elasd to eth eslreae fo sifaobrblt hogtrw cfaotr 23 rfmo nboe, chiwh eesdcrase lcoictrial prtoidonuc and dadceseer lcumica brtpo.soina eTh anrcesei in eothshapp adn the resecade in cuiaclm elad ot acsyreond oihataymipephrdrs.ry +2
privatejoker  obPrlbya a ubmd seuqtion but hwo od we tieilvfdnyie okwn hatt hte ALP is lveaeedt if ehty iveg us on enfeerecr rnega ni hte abl vauesl or Q ?stme igvEhrenyt atsted ebvoa dtyinfeile sekam snese rmof a llygpoaisohci ,sapndtonit I swa utsj su.ucrio +1
fatboyslim  r@c eth nisuoqte ekasd t"he tstei'pan ENBO PNAI si omts eyillk cduaes by chwih fo hte nfowlg?o"il dneIscera vllees fo hy2hlexoocccailed5-orlfry ighmt itesx in ttha atnetip, utb it donl'utw ueacs nboe ipna. HPT sceuas oneb apni esubace of neob tonsropire +3
suckitnbme  jrpeitk@oaver LPA is eicnudld ni hte adndasrt abl lvueas +
makinallkindzofgainz  eapr@erojtvki ALP si dtslie neudr haopshPeat"s ()lkn,ilaae rusme" ni het lab sauevl +1
pg32  Why deos loAskhP ecarnies ni eanrl rop?theosytdosy The PHT wludo eb ytngri ot utsealtim boen rnoietpsor rsence(ai oCsTAoteSL cv,)yatiti ton ebno onoaifrmt tT(ooSsBLeA )ticit.ayv +
drzed  p23g@ the yoln awy ot tmueslait na aotssotcle in siht asce e(g.. vai )HTP is yb niitultmsga teassooblts fisrt t(hru ANRN/AKLKR ne,nactt)irio suht PAL .ercsineas +1
skonys  AF 1209 .134 tWha I am osfndcue on si ywh eth aC is in teh nolr-alowm n?rgea Wyh nto pcilcmaeyhare lkei ni Pmarriy yHreTHpP +

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submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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mermeRbe HTP sa seahoPhtp ranTihgs mHoe.nro

sooPhuhps↑r t;&g- ↑PHT oiesctrne &;-tg eonb↑ orropients g;t&- A↑PL and noeb p.nia

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by cr(5)
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why ton deasrcein f,lxdy?cllah-e5ioocryoh2rec whti eth asme ocgil htrubilano ainxepl +

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usmle11a  i bieeelv enacires lclciOh2cole5Hefaro dsaitecin the rtoasge tacpaciy of tiv ,D which owtn eb dafeetcf ni scea fo C.KD t i eogs lkei h,tis knesydi ontw esrpodn ot ulegrar PH,T esosl aC dan ncat etreceex ,PO4 PHT gets adem and esitr ot nrbu oenb ot oeucrdp a,C nsreliutg ni edvlatee elvels fo Ca and OP,4 aC ilwl idnb the iclamuc and og ot ekdiyn,s tey emsa rytso lla .roev add ot ttha het tacf tath 1 oh lyxerodhsya tnow be leba to nfoctuni ni a ddae ndkeiy. +1

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submitted by iwannabedonewiththis(1)
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tusj sa a egaerln tiosuen,q dlwuo eerht be low leeslv fo 1 ()25OH-2 ?

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sd22  ,Yse dyniek sha a-hlp1a rhyydxaselo chwih cvsenort 2C-H5C to H.1C,5C2- CDK ;g&-t wol -Hs-1eaaO iyactitv ;&-tg lwo H,512-CC +

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