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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Inferior rectus and inferior oblique ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dr_jan_itor(87)
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iopOtn A si het oynl pintoo where boht mluescs rea artp fo het arlotbi ols lor,.foA eth last ntensece ni hte uqtensoi smte si a tatlo dmofyeri of wtah noe wduol pxceet eht tniusoeq ot be sn.gaik tI si ont gnsaki rfo uyo ot usemas ttha seteh lumssce hvea nebe e,serdve pedrlzaay, ro rddneere a.cfidl It si skigan uoy to sausme that htey vhea bmeceo era"pdnp"te fi eht cmsuel is apter,edpn tneh it tocnan lowla the eye to oevm onit vthweaer stoiipno ti uwold be ni wneh teh eslmuc is ta tsi ngdhneeetl pio.iostn So in ihst ca,se tI si eht orfnieri cuestr gebni eeatpdrpn ni a claylnfnituo rdhtnsoee pnoisito thta is ngpitnvree druwap zgea.

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cjdinurdreamz  mi .softceo.sdedu.nn eht IR kaem teh yee okol wnod os if ist rtdappe tneh why is upwdra azeg dcefteaf dna nto rddwno?aw +
nutmeg_liver  iemzd@ajunrrcd it dose kame oruy eey loko d,won so nceis its' rpadept in a clunnotiyfla oshrrte tpsooini u'eoyr trpadep nolkoig wno,d ont u.p +5

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—burak(71)
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abOtril orlof eufacrr:t

-1 rtoIfanarbli rveen ijnu:yr sbsunmeN dna shesrtipeaa of teh pepur ehkce, pperu ,pli reupp gga.iniv

2- nrmteEnpta fo het ieorrfni ctrues mcus:el raeImipd apuwrd zage

-3 lmpohasntsoEi

-4 igsnCluo of rxilalaym ius:ns repordTa gins

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minion7  fi RI ceuslm is efdftaec it si piiemard wadrndwo !!z!ega +
makinallkindzofgainz  ,@7nonimi If eth fIeinrro cuRtse csumel si idaeirmp .(eg. evren )yni,stdfcnuo tneh ,sey wdwrdaon aezg wloud be aftdf.cee Hv,oeerw eth tniueqso tetssa htat treeh is NEAPETTRNM of umc.sels ripnTgap the iifrnero urscte lcesum ilstleanyes lkcos the eey toin a odarwdwn ,egza rroefteeh giipnmair uwdpra z,aeg sa het oenfirir rucset lsumce si aleslteiyns pdaeptr in onc.trcatoin +5

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—soph(84)
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sit bc siht are teh oyln 2 sslemuc on het iboatrl rolof eolgog oatirlb olrof mssulec in olegog ise mgasNssmNmg/chRsos:lu:Ntletweoc=/tlMc&rp/bcaFEh#?hiO=tbramow.+ica.eLPmuOrqi=g1owg

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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eIfirorn qobilue = pshel oyu olok up ;&apm n.i

lA,so yhet dsai oofrl of het rito,b so ti mskae nesse thta eth fnrireio lcusmse wodlu .adadgme

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sahusema  I wonk yoru'e g.trih I saw utjs os talrnobmofeuc gncipik na rnwase hitw irrfeo"in tu"escr aesuebc gaamed to the eofirinr esctru dsoe gionnth to inpaexl het caicnlli nnsifdig of idamerip dwurap aze.g nslseU het msuelc si yyacphlisl cuskt nda tca'n eraxl or etingohms +7
emmy2k21  erdeg.A Wyh ldwou a taiuoynfdnslc rneifior utecrs coeibtrnut ot daiempir warpdu ?ezg??a I dimnieleta taht asrwne oceihc dan tgo it nowgr (: +2
dr_jan_itor  in hte lsta ennestce it kssa yuo to susmae na nt",rta"penme os it si tcuaalyl eht oriferin tuecsr wcihh is het ceuas fo het urawdp zeag pl.sya ehT pdnatrpee ulmesc is acltfyluonin dpretpa in its' sheoedtnr pnoit,osi berthye not aillogwn hte boitr to egaz a.purwd +16
chandlerbas  m!ab _n_atijdror tjsu neaedcl pu tath conisufno +2
weirdmed51  hyW fnrieori euibqol nhet? sDtoโ€™ne OI lehps to olko up ? +1
freemanpeng  yaM be IR is ogrstern htan IO ni dwwnodra ea?gz +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—blah_blah(1)
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iIoerfnr eoqbliu dna forriIen tecsru lmceus rae obth in eth obrilat roflo. rpntEatmne of etseh sulecms iwll ont aowll teseh idunviaidl msscule ot od heirt

IR = eey tancon kloo nowO Id = eey onanct okol pu

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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anC annoey ilenpax hawt ao"pldii"p i?psimel I gto cstku ehsytb"e lcniialc dsnin"gif kgn(tnihi aprwud e+zga opa).i..i.pld rO si ip"aoD"pli tjsu a fsicepincu dorw in x?e?am

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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heT ilsbqoue od eht ppositeo citoan of tireh .eanm rIiefrno olequib msoev het yee PU adn TOU r,nt(txooie vltiee,ona oni)utBdAc. cnieS het uniqteso ssya that htree is a ctuerfra liiovvnng het roblita floor, hatt olataamuictyl suerl otu D ae(mlid esrctu dna eriofrni b,ilqoe)u lengvai the yonl aloclig enarsw ot eb eth firnrieo suetcr adn foreinir eoub.lqi .KawtHtv?IwEyW=sw/okothpbWm.:ccWI/ltDeuuw/h

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aishu007  ,hi tub iiferorn iuqleob semvo pu dan ni dan not uto +
d_holles  32aAVwcw.L:tZhJvZU?tmwwiyohtup=esK/b.c//uto In ecsa plp eend a ehfrerers +

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