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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#23 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy with chronic granulomatous ...
Macrophages producing interleukin-1 (IL-1) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: Immuno repeat

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submitted by trazobone(97)
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I was os axdfite on het tafc atth in a TB anolmarug, mgcoaperahs pdcreuo L1I2 or FTpa,Nlha not .LI1 So I imledetian C nda ckcldie ,B enev oth s’ti ont DC4 setycymphlo tath uoceprd Thaapl.FN tuB teh ctaf htat oarmspcgahe dreucpo LI1 sltil nd’tdi kame any snes.e

I odtcu’ln dfni yan xapnneloiat ni fsirt dia rof isht it( tonsed’ ltle you awth lelsc etsrcee L,I)1 but rcaicngod ot my nteos ormf na nimomu teuelcr I fhal pida eatottnin ,ot I1L is a yotiekcn fo nineat tiunmyim csdteeer by tyeoon,csm achpseogam,r aeltienhldo llces, dan hiitaplele e;lscl os liaalycbs ovdybyee.r ishT esgo in tjnciconuon twih rgheyntvie ahtt FA says F8(1A .p 18)0

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makingstrides  psagcoMaehr erecets 12,,,86Il1- adn TFN - nalhp.Ia sthi ,raonecis hte tepanit is I21l- pcterero ctee.nidif eWnh regsaaocmhp flngeu an ectboj, it easleesr l-1I2 to umslteita tmyehcTop,l-sy hatt in rnute,r sreleea ,fmaIam-gn whchi douwl vocetnr eth oeaagmrpch itno an deihitpoil tyeoshtii.c +4
abk93  mkngia rssidet is a bearll nkhaT uoy +
abk93  hwy si sith npietat il12- citn?ieefd +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by abk93(8)
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lypfeic,cilaS htwa is eht rppeous fo lI1- ni hist isteu?qno

is it tjsu ahtt pmseagohacr amke 1-l?I

sdet'no apaepr to eb iolevvnd in uaglomarn rma.ootnfi

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmle11a(102)
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NIF y lwil hiibtni noeainiefttrfid of h2T leslc dna fetrorhee e(a, n wb)g)or olegurryat T sdll)e c if hte ecsa asw nikglta aotbu vrusi

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teepot123  af 19 gp 180 +

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submitted by meryen13(48)
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trronniefe mmaga wlli od a wef stihgn in ytb-o&-g;d 1 actveati crhgaasomep to l!kil or ot eeomcb piiltdeohe oesiihytct ot lalw off tif.iocsnne 2- ti lilw eecsanir eth amc mseecluol on the acsreuf fo eht sc.lle 3. it btshniii ioetrnintfaeifd fo t clle to ht2 lcle seuacbe t2h ahs iant oatmnirymalf 1(-0li )nreseoict adn peohclsoiini ttcnaiioav nicno.uft 4. losa tdetvacia het kn celsl ot rtsta lilgki!n

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bbr  nda jts(u rof msces)etloepn, sorpeomt h1T +
ege  waht odse a"M"c ntsda ofr? t"i liwl inacerse teh cma mlsuecole fo het eucrsaf fo eht "secl.l hn!kaTs +
saqeer  amc= maeemrbn ctatka lcopmex +2

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by temmy(152)
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NIF aagmm latiesmstu cearpgmsaho to orcuepd ogrumsanal

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by jatsyuk38(2)
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nd'otse -gmFaNIam geeutlarup ICI?MH hWcih uowld atetcvai T lyosytmephc ot ucreodp Iisc?t keyon od teg why rcopeasgamh si eth tbeter aenr,ws tbu idn'td dtaedsrunn twah -LI1 had ot do wtih

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