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 +21  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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leWl hatst a yalrel urecd wya to cesenr ofr

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champagnesupernova3  hes'rTe learyl on troeh yaw to say it tuiothw gusni eiuhssmmpe +4
drdoom  ouY ntca’ leur out alsucdii gshouhtt via inercn.eef +
drdoom  :ELYRAW dDi ouy sak het anettip fi seh saw id?sulaic TRDOCO: l,eWl ,um no, ton eylcaxt — u,tb I ,eamn esh eeedms yaok .. +
drdoom  WYAEL:R ,oS a inaptet awskl tnio ryuo ,fcfoie oyu utpsesc ptso atpumr nroepessdi — a godasisni ithw okwnn eiiucsd sikr — dna ouy indt'd sak fi ehs saw dusl?iaic +
drdoom  DTORCO: gplu +
beetbox  m@rodod oww ok nwo tihs iwll tksci to em re.orvfe syAalw ska uory tapntei os I nac vadio tusi!swal +1

NBME tends to focus on these rules for ethics questions: 1) ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2) NEVER ask the pt to lie 3) NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. In this case, there's nothing more robotic than going directly from "I'm concerned" to "Have you considered suicide?" 4) NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5) COMMUNICATE with other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues. Basically instead of referring the patient, you go to the resource yourself.

+4/- anjum(36)

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by consuela_salon(27)
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atwh I got form hits uesointq: REENV 9%(9 of the iemt) refer a iapettn ot ees enyaon

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madojo  I aws cncinvoed hits eon aws teh ei,noxtcep tub ussge ,ont RNEVE FRER!E +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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hsiT si a amprsttuop oomd ,rbtuaedcins a rtptye cnmmoo dirsorde ttah sha to vahe na noset hnwiit 4 wksee fo lidryeve ot eb deemrt as sc.uh mPsptuorat sbeul si teh somt d,lmi ihwt a 0-55%8 eindeicnc trae e(pr FA 08)2,1 lyualsu seeovrls nihtwi 01 days nda etenmatrt si ynlo siorpetpuv ubt ende ot lowlup-fo to essass rfo boeisslp truapotpms .osspdreeni turmasptPo onsseierpd = 115-%0 r,tea htericrdcezaa yb spersdeed e,ffatc ,nyaxeti poro ennrocnitctoa rfo reagter ahnt 2 wseke nda ednes ot eb taetrde /w TCB + SR.SI I itkhn eht sniuoqet is iggetnt ta eengncisr ofr stih dna a nelpyloatti mroe brotelcimap cotcplmiao,ni trtpmsoaup hcsos.ypsi

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thisisfine   noudF htsi uftlciidf acbeues FA carsicztaereh ugt"shtoh of mhanrgi bayb or es"lf as mraotpstpu oscyipshs - whhci is epurs ,erra nad deots'n itf isth aces. Aols, BCT is tisrf eiln ttmeaertn rfo urmpstpota seeposrndi - so I ltlis klie teh efofr to refre ot a thiapsert sa het setb e.cohic +11
d_holles  Sema sfi@tisihe.n +2
chandlerbas  i see wtah eryuo aiynsg tbu ew soudhl meka ures htta eth rteomh is ailev rfo su to eerfr to a ebemmrer fi sseh liiglnw to rhma hrefsel mtos kiyell aslo wililng ot mrah eht teh itletl cieut igknsa for iiaclusd tsthohgu sscneer orf opniesgosrr ot otps mrupta sipyohssc itwh eth aim ot eentrvp the tesilenn envte: ahmr ot eth aybb +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by drzed(332)
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SEPGCSIA tearc:iri (1) efnlige em,erh/lpwywdveoee 2() yairiitl,futrbgt/aiie (3) odehnania, (4) iuldyfcfti pgen,leis 5() "I flee t..."iuygl, for a dpeiro fo 6 eswke = tseem hte itcairer rfo a ssveipedre piso,eed nad cseni iths saw in eth post mputra e,opird yma be tsop rupamt oe.drinesps

etNx ebts pset is to recnes rof lciusida od/tenutithsoiagh of amhgrin eht .hlcdi

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by bbr(58)
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s"aH ti oemc as a repuisrs to uoy woh hrda agetprinn ?si ynaM oelpep eefl taht w.yI"a o'ntd kihtn hsit alasidtve iehtr ef,elings nda ti uoldw aekm osmeeno lfee laybd if oyu disa yh"e yeroenve lsdea wthi thsi ith".s oAls htsi rweasn cusodef no nanrp,tige rrteah htan het ctihprysaic nrnocec (mutarpspot prse)n.oiesd

m"i cnrdncoee tobau ohw dba oy'euv been lngiefe l" I nitkh hsit sode eewdnckolga rthei eisge,fnl and sode hows htat eht cianyhpis is gdea.gne ,Yes sit nubt.l tBu ta ist wts,or its llsit orem pleoetcm naht teh thoer oe.ns

Thguo qnseutoi saebd no y'roue rdainge ey.stl

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drdoom  fi a iasesed or omdsyner ash nowkn ikrs of e,ciusdi nda ouy aifl ot ssessa orf it, thsta' geenncgiel hoabrt i“(f uoy tucs,sep you tusm t”tc)repo! +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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I atlytol tge ohw gasnki tbauo i,esciud adn gniksa ubato ti dcyrleit is rtmainopt. Btu my usnocfnio is owh isht werasn nsted'o eiprvod yna ogod .sugee I tewn twhi hsa" it mcoe sa a rs.up"eir.s. sbeuace i grdeufi taht olwud denl estfli icnyle ot eth peatnit eongpni up. hnWe i elef it is itrpieapp,ra i would hten gbnri pu het cnotoaienvsr uobat emhrfl,-sa hgimarn the ba,yb and .duceiis tuB sa tsi trwtine, teh taenpit llset yuo ehty efle siytt,h dan hte chaynpsii yevr cyldetri sasy ww"o uyo efel ryptte ithts"y. eemsS reyv snitenieisv dna ton molpati orf othnse ai.ucntommnoci

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an_improved_me  s,loA lhwie i earh emos poeple syniag taht ngamki ti esem eilk reh oblrespm ant're .ueiqn..u lewl shtta ltaucyla the ptino in a lot fo cisannvsetroo ithw tpi-ste-na kmnagi etmh lefe not aneol. I 'otnd tinkh i owdlu flee rteag ignknow htta lla reoht nsapetr atslnniyt levo hteir idks, nad aehv no pmsrobel tgiakn cera fo ,tadnIes I'd wnat ot elfe ekil etrvaewh i'm geflein tsi'n bamnlora dna nnrutalau. "I efel iekl a bda tp;ra"en 'th"sta rr,ae stom popele lfee ekil geart anp"etrs knth"sa o".dc se.iYk +1

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