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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman comes to the office ...
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 +27  upvote downvote
submitted by taway(35)
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isTh tnuqeosi is dershpa lrgnetsy,a tbu it's tlasneseyil kigasn twh"a wldou napphe if hits omw'nsa dosmoyrtyiiphh mbcaee onenlocdltur voer eth orceus fo reh "ynpg?aencr

eyutlrrnc ehr STH si odog -&;g-t w-olelconerldtl tYT dToyHCIpOhArLmisHiyEohP high HTS g-&-t; ehr yoptihyhsordmi muts ONT be elnlwlleot-ocrd due( to sdrtuopnii fo teh R4S//HT3HT/TT eceoinndr axi)s

o,S wno ttha we ndnudasert tath eth tqiesuon si ignsak w"ath oudlw appenh fi her iyposoihmthrdy was lecortnun?odl"

rswe:nA rsitemnic

I nhkti hatt tish neiqoust is rpeadsh locrtauis,oy but fra be ti romf me to tiirczcei het MLSEU sgncneili b..dra.o

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yotsubato  I iknht that shit intsequo is arpedhs yslacoo,uitr us t J ikel teh sret of the BMEN +26
b1ackcoffee  ltceyax owh oeds rlamtane oisahomht nca sucea smetrni?ic +1
notyasupreme  fccbek1o,f@ae i'st otn mtanarel aohoih,tsm asliybcla ouy just eahv to egirsdrda the TNIEER ntqeoius tesm dna hte atsl rapt of eht nseceent (fi teh sm'om TSH gseo p)u saenm that sret'he tmohypdrshiioy gnigo on, chiwh sceasu is.rcitemn +5
b1ackcoffee  Tkshna ouy epn!ueytarmo@s +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by direwolf(12)
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shiT ash ot do itwh siarudgednntn otw inghts, htta altmaenr hyomryithpsiod is dkienl to lnesnamrt/rieCiu vdtenlomepe of the ef,ust nad rmnlao granencpy ogosphiy.yl nI ngr,peynca aiesrcend onesromh seamtulit rveil oiudocptnr fo oisuarv epstnoir ikle exS rmeooHn gndiBni lGbuilno ,TGi(ryHhe)nBxoS digniBn nGboluil B,(G)T .tce oMre TBG ddurcpoe = erom T/3T4 si dnuob. sseL /T43T cusase meor HTR eela,esr rome TSH e,reesla dan rome 4T/3T iopoucnrtd uitnl erfe TT43/ levesl ear ckab ot armnlo. In a olmanr ,rgncpayen stih pnaehps no o.rbpmel In omeneso with egntsr-piiex styoyhhopimrdi ho,ught dyraela ash rameipdi T3T4/ dtncui,ropo and wtn'o eb lbea to kpee pu hwti erisaednc adnem.d iTrhe 3T liwl s,rie but tsih ow'nt eslurt ni ndaeriesc /T.T34 ialycp,Tyl eomnw wiht hoiatsH'smo drgneisi to egt pngetnar illw edne to ricesena eihtr rnoeolievtxyh deos ni aticatoinpni of hits apgeynnrc caenh.g

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by thotaak(5)
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llNmayro lamenrat 43T/ rea rrdieqeu orf tafle riabn tpmoelveedn frobee teafl dothyir gnlad si efordm. dnA fater etalf hirdtyo naldg is merfdo, teafl /34T lhpes in rnaib enet.eovmdlp oS aenicesr SHT asnme ceddseare ralenatm 34T/ adn suht aevh bna rnaib pele.nevtdom nAd sye 3/T4 rcsosse centpaal.

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thotaak  ndcorgiAc to nbsRiob pythoogal +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by medschoollovin(14)
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umoenuitmA idisyrtohit a(ka amotoH)ish + -;rpnegag-tnt& Tihnk btaou lipiostybsi of eftal ryphhtoomdisiy due ot atyodnib atdeiemd ltmeraan hdiipr.mytyhoso eadLs ot insteirC.m Fdiisnng ni afnint rae hte 6P' ot(P ,lyebl a,elP yufPf ce,fa dPnogruirt smiuu,blic Pterrbutoan u,gotne nda Proo anBri eptmevdo.eln

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neonem  I 'ntod uetdsnardn the slat patr of siht eunqtosi tesm tuh.oh.g. if the rs'toemh HTS crsesi*nae* giundr rc?pagenyn lunt'Wod tihs fuhrert neseairc rhe nd(a/ro eth sf)steu' roondtcuip fo T4 dna uhst oaecttcrnu het yohmhioyip?trds +
poojaym  emenno@ .no moAtineumu tosrdmhpioyiyh is a rstnoeduitc fo the tdrohyi nd,lga nda a eceardes in toicrpduon fo TT3./4 An cseriena ni STH msane that htree si ont nhueog 3/TT4 ot ibinthi TRH, dna so STH is eingb dsarelee ot ittmsealu teh rhiytod da.nlg +41
arezpr  HS,T ,T3 T4 dna lirngyoobuhlt ntonac crsos teh tnlplcaae rri.brea +1
chamaleo  rzearp@ hghlouta estho meohsonr 'atnc sc,ors eth nuaiedobattsio ofrm ssHthiamoo' can +1
yotsubato  ehT byba has tis own STH guohth +
sbryant6  HTS smcoe romf het ,upiraytit adn atc on het otd.hiry Adeisionutbota tkacta eht thy,oird so HST tso'edn .wkro +
kimcharito  no egirot tnhe? +
lola915  I ihknt htere si on etrigo cebeaus eth y'sbba tiyhdor andgl has ton ylflu eoddeevlp dna tsehe nbnugomlimulslio ofrm eth roethm cuold actatk het hityrod nagdl delngia to isessu wiht sit' eev.pomtednl +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by apurva(101)
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eTh lare hnitg si S,HT 3,T T4 and ghnyrtiooullb ntanoc csors apn.cteal R,TH oIed,ni STI anc oIsf. rsc omthre hsa ihgh HTS esrndioncgi( rymrapi yoioshrdypmt)ih gt—;& oorP niabr efpvleeomnt Id metrho sha SIT sm)aoHiot(h &;gt— srcso teh anlpcleat irrbrae Isn—rceea in oyidrth adlgn ya(M etsrpne wtih rtorids at hirb.t

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demihesmisome  hhhhhA ahnTk .oyu hsTi swa athw I swa gnrtiy to u.naddsertn +1
apurva  laepse tone htta eefr t4 cna sosrc het placeant +3

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by b1ackcoffee(115)
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taycelx who sedo mentrlaa ohhaotmsi cna esuac rnimes?cti

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lola915  mohiasHit si cseaud by itsaodineb aaisgtn drthyoi pxdoaseeir nda .trniulogohybl Tshoe nbaeitosdi cna roscs het tnacleap dna fftace abibes riytohd anlgd agciuns elcintogan ymiysiho.dphotr +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by thisisfine (31)
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I kinth htsi gtse ta a coetpnc delatre ot rhdotiy eeslvl adn y/rncopngsa.tengeer

gsetoEnr nsreiecas hte vleel of ydbe-rnoniitnxghi ub,nilogl chhwi amtloiyprer assdercee eref T4 dna T,3 and eseicsarn HST nilut the didnaioatl BTG oeembcs edtuat,asr adn nrmaol lveels aer .eresotrd

neSic tsih enapitt ahs tiuneoamum ,itsytdrioih dan sreirequ yhoeitx,nr wneh her feer 4T sceedse,ar dna hre THS oseg u,p she wnot make xtaer T4. oS selusn she eerscinas erh hetyorxni se,do she liwl be dhyooihyprt tg&--; einistmcr ni eth fsute

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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here is a cypo atepsd iknl .

,rtsif hhgi hst = rsdiptymyhooih

How acn hooidihsyrpmty ffatec em dna ym ab?yb ythroid osnermoh era oprnitmta to uyor bbsa'y ainbr adn uronvse mstyse mle,dveeopnt tnuedreta lyieipomhhyet—rissaycpodl ingdur teh itfsr rsc—tiaenrtme ceusa low QI adn pmoserbl ihwt nlmaro etenv.podlme

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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shTi lecrati flsai to onmitne poor raibn pnlvedoeetm in tHiEromy.ihRPdYs The ruaoth smtu aehv enmat rtHiomOh.dPsyYi

ihTs oisntequ stupes me ot no nd.e

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aesalmon  I ae,erg eth teiacrl yuo deknil sasett "isgns fo aftel rymsydtpohiehir uhsc sa ahadyc,acrit riteninreuta rhtwgo aanrrde,oitt dcaarci ,raulfei and the tevodlemepn of talef g tr o"i I e eochs awensr E duinrg hte xeam - roh"diTy dglan eeSinemt tnl"llag r ynitgr to dedaurntsn who ehyt kelind itincresm to a ceas rweeh het mto'ehsr oirhomdhisptyy wsa wlle ol,dtrolecn nda etnh sekad for het equeelas if her HTS rdecin.sae yeMab deainecrs THS is oepdspus to iitncdea sinrnogwe dorhphtiyyo - olw 4TT3/ dnnigee to be etudmtlasi yb S?TH +

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submitted by tissue creep(133)
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yM hotthgu ssperco wsa if het roetmh sha ceaenisrd ,TSH h'des eb ngusi orem niodie ot epcodru T/43. ninMega sesl wulod be labe to egt to hte byab rof iarbn .mdntvleepoe

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submitted by neolidone(2)
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iThs si a evyr iyktcr uiqontse in emtrs fo arpgihns ti. heTy meak su hntik tabuo hatw cfeetf ghih STH soed no a utsfe heiwl ti ralyle tenam awht can nhppae to hte yabb in na einaadd-todyeimtb oytmydosihhrip eh.otSrmo kyenas os os ..aks.ney

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submitted by varunmehru(5)
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ehT tmoher sah uaneuotmmi irdtitysoih dna arntmttee is neivg rfo mhhodypisioytr lyo.n hwy sedo it eamrtt if the 'hrstemo HTS is ighh ro lo?w tdaonsAibioeut lduwo sitll be pteesrn nda yeth dwuol aswlya uaces nmriceist tervpeiiecrs fo tehrmo mooserhn .eellv I'tns t?i

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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rniCsietm e(gcnlatnio hosrtphyiyidmo) si eht smto mcmono auces fo letteaarb mtlnae iatidl.bysi uessaC orpo rianb ltevm.pedoen

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