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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A normal-appearing 17-year-old girl has never ...
Androgen insensitivity syndrome 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: repro repeat

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by ergogenic22(401)
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mratnhcoi gnaveite = on brra dobise = penosr hiwt YX ynepteog or OX ceeusba mntiaye you vhea oerm than noe X mhoomocesr uoy vhea a brar obdy tchi(nroma )voptiesi

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by basic_pathology(25)
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himtoaCnr eiategvn = on arrb d.yob lduCo cuocr ni rerTnu )(XO ro emal XY).(

rneurT :O(X)

  • kstrea vyraso
  • oayk laminurel sserctrtuu tsom( of the mte)i
  • ykao efelam eernlaxt nteagiila

ergnnAdo tyviitinIesns oerSnymd Y:()X

  • lamnaidob seetts
  • on ealimrlun stectusrur (RYS gene g-&t;- Tisets -t&;g- tiSroel selcl &tg--; )MHI = dBlin oPchu
  • fmaele aetelxnr igneaaitl (no seTtTH/D g)gniallnsi
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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hyperfukus(111)
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lAos hnrtaoe yek si ti ysas olnarm iapgaenrp glir oen fo eth singht tuoba the AIS is htta they od teg scorenady lsuaxe cta.nstuhreciertrr.csi.a irlgs td'on lkoo lnaorm 'eythd eb hrtos and tybubs on obobs tfa ckne ect

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covid2019  'Im sfdounec atth ehyt isda ehs pdepaear nlr"oa.m" I hogtuht ASI owldu naem eth aneitpt has rvye casnt biupc ahir / amnrdure hari. Wdntul'o ihts be ronamlba in a 71 eyar ldo? douhlS eahv enTnra esatg 5 +2
mumenrider4ever  A2200F g.p( 369) diresbsce ISA sa Deectf" ni onrnegda ertproec rsilngtue in gpilnaeronmap-ra aefmle 64,X(Y SDD)" so I musase hy'tere klnitag buato eeragnl surtdaow pneaecpraa +2
lola915  uoY do etg srbaest euscbea atieptn hsa dubli up of ensstoerotet taht is rtezadmaio niot tne.roegs No ylaralxi ro ubicp airh seeacub taht eiuresqr esto.ntoetser +2
lovebug  HTX. EES ASI F91A( p56,g)2 +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nerdy nik(9)
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nreTur retnmyg;s&-od heT girl ulwod evha a ersuut dna etasrk .arievso

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by soph(84)
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all hte htreo tsooipn tp owudl ehva ,rsuetu oeasrv.i etnrurs thye ldowunt kool naorlm and they lduwo ahev cirohpta irasv.oe

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turtlepenlight  hTsi asekm sns,ee ubt I was onwthr fof by the rnmp"nlgr"ipoaaae- cb/ otlwd'un SAI tps ton have icupb a?hri +1
drzed  yThe jstu say 'sti a mnlaro pgaerpian 17 ryea dlo lgir; nto thta eht leatrxen aiainetgl are roalnm ia.gnppare +2
teepot123  fa 91 gp 652 +1
macroorchidism  Yhae the larnm""o kool swa nrfirrgee ctyrtlis to caepaapern bd(yo + )iaglantie ont ecrdsnyao i.ccsehaitcrrast I asw oals etbewen IAS nad nTrreu escb(uea I di'tdn know roamnhgan-ettieicv nmeat ta teh mt)ei, so rhoaent itgnh ahtt pdlhee em asw I yncertle ufdon htat rnTreu roesnmyd taipstne rae uaacytll NTO toypcemlel trflieien yh(et aveh leki a 2% cceanh ot fleizetr).i aTth pslhe me rmmbeere the nletnari emalef turssctrue rae htre,e I ustj tiupcre them omre sa tm"py"e. +1

 -12  upvote downvote
submitted by nosancuck(102)
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Wyh at?!?d?

We be okioln at eooemns hiwt na RYS fomr dere Y hDmeiyco re! be a Y moeihrc imoeH so heyt be aknim emos Tsesit iitemDrenn crtaoF iwhch I be eurs kmesa omes einc lil NTAI RUMNLIEAL ARCTOF os eyd aitn gto ahtt eeFlam erltnanI racTt u knwo hawt i be siyna

And ceisn mzwinmi is da TFAUELD tyeh tsli eb ttigne edos pssyu silp and rstebesa

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meningitis  eTh aveob xtpneaoilna is trrecco iegnirgddras( eth adrh to aedr dna pornlsfusaoien d)ciaelt tbu sutj ni csae ynonea was ghen=-riatnio tgwm :rav decenion Jstu a ciuqk awy of nngkoiw ti asw a b.oy Teh trme lepsiap ot eht inlcue fo lclse ni lrnamo lemas sa wlle as ohste in vuiaiisddln tiwh necrati ocmoramhosl mlsrnioaabeit +17
yotsubato  ernrTu mydnorse ipnstaet era also cmarintho niegtvea sa ewll ..ogut.h.h +6
sympathetikey  I i'ddnt wonk a aomplcctiion mise-insntgtpio wsa kalc of .hrumo +6
sympathetikey  A,h i'ndtd ared teh last enl.i ha,eY that is iktagn ti a tib raf +32
niboonsh  layl ear thaer.s siht is eht sftir onatnilpaxe ahtt has eerv daem esesn ot me +7
arkmoses  oXowy.3tpy/eacwm;u-:ohva=hmLebuts=/p7Bt/w-?wst7t.uoc& gtnrIienset yoemnsdr whgntcai iths peldhe me to tpu ti onit rlae life ,ptcievpsree eisntrintge itnpos hety heav on pbuci oahrbyid/ hr,ia yeth epaaprntly loas tndo mel,sl adn tbreas siez si uylsaul +2
whoissaad  woH edso oa-tgiietmneahrcvn aidtcien a lnmaor l?cle tIsn' himtcorna sjut odncdenes NA?D +2
cienfuegos  iroAdcngc ot sthi paper smot iaidnsudilv wtih runTre ydomSenr era mriaotnhc ga:eteivn eO"n of eht nitiali yroarbatol uderspreco esdu ot cronifm or leru out tish osginiads vonsvlie a exs rimctnaoh mtniareetonid rmof a ucalbc emrs.a slCel fomr eht nilgni fo the mhuto era saeintd for eht eenspcre or cenbase of miXc-tnhoar or rBar seio,bd hwich repeenrst a orinpto of na icaaetvdtin X m.ohecosomr ehT laictyp uTenrs’r oeysnrmd ia,etntp owh ash 54 oshseroomcm dan onyl eon xse mcoeromsho (an X,) hsa no rrBa dsboei and ,is eeeoht,frr X-chanmoirt nshagev iTeit. noralbam cior-hmantX veaetnig dingnif ni the tmyiroja fo Tserrun’ eomdyrsn safmlee si iralism ot hte treusl fodnu in a normla ,aelm ohw oals sha onyl eon X mreochos,om nda fdisref morf the aitnmc-ohXr piioestv inoncodti dervboes ni het alronm am,eefl how has wot X hsecoromsm.o cyalls,cOnoai het tpniate thiw tsfueear of rTsre’nu emdnroys si oufnd to be ihcrXn-omta ivpe s.o"it:m.stni3..PCwa/wi6/l.2lrwtc8gtcepn/1civ/pbshM9nom3/h/ +2
hyperfukus  i ryaell thea eatshr itsh si am!wsoee +2
selectuw  ot dda to teh obeav, refe nsotoettseer is ztaodiarme ot rtgsnoee lngdeai to ebsatr edoptlvmeen +1
misrao  sI hte efer ooetetnssret otn igrnacet laem erniltna ro atreenxl lnagitae beucsae fo hte tcefed in nodnagre ?rspreecot +1

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