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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A study is conducted to assess the normal ...
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submitted by seagull(1933)
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Einxinmag ipaentt rmfo a uloostgir sieimpl Bknsore iBas whhic owldu kwse het tnialopuop mnae fo usrme ruae nnieortg ayaw mfor teh rtue ccautera ehn,T ezarlei pisicrneo is tpnenedde on tcsasilaitt e"Por"w chwhi is aseircedn edasb no teh seiz fo teh pautnoilpo fo eth usty.d anecrids(e oisrcpeni = ernsdeaic aisstitaclt p)or.ew ref,rTheeo na nceaeisr ni plponuaito of a sdeiba ogpur whti laed to accarcyniu twhi hhig peni.soirc

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forerofore  ot dda ,up eth ootlsriug mfselhi etn'sdo dad ro mvoeer cyaccrua snec(i hsti is a odbol ,tse)t tawh escederas eth ycacruac is eht ctaf atht ni rorde ot eb setn ot a grusltoio yuo plobaryb rae kcis in the itsrf peacl (nliseocte isab), os oyru aeru gioetrnn is kieyll to eb .erdlaet +27
sharpscontainer  I hhgtotu of ricnosipe as omre fo a ifountnc of nviraeca. acaniVre wlli drasecee tihw a arergte selpma isze. Hda a dhra tiem sceuabe I asw kghiitnn tobua stheo 4 rand tgsrtae nwd'(uotl 005 asrtd ookl ermo pserda otu anth 1?0 utb on, hte aievcnar will eb etrbt)e ahtt heva eebn in my bosxetkot inesc th7 rdage dan ofr het srtif meit I swa sdkea a euqsnoti ubtoa siht ncpetoc lnyo ot sedvorci htta I nditd' ehav ti odnw sa lwel sa I esadms.u +1
peridot  eo@stcrhinasaprn I elef u,yo I uogthht teh xctea same odekLo noti ti a ibt dan I ikthn it sah omnghites to do wthi hte wya anatddrs rorer or dsatdarn edtiaoniv ro teghosmin keil tath si cdtceulal,a tbu I'm slitl cuefsond adn oot erdti ot dig tfeuhrr. sAol, nwetda ot noetinm taht itsh BENM hsa a rsaiilm osueinqt tbu esdniat sti' utoba eht 59% efndecnoic taliernv - abyme tall'ht phle uoy trandednus eth erspcnoii inght eettbr icnes hte %95 eoncdfcein avlnrite awsrnor itwh a graelr epamsl ez?is So st'i dnaik edti to i?oseirnpc +

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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1. melapEx of ntcearauci btu lhiyhg ircspee 
    a. 005 nateptsi ieengs a lctaarrupi dctoro ofr a alarpitruc s
lilesn.2 pexlEam fo aeuccart tbu i
emipsecr    a. 10 ntsiaetp erdungo a rsincgeen at a alml 
3. tohB uArcatec adn reescpi 
    .a 500 seitnpta (ihhg rps)ioeinc gorunde a eengrscni (hhgi ccaruayc ~ no aibs ro ycetssmi r
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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ccucyarA mneas eht dtaa poitsn rae sipddr,see but nwhe yuo keat het eamn of eohts noptsi, ahtt aemn am“lsep( ”m)nea si ayrnbe eht aliopunotp mnea tr(“eu )m”.nae taaD spntio aer rmeo“ ecps”rie if het rdisipones ocsasr adat inopts is llemars ahtn mose hrteo ets of tada snotip (onciet woh stih si a scmirnaoop nda tno na lube”ts“oa t)mnat;sete iiroecnps sysa ninghto uobta who ocles the egvaaer of the daat sotnpi ear to het er“ut emn.a”

epeK ni mind atht cacyrcua nad reosipnic are alrveeit corerst;dpis you tacn’ asy ssda--“noo is ries;cep” ,on ouy acn oyln ays uu“ncahhsd--cs is omre prieecs anth nd-aos-”so ro -osd-nosa“ is mreo cuataerc tnah dnucshh”-a.cs-u ,So in htis sca,e ew anc firen htat EMBN srdosncei m“en ta eht ogrlisu”ot to hvae sNUB taht era erolcs ot ceah hoter roem( uet;lcserd omre pcreis;e lsse drssei)edp ahtn teh UsNB of en“m ta llm.a”

s’eHre a iecn :igmea

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submitted by cuthbertallg0od(15)
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cgsisniDsu pcnsieior lyno ekmas sesen if thye ewer ot aspmel X" # aintepts" ulltpemi imset dna ees woh eolcs teh dtneifefr usesm'rtnaeme sslrteu were ot hace rohe.t heT uactla iesz fo het msapel 'dlshuot cteffa i,cspornei tbu rhater ti shuodl tjus aefftc aracyucc ihhcw( si recdeud by teh bsadie lnouapptoi ta hte ouigstro)l. hmS

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submitted by ali_hassan(11)
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oHw sode 050 emn whti vsoiaur aloclugori tcnsnoidio lsetur in a seepicr ttieasem? Wto'duln eth aryvtei fo saevlu deu to rasvoui dgeesre of siellsn rdceeu cponsirie nda ausec a iedwr tva?riye

yebMa I rohtguvhteo ti

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