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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A study is conducted to assess the normal ...
500 Men from a list of patients scheduled to be examined by a urologist 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by seagull(1933)
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nEgxmanii ttnpiae fomr a liruogsot epsmiil esronBk aiBs whhci owudl wsek teh uoitalonpp naem fo ursme aure tringnoe waay orfm eth retu urtcecaa ema.n Tnh,e zaieerl ocrisenpi is tpneedend no statiialtcs e"Pow"r wihhc si driacesen easbd no eth szie fo the oolnpuipta fo het tusd.y saie(crned ieonrspci = niesedrac astatslctii )e.wrop ,rTfrheeoe na eseranci ni lpntopoaiu fo a sdaieb prguo iwht laed to cauyncairc twhi hhgi sc.oieirpn

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forerofore  ot add ,pu hte togirulos mlsifeh s'eontd add or meevro cccyaaur es(nic itsh si a bdloo tts,)e twah eeardssce eth ycaucrca is eht acft ttah in drero to be nset to a oroiguslt uoy lbapyrbo ear skic ni eth sirft alpec etc(iloesn ,i)asb so your euar rngtoien is ykiell to be lderat.e +27
sharpscontainer  I hghtuto fo oniepiscr as rmeo fo a fntiocun of arve.ainc aianVerc lwil sdeearec ihtw a eeartgr ampesl .szie dHa a rhda teim aceseub I asw ghnnikti otbua setoh 4 andr retsatg '(dlotnuw 005 tsrda lkoo rome pdeasr uot ahtn 01? but no, hte viracnea will eb rtbeet) tath eahv bene ni my ktsxtobeo ecnsi h7t rdgea dan ofr hte ifrts meti I aws sakde a setnquoi obuat shti cctpeon olny ot vcisedro ahtt I n'iddt hvea ti nwdo as lelw sa I esu.dmas +1
peridot  ca@isrronanhetsp I flee you, I hgtthou teh ceatx aesm tinh.g odLoek niot it a tib nad I thnik it sha hesmgiont ot do thwi het way asadnrtd rrore or ddrnatsa ieavotind ro tgnmiheos eikl atht si el,tcudaacl tbu 'Im isltl ueonfsdc nad oot iedrt ot gdi re.uhtrf sol,A weatnd ot tioemnn hatt tsih MBEN ahs a sarliim unoisteq tub daenits is't abtou eht %59 ndncefeico ervanilt - bmeya ht'tlal phle ouy undsentrad teh ieirscpon htgni etrteb nices the %59 cfecodienn lrenavit srnrawo iwht a aergrl paseml ?szei So sti' dnaki iedt to reoin?csip +

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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1. mlapeEx fo ceaiauntrc tbu hhygli creepsi 
    .a 005 ntaespit seneig a lrirpuatca otcord orf a rticalparu s
li.n2sel xleaEmp fo ecrcatua tub msr
iepeic    a. 10 atntieps odgrenu a ecgnirsne ta a llam 3.
 othB Aaretucc and riepcse 
    a. 500 titpeans (ighh pcen)iosri edrnuog a ncgisrene (hghi urcaccay ~ on sbia ro itsemsyc er)r
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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cccuyrAa sneam eth adta nsiopt aer ees,idpsdr btu wenh you ktea het amne fo osteh n,sopti ttha naem p(ea“msl eam”n) si renyba eth pploonuait anem eut(r“ an)e.”m aaDt topnsi rea erom“ ”cesripe if the roniepssid rsacos tada piosnt si smralle ahnt meos orhte tes of adta sntoip tn(eioc woh hits is a rpnaisomoc nad tno an el”tbu“osa ;nemste)tta ocrsipein sysa ginohtn batou hwo lecos eht vaaeger fo teh aadt npsito are to het “rute a”me.n

eKep in nimd taht yccuacra nda pciesrnoi rea eitaervl d;rrtessipoc ouy ’tacn sya -anoo“s-ds si scrie”p;e ,on yuo acn nlyo ays cusd-csn-huh“a is oerm scipere nhta -o”sndao-s or “n--aodoss si reom atceracu naht -su.cnd-sa”hhcu o,S ni tish ec,as we can rfnei ttah EBNM ceiodrssn nme“ at eht soiolg”tru to ahev NBUs htat era ocelrs to heca ertoh om(er redetluc;s oemr ricpsee; ssel seserdpid) ntha het sUBN of e“mn ta l”mal.

erH’es a cnie i:egma

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submitted by cuthbertallg0od(15)
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nisusDsicg crsieoinp oyln aemsk ssnee fi eyth reew ot asempl X" # nttp"asie mpleitlu ismet dna ese owh close teh ieetndfrf m'rueemassten uelrsst ewer ot echa ehT utcala ezis fo eth plemsa 'oltuhsd tffcea cieni,psor tub aetrrh ti osdulh tujs fcatef ryccaacu hic(hw is reddcue by eth dbeasi nauiplptoo at the uoso)irtgl. Shm

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submitted by ali_hassan(11)
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How dose 500 nme htiw aosuivr laiuolrcog iocnintdso uesrlt ni a eciersp stmaetei? d'oWtlun teh artveyi of euasvl deu to sirovua eesdegr fo eislnsl reeduc sreiopcin dna cueas a edirw tiv?arey

Mybae I grettuovhoh it

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