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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
The gene that codes for a protein normally ...
Deletion of a hydrophobic amino acid sequence from the N terminus 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: cell_bio cell_transport cell_trafficking

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 +58  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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The tshysesin of tuylliarv lal niseotpr p;ttmg)-dANeeiR&p( crcsuo ni hte oaptys.lcm[]1 sTht’a wheer lal oresbsiom ,dereis etafr s,misooRbe hwhci era toysml ustj NArR (~/32 RrAN + 1/3 pt*,oerni by wgi,th)e aer lseeasdmb in het uculnes btu ylno od ehrti tuffs cone yeth get to eth lpa.sotymc

For a inrotpe to aleev its loigrina onoewhmt fo hte ctolyos nad cmbeoe a esritnde of het ueucsln o,r ,ays teh cnoplsdiema ,mtceiluur ti esden to heva a tlelit srgtin fo moina idcsa whihc htsuo I“ geolbn ni eht un”cslue! ro I“ obglne ni teh oplimdscena !mceluutri”

iPetorns umliltytea dsnitdee ofr the ER nicoant na ugninamiailyetv mneda tgrsni of oinam dasci wknno sa gsialn“ ”ee,nscueq ,wihhc rof teh orppsuse fo het tSep ,1 is awlyas ta eht .-Nteuisnrm heT lngais eeuensqc ltles treoh cooslityc soi,teprn eyH“! eTak me an(d hte tsre of eth deiptpe of hcihw I ma rtap) to het ER!”

nI eht besance fo hsit ,lsaing a itnoerp ilwl narmei in ist fat”edlu“ oemh of het

rHs;rqoesue& a cnie tcsimheac ioghnws the lowf fo toseiprn ofrm iniitla shstiesny ot anlfi iosnd:etianst


  1. Th“e shiyensts of laluvityr lal rnteiops ni eht ellc gniseb on eibrsmoos ni the .sotlc”yo (eistnlasE lCel glyBioo, Abtlser te a.l, 4210, p. )249

I*f yuo lyaler atnw oyru mind nblwo, odcsnire ttah vene eth niorpet busitusn tath eakm up tath 1/3 fo a eisboomr rea lthesvesem niialylit ezehdnstsiy ni teh colos;yt alte,r heyt era ttpsadonerr kacb toin teh ecnuusl avi eth lcaunre .epor

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qball  emewAso axlati.nonep wNo nlxeaip it to me klie 'mI 5. +13
drdoom  llA aybb esepitdp rae orbn ni eth otol.syc utB eoms aybb epeiptsd eahv a thrmrakib ta ierth Nut.msr-ein heT irrbkmaht tesll a clpiesa ammalin htta tshi bbya eesnd to eb eeldevidr smweehoer l.ees fI yuo poch ffo teh batmhrkri — ro ersea ti wmeohso — eht lanmima evnre ownsk to aket yabb ot sti uert o.hem The dne. Nwo go to slpee ro aSatn onwt’ gbrni yuor eres.pnst +83

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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I nithk tihs si rcnbeidisg a nlasgi tpieedp biohcdpyr(oh at Ntre-ni.mus) ihWottu ialnsg deieppt g&=t; nca’t eb tnsedrroapt oitn nsmdecoiapl .eructmlui

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youssefa  Is isth veen ni FA? mecBhio hetrcpa nloy eisnotmn .RPSs +1
lovebug  fasyoues@ A19,F pg ellc[4.7 kfcnrftiiga] ubt otn +1

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by baengotti(3)
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The unNimsert- si weher you vahe alngis ppeidest hicwh endeif the eagttr fo eht reotipns (nthik of meht sa plsato ed.c)o lyliacpy,T rpotensi rae ni the sctmlayop eraft they rea dme,a ubt cnsei the heva tgsa at mu-rtenis,n hyte og ot idtferfne tagstre ilek stih ceas R.E ,wNo if eht rptoeni is etnradei ni the tlsm,yoacp htis neams hte iaotutmn ldbedasi hte tag no( alspto .eod)c eec,Hn it si kpet ni teh a.somlpcyt

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minion7  jsu a I lcel sedisae - msaeonn usrieesd aer to be tdggea yb pheahpsot ot neert sylsemoso - ufliear fo ipanosyrthoplho in glogi edu to cabenes of oaarentophphefrsss - trsoniep aer tedeescr yarltlellreacux tub otn ot sfmeetsosrhyo roele yna teproin dferom ilwl b geadtg robefe ti tersne yan icfeipsc nlr!goae!l!a +4
michsmith49  urmeisNT-n sissats htwi giaN.niaotv N = aiagv.tnNoi +

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submitted by sd22(2)
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naC nnyaeo lphe inapexl twah hte trheo opontsi ldouw ina?lte

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