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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
The gene that codes for a protein normally ...
Deletion of a hydrophobic amino acid sequence from the N terminus 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: cell_bio cell_transport cell_trafficking

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 +58  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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hTe sseynitsh of tlluyavir lal sptoiner &pNe(empitd-t)Rg;A urccos in eth y.lscompta]1[ ’ahsTt hewer lal siobmseor i,drsee ertfa all. somos,eiRb chihw ear osymlt utsj RrNA /~2(3 NrAR + 1/3 neir*tp,o yb wgie,)th era aslsembed ni teh leuncus btu lyon od hrite uftsf onec tehy gte to het lamso.ptcy

oFr a iontpre to leeav tis rginiaol tehwoomn fo eht tlcosoy dan bcemoe a rdstneie fo eth enlcuus ro, ,sya teh lmonseapdic ruecim,ult ti sneed ot heva a lelitt sgnitr of oimna ciads ichhw sothu I“ blgeon in eth nluc!s”ue ro I“ bloeng ni hte lcoespadnmi imu!eltr”uc

toirsenP lyalttimeu etdesnid rfo het ER oanicnt na ivlanmteyigniua deman itnrsg fo aomin sdcai nnwok sa sialng“ seune,q”ce chh,iw rof eht urpospes fo teh eSpt ,1 si awsyla at the rtNsu.i-nme heT anlsig nceeesqu lstel rehto oltsoycic netpr,osi “!eHy eaTk me n(da eht tser fo het tedppei of hwhci I am )rpta ot het ”!ER

nI het ncesaeb of tish isn,gla a irtnepo lliw ermian in its fatle“d”u oemh of teh oloytc.s

;euosrrqe&sH a ceni csaitcehm wonhigs hte wofl of tpornsei mfor tiialni sestinsyh ot fialn ad:tssoiientn


  1. eh“T stsehnsyi fo ylilarvut lal tesrionp in eth lecl ibnseg no moesosrib in hte ”slotco.y (Eltieassn lCel oyioBgl, bArlets te .la, ,2104 .p 4)29

I*f you erlyla tanw ruyo mdni bnlw,o rnodseci htta eevn hte einport ntsisubu htta akem up ttah /31 fo a osembrio rae vmhsleeest yililtina sneysizhdet in eht s;ocolty tlea,r eyth aer rsptoeatdrn cabk onit teh cuunesl avi het ruaceln e.rop

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qball  wsmeAoe l.tnpeaanixo oNw naxilpe it ot em lkei I'm 5. +13
drdoom  lAl byab steipdep era nbro in teh lystoco. uBt osem byba eiedtpsp ahev a hrribamkt at teirh m.eNnti-rsu The kbrahtrim tlesl a aesilcp limaanm thta thsi abby ensed to eb dieeedvrl ehwsemoer se.le If uoy phco ffo the rhkbimart — ro earse it ewmosoh — hte nlaiamm evern osnwk to akte byab to ist erut o.meh The ned. Now og to seelp ro anSta ’notw bngir ryou tsseerp.n +83

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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I hknti sith si ecbgidsnir a anilgs eideptp coor(bphdyhi at .)u-seriNtnm Wtihotu nailsg dteeipp tg;=& c’atn be rrtdteaspon ntoi ampcnsoldei iu.teclrmu

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youssefa  Is itsh neve ni A?F eimohcB harctep noyl nitmeons Ps.SR +1
lovebug  oays@usfe 9FA1, pg el74lc.[ iigfntcrfk]a but not +1

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by baengotti(3)
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hTe -rtunesmNi is erewh you vhea alngis tieepdsp cihwh eienfd the etrgat of hte spiotren (tiknh fo ehtm as tlsopa odec). p,lTylayci rnstiepo rea in hte mclsypota rtfea yteh rae m,dae btu seinc hte have tsag ta e-,inmsrutn eyht go to rtfdenief agertts klie isth saec E.R oNw, if the ntoriep is tnedeiar in teh yapsm,ctlo isht emsan the uimtntao isedadbl eht agt o(n oatpls .eco)d ,ecHne it is ptke ni teh s.molpatcy

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minion7  sju a erim.r...e...d.n I ecll sdeeais - anomnes uesrseid aer to eb tdegag yb heshatopp to entre osoemssly - alufeir of htyopsrinoahpol in oglig ued ot seebcan fo fnrthsrsephepoasao - eosrntip era eedcrest trelalllrycueax btu ton ot trsemshlysooofee re yan pnoitre dermfo lwil b gtgead eberfo ti treens any ccspifie ae!nr!ao!llg +4
michsmith49  -unmrNsTie sasisst wtih ioaNtvian.g N = agnaot.iviN +

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submitted by sd22(2)
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Can yannoe hple enlpaxi hawt teh rhtoe sotpion ldwuo e?natli

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