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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#28 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-year-old girl is admitted to the hospital ...
Disruption of the secondary structure of collagen molecules 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem

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submitted by wasabilateral(47)
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I ithnk it has inehsmtog ot od ithw yceilng u(ed ot tis masll zsei it nca fti in nyma aclsep rehwe ehrot mnioa dscia cna not dan neche ti eopsivdr cl“usrttrua cetas”ocmpsn ot the c,eglalon ie.. put a kkni ni eth hlpaa )eilh.x fI yelcgin si epdicmals by sgnmhioet esl,e I odt’n hkitn cogrnep-lola anc mfro sit eroctcr orcdaneys ust.curter

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jotajota94  !euTr aols, nygceil si /31 of lcnleago alfa ai,nsch so it samke sesen htta buutsotnitsi hwit aneainl wihh(c si cmhu igg)ebr owuld eald ot diotirpnus in eth hapla ihelx m.nraoftio +2
jotajota94  !rTeu olsa, cgyilne si 31/ of glnecloa afal ,shncia so it emska nssee thta ttbuutiosins ihtw nnaleia c(whhi is muhc i)ggerb oluwd dlea ot pnitrsdiou ni hte plaha lixhe otrni.fmao +
thepacksurvives  cyilnGe is allms and ydbe,n hchwi olalws it to fomr eth bifsilr ofr hte iptrle hxlei +
brasel  Aols in glnerea A(F 0128 gp 0)5 OI is orfm lebmospr orginmf eht ilrpte hixle ciwhh is adenscoyr r.trstcuue Feytua,tronl yhet vgea su ohsimentg ot arneso ithw in het quositen gl)l(a&At-yG; +3
amy  Cna nesmeoo pelh em dnardsneut wyh A is cctoi?rern F2002A egpa 0:5 lepTri hixle fo 3 ncllgeao a nishac si orfedm form ecooaplngrl vai dhoynreg adn ddfliieus dbn.o Is itsh rvey alimisr ot ahwt A is becrg.n?Aidi Drcesdeea on-yrgenohbdd aontrifmo wetenbe anlcgleo olmlces.ue +
umpalumpa  eTh enpaxilaont ievng yb llseaiaabrawt ouldc orwk if teh qntsiuoe uwldo ays gl;&-yGt-laA iatnmtu.o erw,evoH the ieoqsntu ttaess ttah ehert si an Gag;-y-tAll& ui.ttnmao +

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submitted by cellgamesgojan(43)
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I f,ieurgd licYgn-eXy- is clitnaehcly esridceond a rayp“mri maoin aidc ucrstuter of a enp”roti nsice eht nodiifniet of a rPramyi sturrtcue fo a rnoietp si a“ lnreia cnahi fo minoa asic.d” If you essm htiw hte Pyamirr utrcrtsu,e sa ni teh esiutqno e,mst yuo atconn morf eht yoneSadcr rucesrutt of teh ,neoptri wchih si imdetdnree by the nbigdgrndy-hoone cihhw ocrcsu weeetbn eth dppiete kboecanb, ddtpneninee fo eth R go.pusr I epho this emda .snsee

rFmo eiwkpiaid: oecndryS“a tscrrteuu si arlolmfy dnfedie yb the nttearp of ghnrodye osbnd tewebne eth omnia eghordyn and cbyoxlra ogxyen aotms ni eth peitpde noceabbk”. ea(sshipm enim)

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From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Biologists distinguish four levels of organization in the structure of a protein. The amino acid sequence is known as the primary structure of the protein. Stretches of polypeptide chain that form α helices and β sheets constitute the protein’s secondary structure. The full three-dimensional organization of a polypeptide chain is sometimes referred to as the protein’s tertiary structure, and if a particular protein molecule is formed as a complex of more than one polypeptide chain, the complete structure is designated as the quaternary structure.

+5/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by usmle11a(102)
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ok uysg nad i eoutq rfom edc/tsm/.imoagehrrthw2o:owetio-cpp/wet/lsrupalsnet1ts4o0ifei/tsb.ces

9%0" eavh an tanelieidbfi necegit tmuontai LC O A11 nad COL 1A2
s cuaes rmaboanl ncageoll -gsnsionriclk avi a egcyiln tibtusuitnso ni het aelrpngcool oeleclum "

wihhc maens hatt IO ash a nelgicy siouttutbisn dna eeofrhrt tis alunbe ot mrfo a coaydnser e.utcurrtsu

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submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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Due ot csgeyl'in mlals szei, ti raectes k""nsik ni hte niamo cdia uqec.nese heeTs knksi aer enddee ot clryoetrc fmro eth ayernocds estrtu.ucr

rehtO erwsnsa:

  • keaweed"n otiantrncie eetebwn caellgno nda gopy"loctaern - eanllcgo + olctegnyaopr = e.gtaailcrl heT nesiutoq mste oentnims mnay dfsecet ni EbNO tpy(e I gl)lceoan utb on mntnoei fo etdcsef ni acrOagleWTl (etpy II nlo)glcae
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submitted by basic_pathology(25)
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y-lYXG- si baenbcok fro aglleonc aplah cihna. 3 leolancg palah ihancs prlsia ot from tiprle exhl.i Gylcnie hsa on R p,guro wallnogi for ftliexbyili nda frionoatm fo rpltie li.xhe oN nicyegl tpsrvnee htsi uoonistncu ,gpnrlaisi egivnntrpe het oamfitnro of lcngaole onysredac urr.ucetst

llRaec atht eapisce-hhlal and eeesasht-tb era xapemels of esncrdoya rssruce.utt Tshi acn be hguttoh of a nnettsioiaafm of eht pahal eihlx.

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submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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AeNhotr ayw to egt ta ti is aiv liaenimoit:n

.A ngorhyde ignbndo otlwdnu erlaly enhcga esnic hnirtee elnnaai orn igyclne aer lpa.Bro ylG t&;g Aal ltudnosh' hncaeg how nilrepo is oemdiifd (I mena ti DOLU,C if tereh wsa a secitr dhaceinnr ro og,msithen tub otn a raget D)n .serwa tiongnh ot nieciatd htta lnlcgeoa dredoingate is raeldet in pnreoses to na AA suti.unbiotts lso,A in hte totnexc fo IO i(chhw is the tspeeningr cliaotnp),m ew lyrdaea oknw atht het lprmobe detosn' haev hngtyian ot do tihw edtodian,egr erom ihwt eht ecngha ni .euuErinrttuocft nsc/ Henlsoyt dto'n .wnko

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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re’esH oen yaw ot pas-filtms-cnroeoeie esde“ardce dnhbn-ryeogod t:ai”romnof m’I otn a big afn of iths enli of ,ersnnogia btu licnylaetch enailan as a sdie rgoup ash more gsedrhony* for ttipeoanl gryndeoh ngnobdi hnta nlieygc:

a:laneni HC—3
:cigleyn H—

,oS e“”cycatnil,hl nialnae olduw irtpme mero hbngyed-ornod aimtrfno,o ihwhc tihmg alolw oyu ot ltnieiaem atht cie.cho

tTha dis,a ti essme tsloam pbiesoimls to lrue otu touiw(th very lnctcheia eglekwnod or smoe depidorv lpemanxeirte tdaa) ttha the gllithys agelrr alennia oesd tno iapmir eodyhngr nngodib enwebet onagllec sumlcleeo aiv etscir ipasla(t) tfreneeni.ecr In lsieprm ster,m isenc naneali si lrera,g uoy dlouw nikht atth it sutm oeshmwo tenreiref htwi teh behodgnnroindyg- tath rscuoc wthi hte yti-pdwel ilycegn.

ylit*ctSr a,penikgs st’i ont het mnbrue of hosdyrgen tub lsao hte ettsghrn of eth ioedpl atth etlcfisiaat hdngroey bdngo:in a deorygnh buodn ot a roylsntg aeigtontveeecrl mluoceel eikl elfriuon lilw aear”p“p meor sepiivto a,dn us,ht oenbyo-hdgrdn oemr ntrsgoly ihwt a yrnbae eoxngy pcmedoar( thwi a rdyeghon ctcdeonne to rabc,no ofr .x)emeapl

heFrrtu dr:inega

  1. /ihps./rw/q/ldmphuhpcsen.dutgo:wcu.dlehu.iedtlbt/mwhe
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hungrybox  ipAtcepaer teh ftfreo ubt sith is fra too onlg ot be s.lufue +30
drachenx  yrunxhbgo si a krgfenai taerh +
drdoom  @ahdrecnx hah,a hn,a cnmgoi kbca to htis i ieezlra i wsa lybraobp egvee-nikgor oll +1
blueberrymuffinbabey  'snti eht rdgyneho ndgiobn nndeetdep on eht ydeydhorlxat pnorlei and ye?sinl so atth wo'dunlt eylrla eb hte siseu eerh nisce ohets ane'tr eth saa igben ?ledrtae +
drdoom  u@rlrbbyee Acdcngrio to letsAb’r oCMB e(es agtsnnTe at ith,r)g oyxnrdiyylhes nad rnoiyxpoeyhdrl itrotcubne enohdgyr bdsno that frmo benewte eht ansich r(i,”en“iahnct sa dosppoe ot rtn;h-aiicna het n,ahics of sercou, rea epaaters leip;eodptpys htta ,si epaasert gcaelnlo onp;istre dna ectiitnroans eenetwb raatpsee hisnac a[eperats plse]tdyeipop is atwh we lcal r“ryantueaq ;”rtsruutce ees eangntT oveba.) dnA in tish es,ac as ouy notpi tou, eth tsme idsbrcese a GtyAlalg;-& o.iubsitttuns Tath sseem to amne tow hingts: 1)( hte ehret aeestpra legolcan dlostypepeip wlil ont “cpka as[] thtgli”y to mofr hte prlite xelih (qyua=natrre ertst)rcuu we all knwo dan eolv nad 2() porline irsng lwil lafi to eryal utieq as uyl,nsg nipgsomricom het ilcahel ofronnoactim ttha ienfsed na alhap chian anodcs=yr(e suc;errutt the aehsps htta fmor ithwni a eingls .yp)pteeoipld +
tadki38097  aosl yuo cnat' H nodb hiwt braon,c 'sti nto lorpa ognueh +
amy  0022AF 05P eta:st ifnrmoato of iphlccoehrwnla(og si teh plrite hliex ecsut)trru iva nrgohdey and usfi.ldide oS A si tirceocnr bc rehte are no agcelonl lueoeclsm eyt 2dn( ctreuurts npahesp at npeaoclglro e)ellv +
drdoom  ym@a tlpier xhiel si a rqnetuaary truertcus ncies( tipler xelhi is a ahpse thta rfosm EEBNETW aptesaer ro d”ua“tl coao/glc-lolelpnareng tes)p.pide P,miyrra dyrsnaceo nda eityratr rruetcusts are nipesrdcstio fo a lengis eeptpdoplyi. nOce you hvea 2 or ermo spledpypeoit nrenitaigtc ithw hace otrhe ,.e(.g boHnligoem mloleecu) uyo evah errqnaytua tcutsruer. +

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Hydroxylysines and hydroxyprolines are infrequently found in other animal proteins, although hydroxyproline is abundant in some proteins in the plant cell wall. In collagen, the hydroxyl groups of these amino acids are thought to form interchain hydrogen bonds that help stabilize the triple-stranded helix. Conditions that prevent proline hydroxylation, such as a deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), have serious consequences. (Emphasis mine)

+1/- drdoom(1206)

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

The primary feature of a typical collagen molecule is its long, stiff, triple-stranded helical structure, in which three collagen polypeptide chains, called α chains, are wound around one another in a ropelike superhelix (Figure 19-43). Collagens are extremely rich in proline and glycine, both of which are important in the formation of the triple-stranded helix. Proline, because of its ring structure, stabilizes the helical conformation in each α chain, while glycine is regularly spaced at every third residue throughout the central region of the α chain. Being the smallest amino acid (having only a hydrogen atom as a side chain), glycine allows the three helical α chains to pack tightly together to form the final collagen superhelix (see Figure 19-43).

+/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by nmb29(0)
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I tmgih be nitregkihvno it ubt, H nodb tafoonrim of aa's meask hte osnceaydr tucustrre of eth nteipor eona(clgl in hits c)es.a Teh Gly to laA sostbuuintit seod urtles ni less H onbd onm,rtofai but fo dvniludaii s'aa not betewne ancgelol leomeulsc htat( ihgtm be emor orf tyqeruarna curretst)u

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lpp06  I nkhit het key is ni the ewnasr pahgsr,ni het swaner mnntigieno Hbosd-n sasy tDuis"rnoip fo Hbdos-n ebnwtee anlecgol thll e"secAlhumoogu aenlclgo seod nugoedr biHgod-nn to truospp the lpreit l,ihxe siht si oend nitwih eth saem genalcol gu.mLcnil loekeni freftedni gocanlel emllcsueo crusco aiv eth yiesln - xnydyihryoles nlski neod in eth MCE +1
kevin  hsit is eth one mctenmo tath lyailnf ledhep em uedndrntas wyh ttah asw ccni.rtore thank oyu +

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submitted by j123(16)
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mairrPy rrcseutut = miona daci ycnsderueceonSqea uuerrttsc = uretsurtc romdfe wthi a slgnei nimoa ciad eqenesuc (aebt eltpdae ,eseht alpha he,ilx eerytTatr)ic rcusetrut = mpeilltu nyordcaes rcustustre itnetrncgai etgehort epillum(t tbae letpdea eesths ckesdat on otp of ecah eothr, t eutrrneQar)acy rcutsutre = noterip tscerurtu reofmd mfro dlingfo fo lal rtiyetar uetrutsscr to maek inbndgi s,etis ce.t

neicS het ianeanl wsa upt in pclea of eht ,lcGinye teh mriprya cetruustr aws lubnae ot fmro an aalph lxihe sneic aplah hxeli trcrseuust dene a utarprcial esncqeeu gyl( - -x y) in reord ot ofmr oyhgnedr nobds ot peek hte ixhle .sablet

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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what si aclgeonl ? a dsnroeacy eitpron ts.erucurt

hwen oyu roveem yneig,cl het tmos autabdnn amino acdi , mrof het opeusrrcr oueemllc lwli yuo egt a roeppr csyedroan seutcurrt ? NO

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unknown001  onerig itsh +
drdoom  nac ouy b?lteoraae wsa'ht ngwro tihw uroy conmetm? +

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submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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Gly si lo,rpa neianAl is annolopr adn hpicdorhb.oy isseeMns vrtaencvesoonni nt.uamoit eTshe AsA ehav idnfrtfee hilmecac rprtepsieo hihcw ldea ot itddesurp ernpoti odlgfin cr(deanosy uertctrsu). railiSm ot luG - aVl bsttnuiiosut in liScek Clel .esDieas

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