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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#28 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-year-old girl is admitted to the hospital ...
Disruption of the secondary structure of collagen molecules 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem

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submitted by wasabilateral(47)
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I iknht ti sah gisomnhte ot od itwh yliencg ude( ot tis lmsla eisz it anc tfi ni amyn pasecl where hteor mnioa diasc nac ont dan cehen ti visrdpoe tlsua“trurc openmcas”cst to teh eao,nllgc e..i utp a kink ni eht lhpaa )he.lxi fI leiycgn is desmpilac yb oetigsmnh e,sle I todn’ ihnkt onlrlg-ceaop acn ofmr sti ocrerct aondrcesy rueutcrs.t

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jotajota94  eTur! ,olsa icgylne si /13 of elcnoagl faal ,ihasnc os it sakme snese htta sstnttouiubi hitw leannai ch(whi is humc rgib)ge dlouw ldae to surnptiodi ni the halap eixhl .armfitnoo +2
jotajota94  urTe! oas,l gcyilen is /13 of laoecgln lfaa c,hasin os it skema eenss ttha tniobtituuss hwit eainlna (hhciw si uhmc egg)bri ldowu adle ot sdoirputni ni eht plhaa lhxie oom.tfrani +
thepacksurvives  lyiGnce si amsll nad bynd,e whihc lwsoal it ot fmro teh lbrifsi for eht leitpr ielhx +
brasel  lsoA in eelrang FA( 1280 pg 0)5 IO si mrfo borlmpes iromngf hte peirlt hxile chhiw si rocdaesyn curttr.seu altty,uonreF yeth geav us isehognmt to rsnoae thiw ni eth tuqenios -yltl(G&g)Aa; +3
amy  nCa osemnoe pleh em nrdsedntua why A is citrrn?eoc 00AF22 peag 50: epTrli eihxl of 3 glocanle a sanihc si fmroed mfor lgocnleopar aiv onygehdr adn ludsieifd on.db Is stih vrey riislam ot what A si di?c Ag.iernb daesecreD ngry-ndobdoeh ftoomnira neteweb caellnog eeoscllmu. +
umpalumpa  eTh aneilnotpax vgien yb aeaslrabiatwl udocl wkro if teh qesinout wdoul asy llt-;yG&-gAa taion.tum v,wreoeH het eqtisoun ssaett hatt rethe is an &;yG-g-Altal .inttmuao +

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submitted by cellgamesgojan(43)
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I uf,edgir -ynelci-XgY is cylhntleica ndiecrsdoe a yrmirpa“ onmia icda utucstrer of a po”teirn senic hte ieofnditni fo a miayPrr sutreutrc of a pireont is “a einrla hnica fo moani d”.saic If oyu esms thiw hte mirPrya rceutu,str sa ni hte oenqiust me,ts uyo cnonta orfm eht arnyedSoc usurctret of teh er,onipt whhci is teneerimdd yb het yierggdbnodnhn-o wihhc cuocsr nbteewe hte ipeepdt ocnbkeab, idtndnenpee fo teh R r.uopsg I eohp tsih aedm ee.ssn

omFr ipwdiiake: onScryde“a ucsttruer is lyrmoafl feindde by teh ateprtn fo rhgodnye bnsdo eeetbwn het aonim dyoernhg nda xblcraoy gyenox mtaso ni hte etppide ecbokanb.” psesiamh( emi)n

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From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Biologists distinguish four levels of organization in the structure of a protein. The amino acid sequence is known as the primary structure of the protein. Stretches of polypeptide chain that form α helices and β sheets constitute the protein’s secondary structure. The full three-dimensional organization of a polypeptide chain is sometimes referred to as the protein’s tertiary structure, and if a particular protein molecule is formed as a complex of more than one polypeptide chain, the complete structure is designated as the quaternary structure.

+5/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by usmle11a(102)
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ko ugys dan i otequ rofm htis2o/.asclios/w//.hsfwtsbamt0r4eptew/nrom1egdectisirpetolucepoe-:t

"90% ahve an fanidbeetlii nitegec inumotta OCL A11 and CLO A21
uasces oralmban geocnlal nlni-skorgics aiv a cgyelni inutibusttso in hte nolaleorpcg mleceluo "

hwchi emsna hatt OI hsa a ncgyeli tniistuobsut dan fhtreero tis belanu to mfor a daycsonre .terucutsur

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submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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euD ot ngsycli'e lmals ,szie ti rctaees "nk"ksi ni eth iaomn dica n.uqeesce seehT snikk aer dneeed ot rccoryetl rfmo eth erdosacny surcteurt.

Oehtr earsws:n

  • endaew"ek tntcaiiroen tewneeb lolgnace nad rltc"enogpoya - llaonecg + ogylacneprot = egllcarat.i hTe eqntouis tesm oienmstn many cdefets ni OENb epy(t I gcleoa)nl tbu on mtenoni fo fstdece in crlOWagTael ety(p II el)congla
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submitted by basic_pathology(25)
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YXGly-- si cobabekn rfo olceagln laahp cainh. 3 lneagolc pahla cainsh lpiras ot ofmr pretli h.leix yinecGl hsa on R o,gpur iwnoallg orf tyibfleixil dna fotinomar fo prilet xehli. oN neclyig esnptvre itsh nuonusicto rsp,lingia virnngteep the oiftnamro fo aglncloe onyrcesda tt.usurrec

Rlelca hatt eelhlcs-hpaia dan behsttes-ae rea asmlexep fo yraosnecd ssrut.turec isTh nca eb hthugto fo a ionafintsmtea fo teh halap xl.hei

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submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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AherNto wya ot gte ta it is aiv oet:iiilmnan

A. oyehdrng bidongn ltonuwd lraley anhecg iecsn nhterie ienanal nro lecgyni era lr aop.B lGy ;t&g alA lnothsd'u aneghc ohw replnio si fdoiedmi I( aemn it ,DLOUC fi ereht aws a srietc nacnierhd or s,mhotgnei utb nto a taerg rse.aD)wn tnghino ot teicanid hatt aleogcln eniaddteorg si dealrte ni eorsneps to na AA u.tiotsunsbit ,Aslo in het xtnetco of IO cihwh( is eht tpnregnsie alcipmotn,) ew raedayl wokn atth the lmepbro dnt'oes avhe nyniatgh to do iwht en,detgiardo mroe ihwt the acnegh ni ettsoEurc/uufi.ntcrn nslyHtoe o'tnd on.wk

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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’erHes one wya to ioi-nocr-tpleeafsmse eadder“ecs bngdh-dernoyo o”:nomatrfi mI’ nto a bgi fna fo stih ieln of ie,snrango ubt htceycllnai eannila as a desi uopgr has meor ydgrh*onse for aneloitpt redohyng iobgnnd tnha ngelicy:

aniel:na C3—H
inycegl: H—

S,o l”ilytccn,“hae nelaani lwodu ipertm eorm g-noehdrbnydo ti,frmonoa whchi mhgit wlloa you to tmeniiela ahtt c.hoice

athT ,sdia it semes omslta sobpieslmi to leru uto hottu(iw eryv ehccitnla lndewkeog or oems edipodrv expalermneti a)atd atth the lsihygtl earlrg neinaal osed ton maipir onyrghde dbngino nweteeb lnlgoeac mloeuslec aiv rtcsie atli(asp) crfinenr.teee In resmipl rste,m inesc inalean is arr,gle ouy ulwdo ihtkn thta it utms oweshmo nreertife tiwh eht hgrngnnibo-oddey atth rscuoc whti eth -pyldewti iclenyg.

tlyrSi*tc ag,npkeis sit’ not hte muenbr of drehygosn ubt aslo eht tsrnghte fo the opldie ahtt sfitacaltie neghrdyo ndinbg:o a nyrgheod odnbu to a glnrtsyo gneeiolaevtrtce luoeemcl lkie nioreflu ilwl epaa“r”p rmeo itopvesi dn,a ,utsh ho-edgrynonbd remo nstorgly tihw a banery ngyoxe eaomd(cpr hiwt a ehyrdgon ndtncceoe ot caborn, ofr el)mpea.x

utherFr deagrin:

  1. /trhmgulicu/hph.ecpmu.hldddis/but.s/hwlpnqte.ww/:deeo
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hungrybox  reppeAiact eht eorftf tbu ihst is far oto gonl to be el.sufu +30
drachenx  unxroyhgb si a agrikfen ahret +
drdoom  ecad@hnxr ahha, ,nha ogcnim kbca ot tihs i rzilaee i swa bplyobar keineeogvg-r llo +1
blueberrymuffinbabey  tni's eth denrgoyh nobnigd eendeptdn on eht lrdoyaxehytd orelnpi nda ney?sil so atht utdolnw' elylra eb eht iuses ereh sncei hstoe e'rant the aas bnige rate?dle +
drdoom  er@lrebyub grncdiAco ot er’Atslb CBMo (ese egsntaTn ta i,r)htg nielsyodxyyrh nad lyrxnrdohpoyie btciuonert gydnroeh sondb ttah mfor twebnee het chisan ,nr(tc”“iahein sa doopsep to ina-;harcint hte ica,hns fo ecrs,uo rea esaaerpt iey;otledsppp that is, eaptesra ncllaego ntioe;prs adn ecsnraontiit etwnebe paerseat ianshc er[astepa todsp]peyipel si ahwt we alcl ur“eaytraqn uu;retrsct” ese Tneatng boave). nAd ni tish e,sca as yuo tipon ut,o teh tesm eissrbdce a y&aAll-g;tG snsiuitbtuto. Tath msees ot enam wto stighn: 1)( teh tehre raasepte eaonlglc pdyslepeptoi wlil nto a“kcp [a]s i”tghytl to romf hte rpetil ixhle q(aetyu=rarn rsuecrt)tu we lla wnok dna evlo dan )2( penilro insgr lwli ilaf to aryle uqeit sa s,gunly pimsonigmorc hte ilaehcl cnrnitofomao ttha eisdnfe na hlpaa niahc r(sc=aeodny ;sttrucuer the eshaps thta mfro wihtni a iselgn .opl)etdpeypi +
tadki38097  loas yuo 'natc H nbod wiht crob,na 'tis ton lproa ohugen +
amy  AF0202 0P5 t:etas tnroaifom fo holhrciclonagwe(p is teh erilpt ielxh ru)uesrttc aiv yhngeodr dna eidu.dlifs So A is neirortcc cb ehter rea on olcnlgea muoseecll tye dn2( eurrstutc ehpspna ta relnpcoaglo )eellv +
drdoom  y@am iletpr xihle is a qnatyuearr tstrreucu nic(se rtplei ixhle si a shpea ttha mofrs BEWNETE aspreate or ”t“aldu arloeplc/-oolgngeancl spet.iped) raryim,P sodcaenyr dan tierrtya rustruscte are reisscointpd fo a neisgl pldpypeoeit. Oecn oyu have 2 or mroe sdoeyppeltip tgntrniciae tiwh haec ohtre (ge.., eHoblgomin meuol)cel yuo vhea reaqaurtny rscue.urtt +

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Hydroxylysines and hydroxyprolines are infrequently found in other animal proteins, although hydroxyproline is abundant in some proteins in the plant cell wall. In collagen, the hydroxyl groups of these amino acids are thought to form interchain hydrogen bonds that help stabilize the triple-stranded helix. Conditions that prevent proline hydroxylation, such as a deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), have serious consequences. (Emphasis mine)

+1/- drdoom(1206)

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

The primary feature of a typical collagen molecule is its long, stiff, triple-stranded helical structure, in which three collagen polypeptide chains, called α chains, are wound around one another in a ropelike superhelix (Figure 19-43). Collagens are extremely rich in proline and glycine, both of which are important in the formation of the triple-stranded helix. Proline, because of its ring structure, stabilizes the helical conformation in each α chain, while glycine is regularly spaced at every third residue throughout the central region of the α chain. Being the smallest amino acid (having only a hydrogen atom as a side chain), glycine allows the three helical α chains to pack tightly together to form the final collagen superhelix (see Figure 19-43).

+/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by nmb29(0)
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I mithg be enrgivkihton it b,ut H obnd amfioonrt fo as'a amske teh cnraesdoy tcreuurts fo the prtenoi gocln(ale in isht cesa). ehT lyG ot laA tuibttuossni osed uretsl in ssel H nodb ioaf,rtnmo btu fo vaidlndiiu s'aa not tenweeb canegoll sceoemull a(tht hgtim be roem ofr tquaarrnye urtucr)tse

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lpp06  I ntihk teh yke is in hte arnwse hspi,narg eth newrsa gmiinteonn dbo-nHs assy "oirDtiunsp fo oH-sndb tbnewee glolcena lm"e oghsAloulhcuet cgelolna odes goudren dHngni-bo to stprpou hte itelpr hile,x isht si oend iwniht het eams nlaocegl kLuoglcel niinem. riefdfnte oegcalln oscemuell oucsrc aiv eth lisyen - nxlhsyydyerio snilk oned ni hte ECM +1
kevin  itsh si eht one ceomnmt ahtt lfyilan pelhed me traedudnsn why ttah swa ntcricr.oe tkahn uoy +

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submitted by j123(16)
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mryiPar csuteurtr = omnai acdi cnnrea dqeeocuesSy tsuerruct = cuturerts rfoedm ithw a sielgn iaonm cida nqceeues atbe( tledpea heset, plaha ixeh,l ey)tTairrte c trterucus = mpeltuli ryneocads sutrcsretu nieactigntr ehttrgoe ultlep(mi etba ledtepa tesseh ksdaect no opt fo ahec reh,ot etrura )ncytaQre ctrtusreu = onrepit recttruus fedorm ormf dgnoilf of lal ryttaier stueustrrc ot eakm idbnnig estsi, tce.

iSecn het ilnaena was tpu in pecla of eth ,iGeycln the rrimapy rcsrtetuu aws unblae ot orfm na lhpaa lxihe isnec hlaap hxeil strueurstc need a ctrulpraia eqseuecn ygl( - -x )y in rdeor to romf donygerh nobsd ot pkee eht ihlxe l.esabt

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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ahwt is caeollgn ? a sonarycde ntiproe ucrt.etsur

wehn uyo mevoer ciyne,gl het omts nnduabta ioanm cdai , form het recouprsr lleumeco lilw ouy gte a rprepo dyecornas uerrtctsu ? NO

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unknown001  rengoi isht +
drdoom  nca ouy roletbaa?e st'ahw grnow itwh uroy meotn?cm +

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submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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ylG si o,parl Aeliann si oraonlnp nad drcyhbipoo.h esnisMse esivtnoaenvnorc uot.iatnm eesTh sAA vhea iedtrenff iclceahm rprpetoesi chwih ldae ot rdtspediu ptieron lodnfgi sdryc(eona ce)ttr.uusr Slrmaii ot Gul - laV uibttosniust ni clSeik Clle saDi.see

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