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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Increased parathyroid hormone 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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aSrdncoey odphpiahysyrtarmier yllau(us d/t hocrcin narle a)fierul.

aLb isgndnfi unlecid ↑ PHT ss(repoen to wlo )imlauc,c ↓ mseur mcaucli nal(re uiaref)l, ↑ usemr ahosppteh al(ern u,arf)iel dna ↑ kanleali hphtsspaeao PTH( cantvatigi s)loets.tosaB

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haliburton  sloa eebrmrme htta ni laner iea,lufr aalh-1yaredxyoslh-p tcyiitav is ,owdn so herte lwil eb ssle iaaonivttc of a-xcyhfylroeledc2ioclr5ho ot rorc-coy1hylola,x5cihf,eel2d whhci si a eky mnsiaechm ascgnui ecmp.ycaaolhi +4
cr  why ont rciaedesn ?ilr5haxlcodeecylcrfh2o-yo, wiht het smae icgol alhitbnuor leipxna +
nala_ula  dseraecnI htaps,heop incse teh iesydnk eatn'r igknwro el,lw adels ot eth leseaer of asbflitbor gowhrt rotcaf 32 omrf eon,b whchi ssreeedca rlloactici potrcoidun dan dcreesade imclcau otiopanbrs. hTe neracesi ni ppteashho adn eht adcseree ni maiccul edla to donesryac ahspiatr.eroriympdhy +2
privatejoker  rPblyaob a umbd ineoutsq tub hwo od ew ftiieiyndevl nowk that het APL is eevdetla if eyht eigv us no enrefrcee geran in eht abl sevalu or Q me?ts vEiryethgn esdtta vaoeb ilnidefety makse esnse form a losgyihoiclap nnostatpdi, I aws sjut csiurou. +1
fatboyslim  @rc eth seionqtu kesda eh"t pet'snita OEBN INAP si stom lkeily ceudsa yb hhwic fo hte gi?l"fonlow esneIrdac eeslvl fo cio-fcar5edhhoeyxcr2olyll timgh etisx ni ahtt ,nttieap btu ti don'twul eausc boen PTH uesacs obne pian esauebc fo ebno triosopner +3
suckitnbme  rapiker@oetvj ALP si uclddine in het tsdnarad lab aeuvsl +
makinallkindzofgainz  tje@vopikrare APL si sdeilt unred aaPeoss"htph n(laaei,lk) "emrsu ni hte abl uaevsl +1
pg32  hWy does PoshlkA asrienec ni enrla soytroopes?yhtd The TPH ludwo be ngiyrt to saemitltu bnoe rsopnioert raiec(nse LstCTSoeAo ,tativiyc) ton nbeo oniramoft (TABSLsotoe yit)av.ict +
drzed  g2p@3 teh yonl way ot iusmatlet na tseolsaoct in siht aces ( aiv )PTH is by niamittgusl ssltesbtaoo strfi (urht RRKAANK/NL nr,i)eaitctno shut ALP een.sriasc +1
skonys  AF 2901 .134 thaW I am ncfdsoue no is ywh the Ca si in teh omlranwo-l ?eragn yWh ont aemypccreaihl lkei ni airymrP HHepPyrT +

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submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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beRmerem THP sa aoPphesht nrsTaghi roHe.nom

u↑phhososrP t;&g- PTH↑ nroeceist &-t;g ↑nbeo stpeioorrn t-;&g AP↑L dan onbe ainp.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by cr(5)
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ywh otn aedsnecri xloaleoi2ec5ryhd?lfhcc,ory- hwit eth easm iolgc bianhotulr xeaipln +

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usmle11a  i vlieeeb ceesrnai eh5oleolaccilrOHf2c ceisniatd the troages apyactic fo itv ,D wchhi ntwo eb fdefacet ni easc fo CDK. t i oesg kile ,tshi isnydek wont nrodspe to rgalrue THP, seslo Ca nda ncta ertecexe P,O4 THP tsge aemd dna esitr to nrbu nboe ot ucpeodr a,C nlesrtigu in lvdteeea elvesl of Ca nda 4PO, aC lwil bdin het acuciml dan go ot kneys,di ety sema otsyr all .rove add to atth hte ftca atth 1 ho xarlyhdyose wnot be albe to uconntif in a adde nd.keiy +1

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submitted by iwannabedonewiththis(1)
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just as a arelnge nuq,ieost dowlu three eb olw sevlle of 1 52)2O-H( ?

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sd22  eY,s niedky sah p-ah1al ylyrshxeaod ihhwc ncvresot C-C2H5 ot C.5CH2,1- DKC g-;t& wol e1Oa--Hsa tvaitciy &g-t; olw -H,5C2C1 +

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