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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Inferior rectus and inferior oblique ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dr_jan_itor(87)
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noiOtp A is hte ylno ntoopi reweh htbo useclsm are aprt fo teh abotlri os ,Arlol.of hte ltas nctsneee in teh ueostniq tmes is a tloat ieomfyrd fo thaw noe oldwu xcepte teh qosuniet to eb .skniag It is nto nksiga rfo you to esusma ttah teseh ecusmls avhe eneb rs,edeev azpya,redl or neerderd ciadl.f It is kisnag yuo to mssaeu ahtt thye hvae mebeoc r"dea"neppt if het suelmc si nrapet,dpe thne ti noactn llowa het eey to eomv ntio aveerwht ntipsooi it lowdu be in hwen eht umecls si at its nhdtengele pnoitsi.o So ni siht acs,e tI is eht nirifroe rtcuse bgien aeepnrdpt ni a fioynltnaclu sendtrhoe ntisoiop tath is veinengtrp wuprda

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cjdinurdreamz  mi the RI keam the eey lkoo dnwo so if tsi arpedtp ehnt yhw is arwpud zgea tecfedfa and ont darn?wodw +
nutmeg_liver  rjicdnreuma@dz it deso ekam ryuo yee ookl o,ndw so iencs ts'i reapdtp ni a ulnlytcfnoia rretsho optioins yure'o tpreapd koilgno n,wod tno p.u +5

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—burak(71)
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ltarbOi loofr :rfeacrut

-1 rboailratIfn veenr yn:uijr sbemnuNs adn hiatepsaesr fo eht euprp eck,eh reupp l,ip uprep nav.iigg

2- ptmrenantE fo hte oireinrf rsucet su:melc rIaeipdm wrpuda eagz

-3 aohEspnlmisot

-4 oiulsngC of riyaalxml n:isus Todrpare gnsi

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minion7  if RI ulcems is ffeeacdt ti si rmdepiai narddoww !!!ezag +
makinallkindzofgainz  i@,onmn7i If eth iIorfenr Rcsetu semucl si meiirpda .e(.g rneev ndftnocuy)si, thne y,es ordwdwna geaz dluow eb vewo,rHe het onsqetiu states thta etreh si TNNAERPTEM fo Tpiangrp eth nroirefi ectrus euslmc lyanelistse oskcl het eye iton a dadrwnow ,zega tereehorf nimaipirg pdruaw ,eazg sa the onrrfeii srcteu lmceus is stlyenisale tdeprap ni nact.rctooni +5

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—soph(84)
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ist bc stih rae het lony 2 usclmes no eht triablo oorlf ogleo g raitblo ofrlo luecmss ni oelgog eim ags+POo.O=Lbsamecgetu.1/:NhwusgloRtcro?wimop/:mw/=hbtcegMc=rEsmqail#arNsF&tchNlis

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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riorfIen oilbueq = slehp you kool up &;amp in.

Al,os eyht iasd foolr fo eth ,otrib os it mseak neess htta eht efirnori ucselms ludow adm.dgae

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sahusema  I konw ueyo'r gtih.r I wsa just os ueclomrbaftno nigipkc na wnrsae itwh "iornerif scer"tu eescabu demaag to the nifroeri srcuet soed ihgonnt to alepnxi het lncliiac dnfsiing of airipmde pwaurd egza. sUnesl eth eulmsc si ihscpyalyl tksuc adn t'nca reaxl ro oighstmen +7
emmy2k21  .Aedger yhW lwoud a atlucosndfiyn foniirre cuesrt ttcreiuonb ot iemirdpa pwdrua ??geza? I iamtnideel hatt arwsen cecoih nda tog it gowrn :( +2
dr_jan_itor  ni het alst eneencst it asks ouy to meuass an "pteenmrnta," so it si auaytcll het iionefrr uesrct iwchh is teh sauec fo eht dawrup eazg plsay. eTh pdeeptrna ulmsce si fllctnuyoian pradpte ni si't hdtrsneoe iosi,tpno ybrthee not owilglna teh iotbr ot geaz uaprd.w +16
chandlerbas  ma!b _a_tdoirrnj usjt nceeadl pu htat sooufninc +2
weirdmed51  yhW rnireoif leqibuo ?htne oโ€™tensD IO psleh ot kolo pu ? +1
freemanpeng  yMa be IR is nrogster tnah OI ni arddnwwo e?azg +

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—blah_blah(1)
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nefIrori uoeliqb nda oerIinrf setrcu slmcue aer both in teh liaotrb lrf.oo rpnEtetamn fo ehtes suslmce lliw ont owall htsee vluddainii lsecsmu ot do rthei c.oftniun

RI = yee antocn okol wI nodO = eye tnnoca olko pu

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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naC aynnoe nlaixpe hatw ao"ilip"pd lip?seim I tgo csktu tbsey"he lailcnci ins"dfnig g(tinnhki dwarup zaeg+ p..)a.dpiil.o Or is a"poDlpii" tusj a ccifieupns rdow in xame??

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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ehT lqoiseub do het oieptpso aoctin fo treih anme. rIfniore qbouiel sovem the yee UP and TOU nxt,erotoi( ,vteeolina BcnA.utd)io ecniS hte ueqitnso sasy that hrete si a rarfceut vonnigliv eht airbotl ,orlfo atth amlucaltoaiyt usrle uot D (damiel curtse nda iofirner e),ubqiol lenaigv teh noly acgioll nwears ot eb eth infeorir etsruc nad ofrirnei q.uliebo tW=DcwhEes?.buotw.kK/c:typW/Hh/IuwlvIWmwtoa

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aishu007  hi, btu irnreoif lbuqoie meovs up dan ni adn ont tou +
d_holles  oswote?cUJ:u.KthvVawwZt/.muy=LiAcbw/Zht/2p3 nI asec plp eden a rreefresh +

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