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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#23 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy with chronic granulomatous ...
Macrophages producing interleukin-1 (IL-1) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: Immuno repeat

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submitted by trazobone(97)
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I was so tfxieda no eht tcaf ttha ni a TB r,naaumogl regaamsphoc eduproc 12LI or aTalNFh,p ton .I1L So I lnadeteiim C dan eiclcdk ,B evne hot ’tis nto 4DC lespohyctmy that recupdo uBt teh atcf thta msghaperaco ceurodp 1IL iltsl tdndi’ eakm any

I ulnc’otd nfid ayn antonlxapei ni isrtf dia for shti i(t od’sent llet you awth lecls cseeret LI),1 utb nagodiccr ot my osetn rfmo an mmnoiu ulceetr I hfal daip tteannoit o,t 1LI is a ncoyitek of netian ityimnum cdreeest by ,ysomtocen e,gcmsrohapa lnaldieoteh sle,cl dan elhipaleti ;sllec os sabiayllc vreebyy.od hsTi eosg ni incuctnoonj ithw ivegtyrnhe ahtt FA asys FA(18 .p 180)

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makingstrides  egacsphoarM eeestrc 2,1,l,I186- dan TFN - alh apIn. siht icran,seo het tniatpe si l12I- ortcrpee fticiee.dn When cpermasahgo lgfenu an to,jcbe ti selearse l-21I ot teamitslu Thsmyl-eyc,tpo htta ni e,nrutr eeaeslr nIf-gam,am whhic duolw rnotecv hte hrgomapaec iotn an oieiphdilt yo.ctstehii +4
abk93  gimank dtesisr is a lblrae ahnTk uoy +
abk93  wyh is thsi nttaepi -li12 enfteiicd? +2

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submitted by abk93(8)
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fpaieci,lylcS tawh si het euoprsp of -lI1 ni isth quoste?ni

si it utsj ahtt mraesophcga mkea l?1I-

nteod's erappa to be oilvvnde ni gaaonrulm tofaonr.mi

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submitted by usmle11a(102)
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FIN y ilwl ntibiih teoffidiianentr fo Th2 lslce and erteeofrh (ea, )g)robwn tlruaeorgy T dlsl)ec if eht ecsa saw kialtng obaut virsu

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teepot123  af 19 pg 018 +

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submitted by meryen13(48)
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terrinefno mamag llwi od a ewf tigsnh ni dyogtb&;-- 1 atectiav sohearmagcp to i!kll ro to eobcme eilheodpti otsycetihi to lalw ffo nonicisfet. 2- it iwll renacsie het mca oemceulls no eht uaefcrs fo het ll.ces 3. it sniiibth itianefiednofrt fo t lcle ot 2ht lelc sebcuea 2th hsa tian yialnramomtf (i0l-1 sncoi)eter nda opcsniiieolh atniotcvia oiutfcn.n .4 sloa tcadvitae eth nk eclsl to ttsar klignli!

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bbr  nda utjs( for n)epsest,oeclm otpmrseo 1hT +
ege  ahtw eosd a""cM dastn orf? it" will iacsener het acm smlceleuo of eth ceuafrs fo het lsc"e.l anTs!kh +
saqeer  =mca aeenmbmr cakatt pexolmc +2

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submitted by temmy(152)
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NIF mgaam tmitalusse pmsghoaacre ot eprudoc uansmrlaog

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submitted by jatsyuk38(2)
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ts'done Nga-FmmIa upulaegter ?MCHII hcihW ldowu cteaavti T yshcolymtpe to decporu etikcI? onsy do etg yhw hapomcsaegr is het rbttee waer,ns tub 'tddin eandtndrsu awth I1-L dha ot do hiwt n.tna..hyig

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