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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman comes to the office ...
Abnormal brain development 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +27  upvote downvote
submitted by taway(35)
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iTsh ioetusnq si pdsahre nyt,gsaerl tub sit' sleieytalsn ikgasn a"thw wudlo phnpea if this w'msnoa hitypyihdmsoor ambece nolldtnecrou over the seocur fo her aynrcne"?gp

lynectrur rhe STH is odog -g;-&t lnoolewr-dlcelt AimtsHYhydChoTpIHoi TrLEPyO hghi HTS -g&-;t rhe isodyymorithph tmsu ONT be rcll-eolwoetndl d(eu to dntipsouri fo hte /3T/T/4STTHHR neeoricnd xa)si

oS, now htat ew adrdenstnu that eht nqseouit si ganski t"ahw ldwou pepahn if hre hpiyridsyhmoto saw co"ne?rtllnoud

rnsAe:w nesmriitc

I itknh ttah hsti iuqtsnoe si pdhaesr rcsuiy,lotoa ubt far be it mrfo me to tcriizeic the MSELU gilcinnes or.abd..

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yotsubato  I tknhi atth itsh osuqetni si dheapsr oocrluityas, u sJt ilke eth tsre fo eht BMEN +26
b1ackcoffee  xyctela hwo dose ltanaemr oimoahsth nac secua isreim?cnt +1
notyasupreme  o,f@cc1kbaefe si't nto aetalrnm ,msohithao labscaily you ujst hvae to ragerdsdi eht TINEER iquontse etms nda eht stla trpa fo the csetnnee f(i eht os'mm THS esog )up nesam htat eht'ers soiyopthmdiyhr ngiog ,no hwhic eacssu itmc.isenr +5
b1ackcoffee  hkTasn ouy uyatr@esnompe! +

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by direwolf(12)
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Tish sha to do twih rddtsannueign otw ,tsginh ttha mnrtalea hmoydyitrhoisp si neikdl ot Cturaslmnie/nier mlpdetoveen fo eth ue,sft adn lmaorn nyncarpge sy.yihlopgo nI ca,nrpgyne eniascedr noohsemr tuiatmsel rvlei iuooncdprt of oruavis pionrtes klie Sex nHormoe iBnndgi nuGlboli hBn(x,)SGyoTireH Binidgn ilnobGul T(,G)B ct.e oreM TGB edrucdpo = orem T3T4/ is dnbu.o Lsse 34/TT asesuc mroe HRT esae,rel erom TSH asrleee, adn remo /T4T3 ntpurcodio ilntu erfe 3TT4/ lelevs ear bcak ot mrnaol. In a nolarm npnyga,ecr ihst seaphnp on .rmeobpl nI menoeso twih e-tpingxesri pdymorisotiyhh hugt,ho rdealay hsa dmirpiea 3T/T4 puoriondtc, dna n'tow eb laeb to eepk up whit eincaerds .mnddae Teihr 3T liwl ir,se utb sith tw'no serltu ni dnsiaecer 3T/4.T aillpcyyT, enomw htwi shsti'oHaom sneirigd ot etg nptnrgae ilwl nede ot rcaeinse rtihe lieyvxrnoehto odes ni itanaptnioci fo thsi npngceyra gnahce.

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submitted by thotaak(5)
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Nyrmloal aatlenmr 3/4T rea urereiqd orf afetl iarbn enevedtpmlo reefob ftela idhtryo galdn si .femodr dnA rtefa tlfae dhoytri nadgl si ,oemfdr fleat /3T4 sehpl ni rnbia povemnt.edel oS rseinace HTS emsan erscadeed nlaematr 4/3T nda htsu hvae abn abrni pnmotvleeed. ndA yes 43T/ osecrss tnp.laace

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thotaak  gcidocnAr ot Roinbsb ghaoploty +1

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by medschoollovin(14)
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oumAeiumtn yrthtdsoiii ak(a toHhmsaio) + getgn-ntpa&-;r kTinh utabo iblosstyipi of fleat hohpytodismryi edu ot tydinbao etdeaimd rlmaneat yp.ohomydrhtsii daLes ot .nisitremC iindFsng ni ntanfi are hte P'6 ot(P bl,lye lP,ae yffPu aef,c ngiPturodr i,sicbmuul eaPnborrtut ng,oetu dna oPor naiBr deoempv.tnle

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neonem  I tond' dnetrusand the lsat patr of shit uteoiqns mets fi teh s'torhme SHT snie**ceasr rniugd ey?anrnpgc nutWo'ld shit frtuerh sreienac hre a/rd(on hte fust)se' rucondoitp fo 4T dan shtu ouacrnetct hte oyhyroimsithdp? +
poojaym  nmeoen@ n.o outnAumemi ihhyptmisdyoro is a stcioertdun of eht yidroth ,gldan adn a eedcsrae in piotnucodr of 43/TT. A n cesneiar in TSH easnm htta ehter is tno oeungh 43/TT ot thbinii ,THR nda os TSH si bgeni adesleer to sultitmae het dhotyri .ngald +41
arezpr  ,TSH T,3 T4 adn iulthylonogbr nocnta ocssr the cpatlealn rr.abire +1
chamaleo  ra@rezp hlagohut seoth serhomon atnc' c,osrs het usaioiabtdnteo fomr ohasmH'siot cna +1
yotsubato  heT bayb hsa its won TSH hhoutg +
sbryant6  SHT csemo morf eth itp,irauty dna tac on eth .ihydtro eAiudooisnttab ktatac eth hti,yrod os HTS 'stoend w.rko +
kimcharito  on ogetri nh?te +
lola915  I nihtk ether si on eigtor baceseu teh bybas' rdyhoti nlagd sha nto ufyll edvoldeep and eshet oulsnligiobmnmlu ofrm eht teormh dluco akctta teh dyrthio glnda eingald ot sseusi whti t'si +

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submitted by apurva(101)
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ehT rela ngtih is TSH, 3,T 4T and hlyiblurtgnoo cnntao oscsr cnte.apal R,TH edI,ino TSI can .oscI sfr mrthoe sah ihhg TSH gdrcs(noeiin ymarirp )ptiymhiodhryos ;&t—g Proo barin mevef ntelIdop hotrem ash SIT hsoiamHt(o) —tg&; rsocs het lcaepltan erarirb aeeIrsn—c in tirhdyo lagnd ya(M rnstepe htiw dirtosr at i.rtbh

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demihesmisome  hhAhhh aThkn .uoy ihTs saw awht I asw ignrty ot resdnunt.da +1
apurva  aplsee teno that refe t4 acn orssc teh alepcnat +3

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submitted by b1ackcoffee(115)
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elyctxa hwo dseo atlnmear taohsmoih nac secau itmcsreni?

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lola915  hotamHiis si ucseda by tiesadonbi tsniaag yirhdot redxpiosae dna ulnghiy.oortbl Toesh ondiiatebs nca srocs teh apctnlea nad ffaect eabisb oitydhr dalgn iucnsag atecnliogn doih.iohmtspryy +1

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submitted by thisisfine (31)
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I htkni ihst gste ta a poteccn reetald ot ditroyh vselel and .gnpn/acyesenterogr

rgtosenE ireanecss teh lvele fo extydnng-niobrhii uig,olnlb hwhci pmoryailert aecrseesd refe 4T adn T3, adn nacsseeri TSH iltun het daaitionld TBG bscoeem aude,tsrat nda aonrlm slvele era .edstrore

Scien ihts nieaptt sah mtieuounma tiitrh,sdyio nda eersiruq tx,honeyri ehwn reh feer 4T ecesr,aesd nad erh THS egos ,up she otnw kmea erxta T4. So lsunes hse asesricen her yetrxniho ,oesd hes will be yoprythidoh t-g&-; eisitcnrm in eth festu

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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ereh is a pyco stpaed knil .

,itrfs high hst = dpyhmrhoysoiit

How can orsdmhiiyoypth fafect em dna my abb?y oyhdirt hronmeso are taoirntpm to yuor basby' arnbi adn voesnru tysmes ledtnmevp,eo rutdeaten lsdesiirmyhlot—caypyphoie duignr eth srfti a—rcimetnerst esuca wlo IQ adn mreplsob wiht oalmrn .pdeevmltneo

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submitted by seagull(1933)
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iThs leritca aslif ot ntineom roop brain tveoendmlpe in .tYiPdimERHyrsho hTe routah tmsu veha nteam PmrhsodYy.itiOH

hTsi utoeiqsn ptesus me ot on end.

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aesalmon  I ae,reg hte etricla ouy edknli asstte ig"sns of telfa oeprimyhitshdyr ucsh as chrad,aycait rteinarenuit rhgtow iea,dotnrrta dcacrai feua,lir adn eht mpdntvoleee of ltaef It r "oie g ohsce earsnw E ginrud eth xeam - dT"ihyro aldgn "letelarn megiSnt l ygnitr to rtansnudde ohw tyhe eklind sniremict to a asce hewre teh mstroeh' hrsiypdhoitmyo aws elwl ,teclnrldoo nda nteh aekds fro the eseaeqlu if hre SHT ac.erisden bMeya neiredsac STH is uopssdep ot tedniaic snignerow oyhydptrhoi - low TT3/4 eengdni ot eb mituadlets by ?HST +

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submitted by tissue creep(133)
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yM htthugo epsrsoc wsa if het erhmot has niacrsdee SH,T hs'de eb guisn oerm eoinid ot rdcpuoe /T.43 nnMeaig esls ulwod be abel to gte to eth abby for ianbr volet.ndepme

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submitted by neolidone(2)
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ihsT is a yevr krtcyi osqtinue ni rmste fo niphrags ti. hTey kema su ihnkt tobau ahwt eetfcf ghih HST sedo no a uftse leiwh it ayllre mtane hatw acn npheap ot teh yabb in an toimybdedneit-daa iphhoirtosmdyy mtrooe. Sh knysae os os .e..kanys

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submitted by varunmehru(5)
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Teh ohetmr sha nuoaeutimm iotsyhditir adn nteemratt si ienvg rof iohpthyymsriod lyno. why dose ti matret if eht mh'oerst TSH si gihh or lwo? otstnaeiibudoA owudl ilstl eb esenrtp nda heyt dluow yawlas ucaes csemnriit priisrevecte fo ehomrt osonmrhe .lelve 'ntsI ?ti

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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siinCmret neiac(oltgn ripis)odymhoyht is teh otms nmcoom ucase of rteaeltba metlan tasildiiby. sCeuas rpoo raibn evoe.dlpntem

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