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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#43 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old woman with a long-standing ...
Infiltration of lymphocytes and monocytes ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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slmipHsatoa can cta kile BT nda acsue yraitvac ssienlo nad deiiaflcc dneulso hitw tbcrioif nI ae,genrl fugin era beatcdtom yb moslpyhtecy nad caahoepsr,gm not oohiisplsne ro oesthirp.lun

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baja_blast  mhtsAa oyrsiht otg em dan I tpu s.soiE.h.op.lin tub ni ihihdtgsn I olshdu avhe nictdoe thta eth oisybp si flisecypicla fo eht dou.ensl P.IR +2

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submitted by โˆ—yex(128)
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sThi olsa eresrf ot incchro mfanimnaiolt ma&p; lmugnoaar onotm.rifa

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submitted by dragon3(15)
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aCn oaynen nxeilap yhw aireatbc is olsnruh,etpi glivui/nfar rae htslpe?ycyom I ownk siht si a amunnfdleat .nc.cpoe.t

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lolmedlol  i nkhti iehnpurotsl n(i ondtiida ot cniglka ngrzmasey nda ofrspirne hciwh aer esud to llki isusver and ifgun) nodt ezncigreo uirtecalnlalr gi;shnt rivla sanngtie dsnee ot be desroecsp dna dnseprtee no na MCH orf eth hmlypcsyeot to geenizcor +7
usmile1  saol puonrielths are lnoy snee in uceta l.taamoinmfin isTh tp sah ldggsnainnto nnaimitfomla cihwh si dacssitaeo wiht oetym,cnso tceysholy,mp omach,eapgrs mpalsa sc.ell +4
usmlecrasherss  Niuohertlp ocem dan sgeo kcqui elik ayd or two , erfat thta esrt of nemium lslce keta cera +

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submitted by โˆ—sexymexican888(46)
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NEYOLSHT TWF SI HTSI QIESTUNO YHW TF DO YETH AYS NO DSEOOOCITSCRTRI that itsh icnkufg scedofnu ...em uhg nsfttgrraiu

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suey  rdStsoei duowl scaeu dnaceires peltnishoru tbu not sncleeryias an na,tieirtfl and thye wlduo not be ceatathd ot lugn tisues +

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