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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A 72-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Bleomycin ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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Cxo-metoh amn picture fmro hte AF s(alt apge of eth hme dna ncoo toecin)s rkosw wlel ofr em ni heest ytsep fo uqsnits.oe

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lovebug  Bmleociny sdneIuc refe ilcarda rntfamoio -g&t; rkaesb in NAD atA-tdn(nrstoui.rsm etfc)ef F9A1, g3ap4. dn1 rtoeh sisestu evah oByncemil sdalryH.eo but Lnug ds.o'etn So elad ot lPromanuy obirs.sfi +2

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submitted by infundibidum6(0)
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I gto it owdn to icemybnol &pma; bloilcamcruh dan ewtn ithw arhcuimollcb s(douedn keli โ€œbโ€afnuusl ... )llo csaeube I hguotht nbeclmiyo saw for ritealcstu ndks/cireHngcoa I talre nfudo tou ttah rcoallcbmuih is aallyctu a eprerdrfe emtanrtte for !LCL Is it eacesbu lhbcicumolar esacus vesere smnuspnipeuoisro?m So you ltwuโ€™odn eb iviggn it ot a 72 yo nma ni the fsitr acple?

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yotsubato  clnBomeiy is het ibg ybo of cceanr ttmner.tae I'ev nvere daher fo icmuabllcrho adn tis otn in .FA +1
vulcania  I dha veren dhaer of crlucolhaibm ehiert and ratfe recasrghine it fdnou tuo htat 'tsi alos an lkyatingal netga, faesliylcpci a ioetgnnr rutadsm - smea sa ,slfbuuan so uyo rwetn'e gon!wr deBsa on htaw FA yssa r:e eblcymnio p;&ma bnausufl aegipnxlttrao( sthi to oahclmuil,c)br htye htbo sucea yuproalmn ifsbiosr ;ma&p nsik eat,gtehpoiirnpnmy hwor,vee in the aLeng Phmagaorloyc sdhacrafsl it ayss tath hte gohtinymeienrppta with ulsnfbua si orfm denrlaa yfiunesfcicni os I sgesu uoy would pceext ot ese yssmtopm fo htat as llwe fi hte msea spapeil ot cbic?allrouhm +1
vulcania  jk gronie my vouerisp emtnomc. jtus keehdcc auotepdt dan it estdon' slti ryamnhoigeinttepp as a isde fftece fo li.hmloabcucr +

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submitted by โˆ—dr.xx(176)
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neoylicBm si nowkn to scuea gnlu nad skni tiocyitx deu to teeirlva necebas fo eoayhdrsl in nisk iesstu etirlngus in decerasde tboeamsmli nad yedldae .arancclee uyaolrnmP ocsompitanlci rea mcomon but skni heagscn era rrea and iudelcn iaor-epet,hniptgmyn eplasqu, terytrhcekaopi nil,ssoe etarhyem miemftrol,u o,paileca itiaostsmt dan lian hn.scage hTe tcexa icmmasehn of nksi ahegcns duaces yb ilnemcyob is not nk.onw heT ntatteerm ovnevsil ngaemtaemn of ngueildynr oerirddss or hadrwiatlw fo teh fedninogf d.ugr


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