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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#27 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old woman with a benign nodule in ...
External carotid ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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heT dihorty si supplied tiwh riaeltar lbdoo ofmr eth rpoierus orhiydt terr,ay a ncbahr of eth txneearl ocadrti ryaert, nda eth fieronir yothidr rry,tea a cbhran of het rhyctaoerlvic nktr.u

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submitted by โˆ—sharpscontainer(17)
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I wsa de;pdu did noybday hree egt it wrgon baueces thye guohtth autbo teh dithyor aim treary ngirasi ofmr het acehcoihlpiacrb kttr on?Nuu? Js yO?ek. am

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peridot  ohO ttha si ickytr tcyrk.i nI teh neotqsiu tesm eyht dsai tehy aylrdae atliged hatt eon a"( rcbnah of het crahoihepibalcc tun)"rk nda reew gowrednni waht eles nseed to eb ailgtde ni idadntio ot ath.t frTeerhoe eht ewanrs si the erposriu hiydotr rtyear, cwhhi is ngomci fomr teh xreetaln tcrd.oai I odnt' ntkih I kwne yan fo ihst hnew I ddi eth qsunotie tu,hgho sceau I hda ot eoggol lla siht stju +1
anechakfspb  nI the etms yeth asid yhte iltadeg a nabhrc fo het lreatycrhocvi ,nkutr tno hte ca.paboehlriihcc rcAdicogn to ii,kW eth iotyrdh ami tearyr cw(ihh soed rsiea rmof eth ehcclaiprahbico )ukntr is ylon etnpers in btoau 3-01% of teh ootlpina.up ,eefhTorer welih ycetniahllc htsi nrwsae cudlo be erct,cor axlenert radcoti is "rmoe cterr rSeu.o:cc"o :pgeiaiwr/_e/oer_akmridyakTp.oyw.siin/tithh/ritd +1

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submitted by โˆ—schep(44)
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A ehferrsre on eth hsreacnb of telenaxr tioacdr SxParAteO-MLSaFry

eurproiS hio,rdty egdnnciAs prhlynea,ag i,nLlgua l,aciFa ilpO,caict riePoorst uauilrcra, xlMiarayl adn cilifeuSrap ptormeal

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