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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 70-year-old woman is found to have ...
Candida albicans ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +24  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—
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danCaid is a rpta fo het raonlm faolr fo ski,n udolc auces timonacninaot fo a tlrncae vneosu .eehrttca The uiotneqs tssate that teh sniramog is u,erlpp bid,dugn idd nto pdesron ot rboda custprme icbiansttio aa(k they d'dtin ues aflczoloenu ro cnpoaitherim )B. s,ayLtl hyet sodhew it ltdpae no ldoob rgaa dan treeh asw no heylossmi ciwhh esieaintlm atsph the( oyln rtohe iesbolsp detecnnor )eeh.r

pucsotrycoCc uyallus evvsonli gnntieisim in opmrnmoesiiomdumc st.p .E lico is ragm oiahrptrtngoi vesex si yusllau sdnrmttieat by a north on a sreo ro seoenmo ihwt a hiryost fo ngdngeria

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hungrybox  losA, het sytea from of naCddai is ragm +)( +38
dr_jan_itor  I otg ohtnwr fof by eht ptra eerhw yhet said iov""od nad huhttgo thye erwe inpmgyil a cargi peah.s I sceoh shoirtpxor fro hte mpooogrhyl in spite of koiwgnn htat it yailllccn maed no snse.e +4
lilmonkey  I ohsce .S usraue eofreb egairdn eht ientsquo l(soko keli )msbhi.oeys-l hneT I saw gb"uddin snog"asimr dna depikc teh cocertr no.e +1
the_enigma28  I ki,tnh tlcplilaie dngubid esyat rsfom dnki of cxedledu crccoscuytpo esicn tsi latosm nroud --_ +
the_enigma28  I ,hiktn calpltieil dgiudnb yetsa fosmr kidn fo euxelcdd csooccpryuct ceins sti talosm duron _-- +
lowyield  ysrcopuocctc soal to'neds keat pu argm nisat uabseec eth ehlsl si too qhitq +3

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—paperbackwriter(161)
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nI ntoadiid ot het roem uvsobio tnhi of ngdbidu im,rgonas caddnia ahs zuzfy gedse on bolod arag chwhi the orsthe 'o.dtn

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usmlehulk  pawakcpter@erbir porcccycuost avhe a wanorr dg.nubid +
lovebug  wwo I 'dntDi nwok t.tha !~HXT +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by liuvictor428(1)
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lpaAn,terpy it si a cmmono fpltlai ot timaske iaddnaC iscanalb fro Sathp psps or iecv avres ni dbloo r.aga

I nhikt htsi neslxpia lle.w hkecC tshi :uto /ihs-raioloebaacidgccsasneaogtlnnc:/dpnn-ss.mhn/dseoaittbo-ii/pime

tnudC":ueidCra al slnaicba gowrs ellw on uoaurbSda xesdorte graa dna tsmo ilnyotuer sude oeabocaillitgcr .edami eaCmr dooelcr patsy cooliesn uasylul ppeara eaftr 2-844 sorhu btoiucnina at ยฐC-35.72 hTe sloceion hvea a icivttndesi sayet lmsle and teh ddiugbn ellcs cna be eyaisl nees by edtric cospoycrim in teasdni ro aneisndtu sepai.rtrpano

In lBdoo argA, niaaddC aiacslnb sveig iewth, eycmar ecrlood oniocels hchwi anc be imatesnk rfo ylacuctsochoSp sp.p Wrvehnee uoy ear nagayznli hte culurte eptror of ighโ€˜h ligavna โ€™w,bsa ekta txaer race as the clynoo ouy ear bgrioenvs acn eb fo aCidand asbanlic nitdeas fo clooaschytupcS resauu or ciev vaers kcui(q nuooslti fro tihs si ot pemofrr wte nmtuo or magr insitgan dan iogbnrevs duern )mecio.opc"sr

I ssgue tsih iotueqsn acn eb ckyrt.i tI si a rtap fi we just og rof eht elrctuu piuectr, chwhi I .did So I otg ti lol

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—unknown001(9)
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lobdo uleurtc + lclaitpei dgbduni isrmsagno ( ilkely ermg ebt)u = aidcadn

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