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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#22 (reveal difficulty score)
A 33-year-old woman, gravida 4, para 4, is ...
Transfusion-related acute lung injury ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yo(89)
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isTh uccrodre witnih 6 hosru nad ucasde meos yapolmrun mdeae dna atrosrperiy rseisstd atefr a isnnrafosut uaedsc by the 'droosn -yceanouitktel iieobstand sjut etiyogsdrn the esitecinrp tneirhlposu nad srayerirtpo lhdleaeinto ce.sll

ihewl elnihlgplcaaasrayxi/ acn eaucs esiarrprtyo sartre dan hkcso ti sah a sewhoatm frdfntiee crpi,etu no gn,eihezw nstsihcei or hwraetve and nadoccrig to irtsf iAd ti pnahpes niwthi imsteun to 3-2 hsuro whhic si at tesal oulbed htaw er'ew ngeesi .heer sola aerbew fo IgA feitcneid opleep ni htsi ciec.oh

P,E eh I tno'd kthin it fstfeac a2Po tath fneot mhcu ndogccari ot shti upsre urdpe ighh dylie rrs.cueoe tbu huh haye eodnts' lfee PE nidka eqnoi suteepwcdrceie/lm9#2siichn/e/1p-dopket:0/r0acum03m.ctso.t1a

amenion,p itghr rfeta all eht fisnuoin iubnsses adn on omientn fo erfev ro nhaintgy? Nah.

go to aegp 141 of rfsti da.i mI' ytpetr seur ew ened ot knwo ruo opnnntiifuasta/lsnr acpr esabeuc it jtus speke ogminc pu in rwduol but sthi wohel xmea si a rshooapc.t

eirFogv me fi I made a soktwem/argin botau gh,ntiyan I mtyosl tgo ifno mofr rifst di.a zpl cocretr fi hetre si a aeskmti, doog ckul.

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hungrybox  we nnago kaem it rob +8
hungrybox  ro sis +9
nala_ula  I did hte ,asem icabyllsa tnwe ohughtr ache noe adn the miet of snote nweeebt ea.hc odGo cklu on ouyr !set!st +
temmy  i dt'on tnkih omnaplyur milobems iwll esuac arilebtla nugl riatnlfeit +7
athenathefirst  I hope uoy uygs emda it. Your tspo 9 otnhms oag +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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โ€™Im yigtnr ot yaellr lanre isth and oknw owh to leur tuo lla eht arsnew io.scech So arf I :ehav

:A ncyhpacAtali oanrtiec cednudi yb gAI sieobinatd l&2t-3; rsh

:B ycimotHle nfsoutanris taeiorcn l1;t& hr

:C eioraopsPevtt aopunemcobohnrin oneuPain,m rgthi frate lla teh iinounfs sbienssu dan no ntionem fo veref or gyh?antin aNh

:D lyPmonrau mubsole wthi yapumonlr aonictinfr

E: sTiaeodelrtnur-nasf catue lung urjniy crtC!eor urcsOc t6l;& hrs

I swa nkiihtgn D uldoc eb ruedl otu /bc erhsโ€™te no tinomne fo oistyhr fo tziuielb-amion/hpgaeoymorablcil ndA I usseg it msese uoovisb eht situoeqn si uoigncsf on het snrntsouf.ia esSem iankd fyfi What od oyu suyg hkit?n

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pass_this  I acllyuta ogt sthi gnorw and ocesh D. Btu teh setqunio colpeyletm is yngtir to elan ouy oawrstd unsoftrians and ekil uoy dais no rneosa rfo .EP +
blindophthalmologist  Brtliaale ungl intitsalerf meska ti oudsn erom of a numiem oesprs.c CRX of a EP can eb nrlaom I e.beelvi +
lovebug  nad slo,a sa oyu lal wnok B) icllcnia xS of mlcoyiteH arnitssunfo artcoein si irbaiomghenuol and dcajn.uie heert is on scuh in.ght so urle otu ): +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—unknown001(9)
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i olwdu hgiylh nrecedmom you aienrfr mfro mnagmcir of txcea ngiismt , sa semo oerv lpa , dna hte rnigdsow can eb mgaildsen,i

orf ple,xmae hiintw 6 h,ours can eb peenrridett sa na vente atht atrsst ni wfe ,unsmtie as fwe msteiun era trpa fo het "iintwh 6 suh"ro

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—unknown001(9)
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geinor tiimgn and tle mcmono nesse ekta rcae fo ti , slte go ofr onsitga.epshe

ypanh/riclicalt=laegca ocibooorntnrintscc and hze ew old.aavsit g&t; rhdit pcnisag g;t& hocks

safronntsiu er.l ctuae ngul nijuyr = shto hporiuentl diecvtta a yb nrdoo oblod tcdpuro tg&; cyiktoen elaeres in mylr nauop cav.s tg&; ualnprmy deema

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by hemoglobin_(2)
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