e"nsnTi b"wloe si deu ot ridaal neerv epigtnienmm eanr hte llaeatr ceyilpnedo of het hr.uuesm rotEnsxe pirca dsiriaal sibrev is a cumesl of eht osrnxtee mtacertnmpo of hte aem,rfro aeinitogsr from eht telaral lceoypdien sa el.wl
stiwr essroxten nitne(s - k-h-&t;abgcdna) taralel riswdnytp eloic oefrlsx fl(og - nihkt aren hsto - ondt' onkw thaw 'sti ael)cdl - lmadie icoyepdnl
submitted by โihavenolife(81)
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Tnsien ewblo sesrlut ni nrtsai fo teh momnco troxesne etodnn and nnaltiiammfo fo hte eepmtusiro of alalrte iplc.yndeeo
elraaLt oelbw npia, tnfeo lfte wehn oingenp a doro ro ligitfn a s.alsg
igsorin fo eth slmcsue atth mya be aftfceed ll(a vhea sxeeonrt ni het nema os fi uoy eerrmmbe ttah ouy dcolu tge htis tenuiqos by inoa)entiilm
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