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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#4 (reveal difficulty score)
An 18-year-old woman comes to the office ...
Extensor carpi radialis brevis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—ihavenolife(81)
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Tnsien ewblo sesrlut ni nrtsai fo teh momnco troxesne etodnn and nnaltiiammfo fo hte eepmtusiro of alalrte iplc.yndeeo

elraaLt oelbw npia, tnfeo lfte wehn oingenp a doro ro ligitfn a s.alsg

igsorin fo eth slmcsue atth mya be aftfceed ll(a vhea sxeeonrt ni het nema os fi uoy eerrmmbe ttah ouy dcolu tge htis tenuiqos by inoa)entiilm

  1. xotenesr caipr ildaisra slungo
  2. soexrtne ircap sdiirlaa bivrse
  3. teoxrens iruogidtm
  4. roxntese tiidgi iimmin
  5. tneesxor iaprc lnairsu

ormF eht 001 osmt inarmttop tmonaAy nnCscotpioe PPT (St teaMwsht si)iUvnryte

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submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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e"nsnTi b"wloe si deu ot ridaal neerv epigtnienmm eanr hte llaeatr ceyilpnedo of het hr.uuesm rotEnsxe pirca dsiriaal sibrev is a cumesl of eht osrnxtee mtacertnmpo of hte aem,rfro aeinitogsr from eht telaral lceoypdien sa el.wl

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ibestalkinyo  Teh rdaial neerv is TNO vloivden htiw llartea ti.eisdcpyolin The nrdyluinge thoahpspy si otlmminaniaf fo teh ioeusdtnn surba and rgoini fo teh eeornxts .dnoenst aldRia enver eoennvltvim uwldo adel ot more origlnouce fcesitid uchs sa lsos fo esionatns adn nesaweks harret hatn dtsenreens adn iapn tasigan ertsedis osie.extnn +1

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submitted by โˆ—b1ackcoffee(115)
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stiwr essroxten nitne(s - k-h-&t;abgcdna) taralel riswdnytp eloic oefrlsx fl(og - nihkt aren hsto - ondt' onkw thaw 'sti ael)cdl - lmadie icoyepdnl

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b1ackcoffee  dukecf tanmirfotg. +
misterdoctor69  I tnkih eth rwdo 'ouyre oklo ofr is uu""Bt pyu isth is r.hgti +1
kcyanide101  yM meiunnpoc rfo shti si ..E."".LT eLlrata notpilcdaisiiE = Esortsnex = nisnTe ....wbloE. ha.hahhha.a.ah.ah.Hah The rteho eno si het hroet one ( In het ociev of a)jolGin +

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