ciThrcao ssrCo ciStoen efecrneeR
EPAG 429 FA 2801 EAMAGD IN RDSALO OUMNCL unt(nfio aer: ser,surpe invta,orbi eifn uh,cot opotopcienr)pri PSANEYS 1 : .N cegLair ( oreLw boyd, egLs) DAN N. aenUucts pp(eUr b,ydo mras)
isTh is nghoswi nodyoni/isedltiurimnapt bapysel(rmu ofmr eht nalips dorc nijyur) of teh lscfsucaui argilics ta eht elvle fo het werlo hiarocct r.dco ouY cna llet siht is eht icohrcat rcdo buaeesc of hte erenescp of hte dnttreeeamii hnor dna hte rllaems vternal rsonh. tI si eth oerwl cichrota rcod (lweob 5T) eseacub etreh is olny oen doasrl on.ulmc
We ahve yonl hnugeo nitoiormanf ot cdunelco orelw lge vnntilmveoe os slos of sisneaton ot tnvbraiio over htob tefe si eht bste nws.rea
eckch sthi iknl out, rhee eth utiperc is reyv ca.rle
ehkcC tou 220A0F pg 0t58u P gml&-syp-ti; ymni=el lkacb tg;-&- olorc of eth nlroam ethwi arnmteto men=iyl nipk -;t-g& color of the amnrlo agry tarmet dan hte adgdaem aear
Dsrola =umcnsol ati,nribvo pitrnripcep,ooo rsureeps ifen .Fhc uto iracgLis= Lower dy.boF cUuo=tnase Urppe doby
I dah on luec rhwee teh adegam was tereh,i ubt tihw hatt dasi:
You eelf eth agrss twhi yuro eetf โgtโ;& lcugarsi
dnA teh geanmrnrtae nloga teh aispnl rocd is iisalrm to teh /rnmtoooesrys nclhuuomus fo hte brani eehwr the etfe era no eht imeisdlinea/d and hte mars rae no eht uleotlaadr/.itse
submitted by โhaliburton(224)
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hist is a vclerica aplisn dcor centis.o eth neceatu lcfuiscsua is itntac EU() tivoinabr nad ,oitireprpoocnp ubt hte twehi netsoic is het gaeclir sucialufsc LE() and is eadmgda. I nktih teh aleatlr nroipto taht si neeuvn si utsj af/tlanirrc.uatat