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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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hsTi si a asec of iaphrypro eaacnut .rtaad heT awy I mrmeeebr iths si that si't the onyl ihdhe-lgiy ryoapiphr thta has skni esoniitasnmtfa ued to .VU I meebemrr hist yb efrtA" U uoyionrphp(,)rr 'ist .VU" yAppnrteal si't also iascetdsao with isetptHia ,C hwich cudlo eb eth noersa wyh srehte' cierensad ATS ;&mpa LT,A or ti oudcl be eud ot iotxc luipdub fo meteiiesntdar ni emeh yins.ssthe

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meningitis  Why cant ti be opeopiorgtpnrynhro iasdoxe? t I swa euabsce of htat aosenr dIc(anrees AST nad ATL) I thoghut it ntwsa uproeyrhrpoiognn acb.erd yM intar of thuhtgo :swa wo"w, tmnidciahoro rae dmesse p.u. rethe smtu eb a lot fo tdmrneiteieas ni reftrteehore,he hte opprohUr acerbd tmus K."O +
arlenieeweenie  FA 9201 .pg ,471 eht atler on het efcdet ni hte emhe tnssihyes tyaapwh is the one oerm essocatadi wiht ksni gfnisind! lsoA gcodnarci ot iths ry'ase nietido pprughioryroneno hstsnaey is nwo nkonw as npognpolihorbei aaemsnedi +9
nobody  SBSOMA sah rsetngoe hpatyer idtles sa a islpestbcutyii ocrfta rfo PCT. I oducl ont nidf a klin eetebnw adetvele LAATT/S adn ergstoen etpahry ttha lwoud crocu 15 rsaey iton aet.ermntt +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—h0odtime(54)
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eeHm cioMmnnes

  • lorcieStbisad Aimean - ALAS Ens(d in S = srlotiecSad)bi
  • deLa iogPsinon - LDAA ;pm&a eaeraros.lFchte D,LA(Ae hrAcEotsaeeLe)DrF
  • taoClpscymi :isIrnmtteeaed fropelluPysu BD()P dlHo U3eirn ()PDU usCp
  • gPlnoinoborpehi PBD โ†’ liadbyHeyyonlrhtxem โ†’ phgrynnierporooU 3 DUP โ†’ poiprnnogoroChye 3
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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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Teh nyhngosroeripp logfoinwl PBG invsnoecor into ipgnoyenrrrphUoo 3 ceasu oiphntievossttiy aubecse LYNO eseth aertc iwth ygeonx on tianxteoci yb VU th.lig

rTeeoherf fcedyicnie fo ayn of eht ooifglwnl esymnez -

irnroophegyonpru xgeaopibpyo yrsnorcopohlrnreadce dexsaoi, pngoroyrrnphieop xsaoedi dan erhefaorrstelca acn escau thtoitpse.yinsvoi

But wenbtee awrsen scicohe B ma;p& C, C si tghir aebesuc of st'i isaanciosto wthi Hep C, rdiesa AST ALT sa oeenmn@ ias.d

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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fI you ulrsgetg twhi chioeBm adn vthnea' hread fo ofoM esiir,vytrnU I wduol lhhgyi mncmreeod chgnkcie ti .uot heT elobw anronmfitoi I ogt fmro isth vd:ioe to3yo8eas/yrsnesxno-yrvaskiehl-apaessdeoao6bmrs6m.f/rpteo/snp-4-reic-tamii-h.lryp:i/sah-thcp-/c-t/umopcreroiu-9ectof1-rdcelsserm/utspu3oisttmcaua dan ti's gt.rea

ayPihoprr ueancta ratad = AD iumntato of onpriopghunryroe xaoyebrs,adlce htis si the MCC of ioph,yaprr dan it nepsstre ni s-.s4500

Mani pmoystm of ioipehyotsnttvsi eniagld ot insk luolseslibn//beeairslst ude ot nsik roipoeyhpnrsng nbige ezdiidox by htilg ot pporinhsry ahtt agdame teh ks,in nad teohr knsi gfndnsii fo s/hieirrpsarphiyopimytgetehn.ntco

A eyk urtefea si osslpieb virle oeblsrmp ude ot cseaastoid nrpiicaegptti fca.otsr MCC apricenptiitg ascorft = esvexices EHOt dna sPOC scbeaue fo C40Y5P cdeinurs gcidernu umrse eemh levlse ot eb tleziuid ni eth new 4PYC50 sy,meenz tshu ngitiumlsta LAA yhnsseat edu ot ardecesed heme iohnti.nbii tOhre pitigrnieptca ctsfroa nliecud rilav hpei,ittsa yispeclela tpiitesah C, adn escesx onir as in h.oretosahcmisom heesT acn elad to veedatel ATS dan TLA l.eslve

thArone nsgi is kdra ri"tpwne-o" loercod iuner hcwih ipkn ecusrfsoel enudr doWo tig.hl btAsne toysspmm = lbaminoda pian and NCS pmosrelb euesacb AAL adn BPG od ton mceutdlAuca topcrdsu = rpoyrunpiohr ,III ronyuoihgopnerpr II,I ruyhoirorppn ,I nda ropuprynongeohri I.

nrtetemaT = nsu xoeeprus oean,advci rmlavoe of nitpieigrtpac rosaf,ct ymtobohl,ep rlqcoenuhio wh(cih nac nbdi nad laed ot croiexnte fo aia.mul)conucst rgsnPsoio = cetln.lxee

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submitted by euphoria(1)
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sPOC is caeistodsa hwti hPrryipao neacaut aadtr as lle.w in eth smte het nttiaep saw on CPsO rof 51 r.!syae



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