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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
A newborn has female external genitalia and a ...
Dihydrotestosterone ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sinforslide(63)
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Male eailtnnr ilatganie -g&;t cIattn RSY , ,tesste and ttrees.osoent

oN eelmfa nailntre egnaailti t-&;g esrPenec fo IFM ulntemirianal( ohemorn) nad tciatn ltSoeir clle unfon.cti

Feemal ertelxan elaitgnia ;t&g- No ganodern ,entsrep cihwh si rqeerdiu rfo alem eretnalx ataelgnii iom.nftrao

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d_holles  oNt ures I detrsndnua hyw T is ongr,w but TDH is toec.rcr +1
d_holles  I thughto butao itsh emso erom -- HTD fmsor eexratln atieagiln elwih T rsfom a'mel tnalgei c.dsut' aTht's ywh teh ccorret wnsear is TH,D ton T, nices het TP dha e+tx i,negtiala btu talrn-eni alt.anigie I was hinitkng atth het PT adh IC,SA btu ttha dlowu leda to sseett ynol wo/ aeml eintlag ucs.dt eeS 1A9F20 06.8p +24
d_holles  *I tenma -txe giti,aneal t+ni ialtgiena +
adong  T is ogrnw abuecse oyu iltls ened T to meak eht nlnateir eaml srnaog ichhw he ahs sadbe fof eht IRM +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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Pre 860p in FA 9,021 YRS no Y msmohrooce tusesrl in leentdomepv of ee.sstt TDH rulsets in dmeeovtplne fo lema enaelrtx tnaaiielg nda( eth oatepr.)st

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mrsmac  No itleros scell ro kalc of mellaunri niibhiytro cfaort amsek rmoe ns.see cb eerht si tohb amel dan meaelf niantrle egilainat ubt loyn laem teealrxn ngtileaaa. dan akrytopye wdluo oswh 64X.Y srFti diA 0812 .gp 046 - eth xaeu"Sl ft"niDroteeaifni reahgc aeslneidet tyxalec iht.s fI ti erew dtsaarceu5e ecneycidif the ilhdc wduol haev sttcseeil dna s,rotcmu cihwh in ihst ceas is ec.bsnea opHe htis ekmsa e.esns aeselP elt em wkon if yuo gersedia adn y.hw h.ksaTn +
mixmasta  I eevebli the ikyrct atrp si taht hyet nd'to oenitmn eth suttsa fo teh aeMl lteeaxrn talge.iian Pg. 560 rmfo AF ( otmbot o)nporti hswos eth eetrlnax pteleevnmod fo eht eFema/elMla ;tainageli uyo ees HDT si nede for lma.e uoFermrhtre, g.p 064 E(XSAUL FIITDEIRENFN)OTA HTD is aslo nedede rfo eMla nratleex neteveldm.op +
niboonsh  My rtenngsadduin of shit is atht teh giiaosnsd is ha5pal rseduceta edfeicnciy eueascb eht bnoenrw hsa lmefae aeerlntx aa(k m)uaouigsb iwth lmae natnreil (aka mle"a gntliea "utsd)c. cdircgnAo to A,F yelgdi scell ucdoper tt,esosnoteer cwihh nac eierth imasuttel the ehnomsrecpi ctdu ot ofrm eth ANTNLREI eaml eigaltns s(a ees in teh tp). tnTrseesoteo acn laos eb edact on by lpah5a ceteduars to coemeb yoeseisoe,ttDrtdonhr hwhic fosmr hte elam NLERTXEA ilgaai.ten eiSnc ihst dik sha "af"lmee agesnt,li but hsa mela desinsi and si 6X,Y4 id ysa hsit si a ispeml esca of aha5pl sdearctue ycifnei.ecd oN ilsoert sllce ro on IMF dlwuo nrsepet sa obht maelfe nad elam nlinerat bc(seaue IFM illyytpac niihtbis erndfeintotifia fo lfeeam l)trenani nda mlae etrnxale tailngaei bzu(c geylid clesl era )cefatdefnu +17

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—basic_pathology(25)
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Y mheoroosmc &-g;t- SRY eeng g-&t-; issetT &t--g; eroltSi nda dgyiLe lcls.e

elSitro llec:s HAM -;g&t- tionlovinu fo nrualleim dscut g&t;-- on mlefea rntnelia nraosg

yeLdgi lles:c

  • oTt:tnorseese deevoemptln of ifnWofla duct E)DES( eimlas(n ls,eisvec di,iEpdisym raoyEcalujt utD,c sutucD reDsnefe.)
  • dsrte-ceaau5 t-g&-; :DTH amle aenxrtle egtilania ,einps( r)etoatsp

tngeiErvyh si nalmr,o etpcxe for enxralet glnateaii. DTH lnginsigla is s.minigs

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—jhan17(2)
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Yuo rttas uot sa eealmf aegtliina

neTh dda eoms texra utsff ot ekma a dcik nad ittse.s

  1. ddA eesstetoTnor "eyd"ickL( cel)l + A-tirlnlamenui nromeho lrist(oe el)lc g&=t; mael ELTIANRN tgiaeailn

  2. dAd DHT oe(ucddpr yb -a5 oesdylh)yrxa tg;&= emla ATRLEXEN ilenaiagt

icSne tp si klnagci alme alxterne l,atingiea motenigsh si wrngo htiw HTD

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—frijoles(7)
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I ehsoc E) saecbue I asw inthkgin rennogad nsiietiystinv mryneso.d ewHrv,oe I lzeirae the igdronw fo eth tienqsuo is chwhi NMRHEOO ouwld eb eudecdr nda in SA,I tetessnooetr sveell wdluo nto atlycual be erduc.e

oT eb crlea ,uhghto ISA olcud veah teh XTAEC seam drcesiebd rteoe,pnistna yse? 64X(.Y hwti meal lgeatni sutdc &pa;m eeflma neerxatl aaingtl)ei tsuJ wtan to mkea sure hreet si ohintgn slee htat uldoc eavh idtepp em of.f .snahkT

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daddyusmle  Ypu you ogt i.t SAI is a eedftc whti the deanrogn petcreor in eagrtt stssi,eu ton wthi hte m.seohron AIS ash teh msae at:neportnsie lcilGyopyeatn XY btu has lmefae axeentlr aailngite nda mlae telniarn nea.agtili hTis si omts liyekl -a5halp dseacutre c.icefydine +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yo(89)
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gaDn itsh sieqntuo tewrh me ffo asueecb ti siad mfeale naiateilg wehn I hhttogu ti owuld eb uimagbuos ta rbtih. HDT llsit amsek teh tsom kans.hT

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submitted by โˆ—et-tu-bromocriptine(140)
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tryeEhvgni hsa nebe doveecr ayealdr, utb eehr's to teh vausil alnserer - 'sit easy ot ese eth olrsanihtiep wbtneee TDH nad ro seee.sttotn/tmr.o/mth/a:/pcgFds83mYMiu

rnoig(e hte hwleo kbacl srsvue ubel ..octsir.lo acstieclpom sgtinh nda I'm esru I idolcrmsoe sr)eeew.moh

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