teniwrs' oralmfu is ot kolo ta het cnntsooaimep to ese if it is atprr.poeiap
2POC = C3[O.5-]1H + 8 /-+ 2 In
stih sace, 1*5. 01 ('tPs brcib)a +8 -+/2 = 21 ot tP
25's 2OP si 3,2 os soeopcitnanm is etrpriaa.opp If POC2 was wboel ,21 it wlodu be ottnncmcioa arrtroeypis siskaloal
in rhtoe wor,ds iste'nwr ulofram is otn ncsasreey fro iths eioqsntu
2rgcng@eioe2 enomoSe itgmh use ntie'sWr oulafrm ot uler out ccieoh .A
stI'n hte wol 2COp oehugn ot uerl uto A?
submitted by โergogenic22(401)
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aH(i--n-C=C+onlaN)O3 pga = (0+4-)500111 = 52 qLm/E
nmrlao nerga for onnai pag is 8 to 16 erEroeqTf/m..hL.,e eiipotvs aoinn gpa.
Hp = 25.,7 ornlam ganer 7..35.7.45-. forereehT cssiodai
olmarN cbrtaeanoib 2282,- uosqetnis sowhs irbbca of 01. Trerhefeo mblcoetai caisosid
tddnliylioaA 2CPO ymnllaro 4-353 mm ,gH inuoteqs oswsh OPC2 of 32 ithw nrmlao 2,PO fetrreeho yesratrpior tpeinncamsoo