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Retired NBME 19 Answers

nbme19/Block 3/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
52 yo man, 4 hours of severe headache, ...
Increased total peripheral resistance and decreased cardiac output 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by cassdawg(1781)
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oprnlooaPl si a ineoesntcvle ateb :lrcboek

  • kBcladoe fo teb-a1 tcorseerp: 1bte-a pyatlyicl secau na caeresin ni ahrte t,rae so boaekdlc sauces creaedes in ethra reat nda tnicrlttoca.iy OC = HR x SV os treeh si an ravlelo eedacrse ni aidcacr outtpu
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waitingonprometric  viingg a osvel-etecnni tabe klobrec liwl eascu eupnopdso alahp tcfeesf .e.i( ,sicvntoo)anrtcsio hsit si hte soetpoip fo tawh uyo ntwa ni hits titpena +

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