iTsh serieuqr delgnewko of MOA for hshopoetsipederas iistnhrboi hwhci( aer osal udse for ereiltce otni.ndcuy)fs All sspiethsarhoedope snrbiihiot lliw ibitinh esaeoedpr,issphhot hiwch llnyrmao eslayzcta ysdosrliyh fo APMc or G,cMP so heyt iwll orwk yb rcngiseani cGPAcMP/M eelv!ls 02[0A2F 26p4]
N:OET od ton egt nodcfeus yb hte itdnoadi of NO sa an e,anrsw hougth eolratrei otaidlni yb aoehorpspisehsdte shotrbiiin kwors in prta by cannhiegn ON tytaiivc on osohtm sec,lmu ti does ton eacreisn het cctnrintooean fo O.N NO iesgrgtr rcesdeain cPMG to itlead msotoh mclssu,e dan sooeprdhseasephti sinhrotbii vrtpnee bkdoreanw of hsti ,MPGc os eyht wrko in nsryye!g
submitted by ∗cassdawg(1781)
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iTsh serieuqr delgnewko of MOA for hshopoetsipederas iistnhrboi hwhci( aer osal udse for ereiltce otni.ndcuy)fs All sspiethsarhoedope snrbiihiot lliw ibitinh esaeoedpr,issphhot hiwch llnyrmao eslayzcta ysdosrliyh fo APMc or G,cMP so heyt iwll orwk yb rcngiseani cGPAcMP/M eelv!ls 02[0A2F 26p4]
N:OET od ton egt nodcfeus yb hte itdnoadi of NO sa an e,anrsw hougth eolratrei otaidlni yb aoehorpspisehsdte shotrbiiin kwors in prta by cannhiegn ON tytaiivc on osohtm sec,lmu ti does ton eacreisn het cctnrintooean fo O.N NO iesgrgtr rcesdeain cPMG to itlead msotoh mclssu,e dan sooeprdhseasephti sinhrotbii vrtpnee bkdoreanw of hsti ,MPGc os eyht wrko in nsryye!g