ihtW the ncoionidt eadyarl ateuc uyo a'tcn wati rfo C dna D os it svlaee su wot sheo.tr eW to'nw mitad orf enicoac ttcexinioodaif ypimsl eusceba eh koot iecacno 6 rsuoh ago adn it teska 51 to 30 eisumnt rof ncciosea ftecef ot wera f.fo So heilw ew cna ureag the htsi hiiemsac sah decroucr eud ot his cnhirco eioaccn seu, we aols aveh to ese ttah ti psyilm si ton the tenserp dvseeoro sttha' uaignsc ihs iscihema
submitted by lucifer546(6)
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ihtW the ncoionidt eadyarl ateuc uyo a'tcn wati rfo C dna D os it svlaee su wot sheo.tr eW to'nw mitad orf enicoac ttcexinioodaif ypimsl eusceba eh koot iecacno 6 rsuoh ago adn it teska 51 to 30 eisumnt rof ncciosea ftecef ot wera f.fo So heilw ew cna ureag the htsi hiiemsac sah decroucr eud ot his cnhirco eioaccn seu, we aols aveh to ese ttah ti psyilm si ton the tenserp dvseeoro sttha' uaignsc ihs iscihema