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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 4/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 27-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Inferior alveolar nerve ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—waitingonprometric(264)
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igueFr rfom hsti pprea shswo eht sercuo fo eth ifrierno aelovrla n.


Ineirfor vlaaorle .n is slao eotmimess allced eth onrriife aetnld .n /bc it sppilseu otssnniea to eth wlero th.tee

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j44n  hyw lnotcud ti eb het alximryla ty?arer dostne htat unr rghtuho the wja sa ewll +1
hiroshimi  4j4@:n xrlailyaM treyra vgei a rahnbc ecdlal rreifino rlloavea tayrer ahtt lerastv wiht eth eoifirrn lvalareo .nerev eTh alryxmlia earyrt sfliet lilw realvt pu nda iegv ncesharb hrteo cliunidgn hte dildme aneignlme rtarey dnorau het rmetopa.l oS agsyni ylliaramx si oto ordba I tn.ihk +
sexymexican888  iTsh stih is os cfnugki nnoaingy MLOA tsi os ugcifnk tyisth who hety ksa itsesonuq on stih you nac ndfi or AF +
chaosawaits  llA I know is I awtn to ese thsi atclau 'ntiasept negtuo ot see hwo it si "tno jdu"nire +
thatmd  UW nsqetuoi :DI 00206 +

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submitted by โˆ—pfebo(13)
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iThs enuqisto is botua eht ehetr bnhearcs fo het rinigametl veern VN.)(C etitaPn has rdeakm edaem nda etnedsrsne of a,jw so it aecolst ot lubrmnidaa rbnahc chhwi lideuscn th iireofrn avralelo reven.

arotveL iibal urporsisie is rtpa fo eht Milxalrya nabhrc, attpnei dlouw ptnerse esbusnmn ni eaar and sx of rlitoba forlo tuce.rfra

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