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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Influenza virus ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—waitingonprometric(264)
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hTree rae lcseu ni hte mystsmpo thta isth si f4-uly-a-d gihh ,eferv mlgy,aai ialames, lcka fo iep;peatt laos ish milfay si i.csk

tB,u tnraohe dogo eluc is atth teh nmoasirg silrteapec nhwtii the ells'c ulecsnu. (roF ym kcethSy ocirm fsl!ko afnIleznu is na ov,urmxotohisyr eedo,venpl tisngeen-saeev RNA .vsuri iThs si eht eciutpr of eht isdtntes fceoif dna ni hte hfsi ntka heter ear soutopc babsei eniisd teh ionceilrtpa ni hte su).ecnlu

heOrt na:werss

i&siolg;orvu-t-P syotsmmp moer klliye ot eliundc sdarecdee melcus atlyparn/ssistrhge ro )it(pasce innigmiset like tpmsosym

sReiab ;u-iv-st&rg doluw yleilk elnuidc shtyrio fo exsurepo ot bsta, accsoor,n s;ukskn key pmst:osmy ianogitta, boihophap,to b,ydhrihaopo hlovateysrapiin

&tr-es;giuov-R oraivusrt is a nmcomo i;vroeurs etorereh,f rtehe dulow eb a tosyrhi of ycseetror rahareid

SR-&tV-g; hsti si luauyls a eseadsi fo rdeinclh 2&l;t yo/

acVaciin -gs&ru;ivt- shti is a rxsuopiv dna dwolu ecuas a arsh

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