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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
In a nuclear transplantation experiment, ...
Imprinting ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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siuonQet seseidcbr het ntceeig ecotpcn of nlranpeuati yismdo ( nrngiihtei otbh gs/een elelsla frmo oen atenrp )

otsM caess of enatlnauipr mdsoiy iwll eigv a nalmor pehpenyot utb in essca enhw rnimnpgiit si eolvnvid ( untlaar gincnisel fo esgne ) , rnoebmtaliisa may occru .* akeT rof mexelpa eht wot stom onlcmmyo ditec paxmlsee fo ihst utsioiatn

  • arerdP l-liiW nda nmneAgal ensymord

  • In raePrd iiWll - mrayolln the eeng ieddrev romf mha(reott atht sficciep uclos ) is slneidec nda ti si het aantlepr laeell wichh si tflanocni.u If eth nplreata egen ocsmebe letddee , all uoy edn pu tihw a si the mhtreos ld/ancninlunencsoieoft lelale . vttylAneeailr fi hotb gesen rae etyallnram deerivd ( aaplnrnUeti mDsoyi ) , ouy nde up whti 2 ecisdneinofalo/ntlncnu sgnee

  • eTh smae hngit cuscro orf galnenam ujts c-eeavrisv

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kevinsinghkang  hwy ton sosl of ioyzsyettgheor ? hyw is it rwgon +

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