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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
38-year-old man with a 3-year history of type ...
Contemplation ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—waitingonprometric(264)
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AF ,1029 gp. 65.5 atSgse fo eghacn meod.l

mPnltertocpeinao g&;--t dingeny het mbloerp i..e( if hsit atnipte ddtni' htikn taht eh neddee innsiul ot lncrtoo ihs oodbl )arsug

tlnetopimaonC t-g-;& edkgnwlescao eth ebmrlp,o but si lnwiugnli ot cgeanh i.e.( uro tapetin er,he kwons hatt he seedn suinnl,i utb not erayd to take ti bc/ ti amed elppoe in his ifymal )csik

ienotaoamedatP/inrienprtr g-;t&- eprrgnipa ofr bavriealoh hngeca ie(.. eipatnt niskag teh cdorto to bsreeircp nsnliiu to nlocrot sih blodo sragu)

lwArlnewooitc/pi &--;tg nggainhc bvraeshio e(.i. etptain is intkag ilinu)ns

eientMnnaac -g&-t; mgniatnaini gahsnce ..(ei titnaep ahs tknae hsi nlunisi ofr tlas 5 eyasr twhi iyled)fit

Rpaeles &g--t; gurtirnen to lod eirhbasov dna nnagiobnda shagecn

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dermgirl  FA 2020, .gp .586 +

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submitted by โˆ—prostar(22)
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nI eantnoolmtpic a,tesg hte ornsep si ibntaavlme ubaot sih tut.osghh eH okwsn htbo srop and onsc fo mtsghne.oi s(a ni ruo esca)

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