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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 3/Question#37 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Congenital ureteral obstruction ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—bingcentipede(359)
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Teh ttenaip si entginesrp htwi ohpridnrsehyso dna a UIT. rbmm,eeRe asepittn ear ernop ot IUTs ewnh ruine si ,gaatnnst so fi hretes' an ocosu,irtnbt ehs'tre an cearednis chnace fo IU.T

Bngei atth tsi' a ,oyb s'ehret a achecn hsti is a seotrrpio earhulrt ealvv htta is nrgocuitbts teh

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cheesetouch  oroitesrp ultrreah lvvea rostsutbc eht TeuRr,HA os hte erdblad wdoul eb fedctfee deil(,tda thick lwl)ead adn I leef ekli otbh sruETRe oudwl eb ol.dkebc 1AF8 3.56 I khitn s'he a tbi too lod, tbu hdra ot +3
kbizzitt  aYe reosproti altuhrer valev si yayillpct idepck up naryletpal on sdoul.aurtn heT eroth gdininf wdluo eb hroogady,oinsmil so ertPto qeencesu udolw lleyik eb oield.nvv 2AF0 597 +2

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