oatlbMiec coiasids aebecus eht rliertaa Hp oseg ni eht saem tiidroecn as eth icbbar dan pO2C .ie(. othb Hp nda iCOcpba/b2r rea sedcedare fomr nom;)lar ni yirrmpa rroapiresty osaoalislsdakii/cs het aeiltarr pH geos in het pespotio ioecrditn sa eth brciba adn Cp.2O
necO oyu oknw thta ti si a rymairp bacotmeil osicaids, yuo heav to echck fro otctonaincm yoraprseitr .drisdoser Do thsi thiw t'rinsWe o:uafmrl
pdecxeet p2OC = 5C.13O()H + 8 -+/ 2
o.s.. dptxceee C2pO = (15.1)1 + 8 +-/ 2 -tg;-& OC2p = 24.5 +/- 2 = eeetcpxd COp2 si eebtnwe ,5.5.-2622 r,erfteeho 23 is ni eht edtcxeep ,geanr on otiacnotmnc isrperrotya psrocse
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oatlbMiec coiasids aebecus eht rliertaa Hp oseg ni eht saem tiidroecn as eth icbbar dan pO2C .ie(. othb Hp nda iCOcpba/b2r rea sedcedare fomr nom;)lar ni yirrmpa rroapiresty osaoalislsdakii/cs het aeiltarr pH geos in het pespotio ioecrditn sa eth brciba adn Cp.2O
necO oyu oknw thta ti si a rymairp bacotmeil osicaids, yuo heav to echck fro otctonaincm yoraprseitr .drisdoser Do thsi thiw t'rinsWe o:uafmrl
pdecxeet p2OC = 5C.13O()H + 8 -+/ 2
o.s.. dptxceee C2pO = (15.1)1 + 8 +-/ 2 -tg;-& OC2p = 24.5 +/- 2 = eeetcpxd COp2 si eebtnwe ,5.5.-2622 r,erfteeho 23 is ni eht edtcxeep ,geanr on otiacnotmnc isrperrotya psrocse