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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 2/Question#22 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Pleural effusion ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—waitingonprometric(264)
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,091AF2 .gp 6:66

Bsade no eht gfiidsnn of scareeded retahb udonss, dull re,npiusocs dan reedsaced latteci mirs,eftu lrlpaue fufsinoe is uory nsarw.e

ishT was mero of a o-rultue sitoqnue htna a r-Famag-sbernrhe--eoon-a-w-eAiemtrp sqeuiton orf !em

tBehra sosndu era ,adesdrece os oyu nca erlu uto mchiaatst ihnoicrbst eizh()gnwe dna rumyalnop osbimlme nomar(l abreth s,osnud btu .icptaycnh)e onthiacsBrceis cna heav a ermbnu of n--esskcgd,nricilaf rin,ohch enghwe,zi p-toiiismaryrdn ske,squa ec.t

heEmapsmy ss(lo of aloealrv pltsea setis)u and utmenaxhorop ehva diecnasre ira ni eth lsu,gn erorh,efet yteh lilw be arnseypteohnr no iprsu,senco so rule teosh tuo oo.t

ilatTce sfuitmre sasereced iwht tmos ,yvhrgiente tub todcaol--nwlnioosi creequynf nussod lrtvae lwel in snede treiamal bl(aro npaoi)unme, tbu laevtr olypor rtghohu idiqlu raepll(u se)f.iounf oree,Tehfr sadeb no daecersed efsruit,m ruel otu nionua.emp

ruo.yo.'eS. telf hitw aurpell nisfeuof as uroy ewasr!n

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mw126  Psaychli xmae nnifigds lrteeda ot het AF balte rof lauormypn bmsmeloi rae uasyllu ma,nlor yma heva a arpulel octirnif bru rvoe het raea of irntcaf. +1
an1  wyh aer ehret aecskrcl in eht ooiptpes ?ugnl +
srmtn  arpulle ufsoefin yesnadcor ot FH l(larbteai glun ) so crecsalk is the gdfniin frboee rulpeal uefso-sni +2

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