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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#27 (reveal difficulty score)
A 10-year-old girl with a lifelong history of ...
Palpable right ventricular lift ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lsmarshall(465)
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sar"lrtanePa vheea fl(it) cucsor rginud rgthi aleirucrvnt yroepyrhtph (e.i. amgt)nelerne ro eyvr aerrly eeresv left ailart gmtla.e"nreen RV hpryyorhetp acn be nsee os saeliy beecuas eth RV is ta eht aoirentr rsfceau fo eth etc.hs

In hsti nepatti oobld rofm LA ot LV eedrasces in uo,anistrta so ti is ngigo .eerohswme rmFo hte O2 .tas we nac uddece ereth si rbaypbol a DSV dcsea(erin RV srusrepe dwluo esuca VRH dna etpraasnalr )ve.eah rohrerF,utm the itvgntee is lilyek dngsbriice toyrleatg fo toalfl seda(cu yb tranoieurperos deltnespacmi fo the nubdnlarifui emptus.) In tTe essp,ll VR ofoutwl is oto rettdcbsuo dna tainetp estg ssocayin dna L&tgR; usgintnh sSauqt rieenacs RSV, dearsgcnei &Ltg;R stnunghi, ipgtntu eorm ooldb tughorh myluropna iictruc adn eigrnievl s.niocays

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seagull  mi' yrtpte sreu uory a rpof dna tno a ue.sttnd +30
nor16  vselnse,erhte ew rae urafelgt for nta!noalxpei +1
niboonsh  I beerremm eeings a usqeinot edrbesci lseaaarptrn ftli in het ttnxcoe fo ulpm htn. slilt ogt ihst wrgno toh lmf +
anotherstudent  Did my qstneoui ahve a tp?yo tI ssay 2O tsnuoatair ni eth rtihg elcivnrte si ,07 whhic is aeulq to eht thgiR tmariu dna evan a.cav It ysas teh O2 uaiotnsrta in eht felt evecitrln si ,82% wchhi is a crseeeda fmro hte LA ()95 utb ont qelua ot hte ,VR which is wyh I hothtgu rthee s'wtan a S,DV I sdseaum trhee swa a dwire tsnuh from hte LV to mseo orthe rtpa. lWli O2 ranaiuostt nto sylaaw quea?ziel +1
pseudomonalisa  Tsih is a rghti to telf VDS edu to eth liomunpc sitosesn enteprs in rgaTtolye of .Fltoal 2O tas iwll eb owl )70( ni eth hrgti netlcerv,i nad rfom reeth lt'il neret the eflt levectrni dna xmi htiw fshryel yeaegxtndo lbood ngocim fmro eht lfet martui )95.( scuBeae of het n,iximg teh O2 sat fo dbool in eht lfte nrelitcev iwll eb heeeswmor in the mdelid fo 70 nda 59 (82 ni stih cea.)s eur'Yo crro,etc uhthg,o ttha mtos oterh SDsV ear eflt ot grith dan ydu'o ese egtraer 2O ast in teh ghrit itreenlvc ni ttah asce nt(o urse if ti eluasieqz ithw hte felt cilvnetre tgh).hou +1
furkan7  I odes nto deen to iolMazoue,re.eeqsrv in fetl ot rtghi e,uftsnlth l'certneivs O2 ttioanruas si close to 1%00 +
an1  If teh VL odblo si gngoi otni eth V,R wyh tdni'd 'ist O2 ast ien?sacre nieetrh did hte olrumyanp eatsr.'yr I aerge sti' FO,T tub eth sast ylrale ond't aekm seesn for a ..VSD. +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—humble_station(85)
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eoctNi dorp of O2 tasiatrnou romf AL 9%(5) to LV )(7%0 a± leqau 2O astaruoint ntewbee LV %)(07 ;pma& RV 0)%(7 tg;-&- DSV is enrteps

teNoic hte reressup fo the VR 0(12)6/ โ€“ mlaNro RV esprusre is 55/2 whhic tdiiseanc dancrseie srueesrp sueaceb fo the dieasrenc ovmlue of odobl oicgnm romf het LV hotrguh het DVS

reGad 4 rumumr si a albpelap ltirlh stom ylelki deu to HRV fomr eht doedvroela kwor

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thotcandy  ssclcai mreeniensge oydsremn +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—drpatinoire(19)
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I sjtu twna to ontnemi ahtt sidk aqsgutint si vyre hmcu gsistnggeu a TFO ni oMlL..lUSE. Adn erh uyparlnmo ururmm segsusgt uryopamln sst,esion hihwc errutfh sotprsup FTO.

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peqmd  tNo .rsliaysecne aSiuqtgtn ujst pshle ot ieseanrc eoralpd t&g;= isth lliw eapxdn eht ftel dcraaic crshbeam adn reduce g&;-tLR .hftsi sIt' a ealrneg preiilcnp ot LtgR-;& nusht rehta ceetfsd otn ipcficse to one esidsea +
ineedhelpwitmed  uqinttsga cseeiasrn .laodterf.a. @epmqd ngnsiricea eth SRV llwi uasce omre bolod to og gutrhho to lupm etrrya +3

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—fagaga23(1)
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I'ts FOT dna all btu tn'si reeth VL ranmeetlgen in cuFOi(Tnasg a oteaphdsob- na)strteohCan t &LtgR; nsuht wlli vooderla LV nda cusae oindlati

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fagaga23  ,ko got .it heT p-"teado"hbso htear is cyuaatll edu to VR ranegleehe nt"Tm toe fo teh tboo si femrdo yb teh uiatnodpgnrpw-i caciadr ,aexp hichw easmk na ceaut ganel ithw eht ehT utrpnued ircacda eapx is rdbieacs ot irgth vaertinrlcu eorrtppyyhh dna ccuors in 65% of atspitne whti "FTO +

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