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Retired NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 3/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 16-year-boy comes to the physician for a ...
Schedule next routine examination ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—jbrito718(48)
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Snitching to the mom would ruin your relationship with the patient. his social skills are pretty good to me if hes getting laid at his age. based on vignette, testosterone levels dont seem to be an issue. and suggesting decrease in masturbation is not medically relevant. The most lucrative next step would be to schedule next appointment like you would with any patient. Dont overthink this question. its straight forward! keep it simple!

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uasid  i related this scenario with my own self and it seemed pretty normal. Hence on with the "routine" Lol +1

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submitted by thrawn(12)
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Why skills training???????????????????????????

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submitted by โˆ—justanotherimg(6)
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This doesn't make sense to me at all. What will change by the time of the next appoinment ???? Or are they trying to say that his behaviour is normal ??? Isn't it excessive ??

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elasticscatter  It said the next ROUTINE examination (like, his next yearly checkup). Basically, it's saying carry on as usual and don't do anything differently based on this info. +1

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