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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 27-year-old man sustains a spinal cord ...
Penile stimulation ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: neurology erections

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 +29  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sattanki(82)
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nayreppltA etreh is a yelecpmlot repaaset palsni crdo elfrxe erhew rtcedi enlpie noiutiltams lades ot an er.cnotie hTsi eexlfr olny nesed an anttic cra ni 42,-SS so as onlg sa ihts orgien is ont ejri,udn an tocreeni nca itlsl ccor.u weHvroe, whti csnatetiron at ,C8 enht teh noseigcpcyh ctnoerie lrxeef ontanc ,occru sa ihst resrqeui nnsgcdeide irfesb rfom eth x.oetrc

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lsmarshall  suJt wsa a ogdo ymamusr of snsrseseevve/l evvidnlo yas,gni cpievl" apiateprcymahst sebfir frmo -SS24 anc aseuc cnrvueosa tleorarie onaltoividsa vai the arconsevu vnere tuowhit fo cerltan .muiosltan"ti +8
seagull  -4-23S eepks hte epnsi fof the olorf +45
drdoom  Mfoiyndgi le@sugla itno acmbii temnap:rete โ€œ2,S 3S, dna eNburm 4 / ekspe eht igb leo enspi / ffo eht floroโ€ +3
myoclonictonicbionic  I nac ssruae yuo eth iivtaydl fo reswan ekns(igpa mrof epcereien)x +2
raddad  m.oiCn/9cs0.8:p.P//h9st//giwv4c.reiMhm6l/batlw8pnncwtUerdn hte "nuoticoma clotnro" deearh +2
llamastep1  'vIe lyaaws deodrwne how lsrcpadqieuag otg ti u.p I sseug theri slrig ehpl me oll +
jj375  iTsh ticlare is ykogclnshi .uleplfh lSrocl owdn ot teh 3 ypets of eneositrc sceic(gpnoh,y crenlfgx,ieeo nnuatlcro) r:piy-sit.eanrxet/gftahfnsuanauuioosljrnar-r-ch-cumrcs/ps/erpietrcoeooof-i-lndgs-/tl +1

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cinnapie(38)
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Wyh oesd eryve BENM aveh eon or two cietnoer eadlert sitq?ns?oue

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youssefa  Cuaes we lal konw atwh botu ot eahnpp to su ni tihs eaxm D: +45
niboonsh  oolomooooaf +1
corgilobacter  seoirtcen are a rvey hadr jscbuet +13
ytho  pre ito:oneabvrs edm ntustesd refgot atwh eenpil tnluoistima si ecebsau h'ytere oto ubys eagrind rueondgdrnu usrfom girynt to tnsaunrded noeosurer rtiewnt essm...snatess ncmemoec vngeetai kebefadc mcaihmsne +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—susyars(41)
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mroF a girls evtspecp,ire si erayll dahr ot nusadertnd this ceesonnpietr/i oloyhyspig oesquntis

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john055  .hahhaa sahtt hruiiosal lol +
thisshouldbefree  mfor a smale rvscpepeiet it si lraeyl dhar to udstnredna hte nlursema ceylc +10
j44n  'mI a ..n.m.a and i sllti sism verey breon eoitquns +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—syoung07(58)
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Rbino amllsWii neoc disa odG" agev enm tow sdahe dna nylo hneuog dolbo to okrw oen ta a ."miet Mtihg pleh ally enpzloutecica atth eth sinep hsa a b"ani"r of tsi o.nw heT coietr earsmd, irdgnea nad ivwnieg oiectr iartalem lal eriurqe putin ofrm het arbni ot haecr hte seipn raewehs linepe miounlistat is a laclo f.rexel

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ih8payingfordis  a.emS I aws bale to itaiemeln idenrga etorci aeriuttrl,e nieivgw etrico elitrmaa nda oreitc dasrme from the tge .go +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—charcot_bouchard(574)
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etlparnpAy eehtsr oelr fo mastyphcite esymst ni sohygicncep eriocent nad sit oescm orfm .1T-L21 oS fi atpneit haev tartannicso ta 5L ythe oesl eelfxr eriecton ubt ltisl ienrta yeccgsnhpoi .noe

eoABv 9T taicrnntoas ucsae ssol fo cyphesicogn enectiro

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charcot_bouchard  lBweo 5*L Nt(o at) +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—paperbackwriter(161)
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tWorh oingtn atht tno lony is ether a epesrtaa elrexf cra ofr ncnhyie-pocgson i,nloceaujta utb atth rlulgadan to,enriesc osnesimi ctt(oaoinnrc of erhenvyitg sdbsiee eth npsei sc,)sluem adn tajnlicueao noatrncco(it fo iensp sseucml .ei. ercihsoisovcunsa nda sonbsguubo)ilsop are all uredn eexrlf .orclton

-- lAl efesetfrn rae rhiaettcpysapam XCETEP rof emsosini eihma(tty)pcs nad eiaaujnclto )oa.ticm(s - - all stfaenfer era ndlpuaed n. pxeetc fro yihcgsneopc ctieonre chihw srsatt twhi rieghh cetnres

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mhalliburton(1)
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eRlxef -regneo&;tic-t aotimcs iettlca miltisu ot ipens C na listl peanph if a orndlapsc-i irnactstneo scoucr anarcli ot 1T.T/120


S;t-tgmc-pieat&hy ncgsteoihpcye oee Mrsencatli thiw crod rticesntosna avobe 9T rea alnueb ot ehevcai yoehpiccgns ensri.toce

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