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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying an outbreak of ...
Only cookies are independently associated with E. coli cases 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +67  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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hist tqeusoni asekm me tnaw to aet na e loci ikeooc adn hpeo i delbe tou

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caitlyncloy  kipc C adn vome no asw ym atyrsteg P: hlpe lol +2
thegooddoctor2  oll oogd noe +1
sparta  OLL htnka you rof shti nocmmte +

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by doodimoodi(74)
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dDi on oen otecin atht het sddO oatir no eth tpo lfte is wg?ron Am I nigmsis soeng?htmi If ouy tlulaacec ti, is't 6 utsj elki eht pto rhtgi no....e

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mjmejora  astth ltlacauy lyarle ynfnu +
yex  ueBeasc I aids ,os ipselpa er...he -:/ +1
doodimoodi  natC ibvelee we pay 6$0 rof hsit pcar +50
aisel1787  bste mmocnet omiddoo)dio +1
b1ackcoffee  ttha gickufn hterw me ffo no .mxae I wsa ielk is hrtee na eefctf ticdoofiiman yb to"N dgkrniin km"l.i het fkc!u +2

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by sne(59)
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RO tg;&1 staidicne adrscneie eouncecrcr fo teven. heT oynl RO eegtarr anth 1 wsa in eth eabtl ttha ciiddtean ttah teh cjbsteu tae kcoseio but dn'itd knrdi ilk.m u,Tsh tath is eth yoln one whit a siicannitfg ocrcrneceu

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For a more systematic approach. First look at cookies p-val is sig when not stratified, the top table is stratified the OR > 1 => sig => cookies have association.

Then look at milk p-val is sig when not stratified, the bottom table stratified the OR = 1 => loss of significance => milk have no association.

+1/- peqmd(74)

Uworld ID 1173 has a good explanation for how to look at stratified analysis.

+/- peqmd(74)

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by qiss(20)
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roF pleope woh alerengyl adh eurltbo daenrgi eth wot tc:hsar

tFris :tcrah We tdsrpeaae het etienr ootlauinpp nito owt slmrale apnuisoltop to ttse for the eockosi ecfaft. nI itoaupnloP A r(kdna )milk reeht asw an ddos tioar of 6 (otyp in teh aulcta hract). nI otnuailPpo B (idd tno idrkn k)mil eerth asw an odds otiar of 6. inecS teh odds ritoas rae ton ,1 ew nca ucocendl htat the kosecoi aveh na cfteef sgrdaleesr fo hte upoaiopnlt ie( kdrna imkl oeeplp sesuvr dtnd'i rnkdi ikml ppo)lee.

cdoenS tahrc: weN set of poalnuiopts to tste fro teh eetfcf of l.ikm nI Ploontpuai C (aet ck)oeosi htere was an sodd toria fo 1. In iapPuloton D (ddi not eat ceoiok)s ethre was aslo an ddso oarti fo .1 This smnea tath ikml idd not hvea an efcfte reev dna tddni' uortebntic ot teh iesd.ase

"lnyO ioskcoe rea npnindeyletde astoadceis iwht .E clio s"scea msane tath lnyo the sookeic auecs hte asseedi touwith the fsetcef fo shinteogm

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by pg32(218)
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The catf taht hte dosd torai ni eht pot ltef si rciotecnr smkea tihs esotquin ryve ufcliftd.i It emaks ti aapepr sa if hte oseoick ear etsuviaac tbu hte kilm adh eoms rpeicvtteo tf.oacr oS sooun.bxio

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drpatinoire  God I hohttug yatollt eth esam yaw as ouy I readts ta sith tnqseiou rof at ltsea 5nmi dna aekds fsemly tshwa' gwron iwth my s.aitsitcst +1

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by youssefa(162)
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tlalIyiin kilm kgdinnir aws oiaesadtcs tiwh .iEcol oerauktb hiwt .9O=R3 and ;P01l&00.t )t.(..fginiSianc retAf fctoaistiarnti tion tea kosiceo dna did ont tea oeiscok RO bamece 1 atdesin of 93. inngmae hte scisontaoia esidprdpe.aa Te,erherof tnaieg sooeikc swa a odcurnenfo nad htere is no aler sioonitscaa bwenete rigikdnn ikml and t.o.lcn...adsie,iE 'klmsi h(et ncruoe)ndof uttrninbcoio was lsesoirnepb rof eth OR fo 39. in the rftis al.ecp hsTi saw rhreduetf ostdretednma wiht RO of 6 in het ooeciks leoan gorpu.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sattanki(82)
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sTih eon rhete erwe fuor ddso it,sroa noe oivdedrp dnreu ahce leat.b heT ynol neo htat adh an dosd iorat eagterr athn 10. wsa het letba in eth pot tighr (sOdd oRtia = 6, I lvi,)eeeb hiwhc when uoy eokold ta eth sb,lela led ot hte girth er.wans

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by famylife(110)
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n"A odds rioat of 1 tnedsciai ahtt the iindntoco or teenv neudr uydst si yllaqeu leylik to cocru in boht ogps.ur nA odsd troai arrgtee nath 1 tsadceiin atth het nctoiinod ro event is moer elklyi ot ccuro ni the rsfit uopr."g (/drih/sdo._dtkii/iaOtowpa.irswepet:ikn/g)

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by xw1984(8)
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The RO in hte erupp ftel 22 lbeta is ernro,ccti hichw ldsuho be 6 7(2/6632* =,)6 not 1. iThs msane teh RO fo "tea o"coskei deos otn ehngca tafer cfirtsaanttoii by "nrkad i,lmk" so akd"nr l"imk is tno a roundcfeon, dan "ate sio"eock is dnnndeepleiyt aoss /w HECE eutrba.ko

nO het rhote nh,ad OR orf kan"dr kml"i daehncg a tlo f(mro .93 to )0.,1 cwhhi itcidesna knra"d km"li ihgtm eb a enforucdno a,nd roefere,ht si otn enlnydndipeet ssoa w/ EHEc b.aouekrt

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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A uqtnoies i omer alnleegry veha ..i.s

Is ti slobpeis atht nehw oyu iftsryat the ,aatd e.i(. ocgniampr eth ceteff htat neiatg okcsoie ,has ni oppeel who nidrk likm ro peleop hwo od ont dnkri kmli) ttha hte odsd itroa ilwl hwso icefinnscaig orf noe ubt ton het he?rot

aidS ,trelfnieydf in teh eaepmxl ab,veo locdu enitag oocikes ni poeepl ohw irknd ilkm eald to a aigsfntinic eraneisc het skir of ,tiiocnnfe utb nto ni opeepl who who ddnit' ikrdn m?kli

e'vI kdoole aonrud in sith nmmcoet tderh,a dan hvae esne plpoee nineotm teh etrm effte"c dmi"tfo;iciano si ttha ahwt ym mexplae voaeb luwod ?hsow

In orthe rwso,d if etgian okieosc + grdnniki ilmk adsle to a ntgfnasiiic ik,sr but aegnti kocesoi + ont idngkinr klmi sah on iactdessao ri,ks wodlu hatt name taht eht imlk ash na cte"fef ifoinmditac"o on eth iksr fo ggenitt ctioifnen ni epolep owh aet eiook?sc

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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sthi is a nubos uin.seqot

wneh ddos tiora is 1, gnamnie no oisi,cnaatos

dosd org;&tiat ,1 chwhi in stih soeunqit is 6, nesam saontiaosic

ewreh is ddos aorti ? a) ta the aet ndociio-ektod krnid kmli lc.umon cheen eht ew,sran nlyo icoeko eidnndeyeptln .sas wthi e ocli

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by tyrionwill(22)
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ew anc meak htigns mselip kiel hsti wyf a:i ew nwat ot oknw rehthwe 1or,X X2 cltsrreaoe ,Y we jtsu lseteaayrp etst 1X adn Y, dan X2 dna Y yl.inrcaogcd neWh tets X1 itwh ,Y we eriuqer on X2 o;rpxseeu hneW tset 2X twih ,Y ew ierrueq no X1 rep;xuoes

eW etts keooic with arriaeh,d hnwe imkl aws ton drnku top( :)rhtgi ioviepts We estt mikl hwti hda,eiarr hewn no ooicek wsa entae ow(rel r:h)tgi tegnevia

nonoc:islcu nloy eoicok esreocrtla to the ierharad

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 -5  upvote downvote
submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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hTe kwyoedr is EciedYNaLDssNaT".oD(EN"EPt)I cihhW in uanhm nalaegug msane TO"N DTO.ESSA"AIC

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I agree it's a poor choice of words but what they mean by "independently" associated is that which of the variable is the only one associated with dz without any confounding.

+1/- peqmd(74)

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