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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old girl has a history of multiple ...
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 +67  upvote downvote
submitted by atstillisafraud(217)
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hkanT oyu BMEN rof teh hhig yatliuq tisecrup. It eakms seteh axmes sserst efre nda ejn.elyaob

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sympathetikey  selFe bad nm.a +3
zoggybiscuits  esohT carelS esru kolo elb.u w.ow +21
yotsubato  het mesa rgli shosw up no so amny BNME mxsea tis nto nvee nfuy.n Its tsuj elik atht proo edyink tahst' uct in hlfa htta owhss up in lla iyekdn nioqtess.u +15
aneurysmclip  I utrend ym bihsnsgter up nda nwdo 2 estmi to akme reus it at'swn my gssihbrent gsniems ihtw het e.lsrca 'Im acndelgri ,it MEBN atdsns rfo llyutraNa" aBd ta naiMkg xaE"sm . +6
peqmd  60$ a pop dna on .tpr'aiem.toct.Thoss wtah apnhep hwne 'herest a myl.oonpo +9
peqmd  tluaycAl htye ueds hirte sebt wrfsteoa ot aerenetg a.esmgi uYo mgthi evha eahrd it ofebr,e ts'i cdlela MS tPai.n etQui rygdlne.ea +9
feochromocytoma  tI lefes liek etyh drckaen up the tatnrosc adn aiutotsarn on a ralmon eye to meka ti kolo bu".".el. +6
rockodude  oyerneve hesat on eb,mn tbu 'ytrhee nhsoiwg uoy a ipuctre dmoeoz in of her eyse nad ehs has a toshiry fo etiumpll bfesrcu/atrad wodnu eigahnl ta the age fo ,4 I elfe lkie IO dhsluo ta latse be a acntrndosiieo edbas on teh llavore anlcciil utpecri +1
feochromocytoma  ehaY I got ti thgri, t'si tujs ynufn taht they o'tdn eus hhegri utialqy cseitpru ofr the amex +1
djeffs1  atht is lalceyr a rmlaa h...ars oh wati vnm ujst taioellxpni +4

 +20  upvote downvote
submitted by itsdrgoodwood(20)
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eTh ndisosaig is Oensegssteoi p.ecefatmrI ssDeeia asucse a efcdte in yeTp 1 laCleong hatt elads ot titlr“eb ebon”,s inaegmn teh ntpiaset aevh etneurqf acusrtrfe thiw ttille .tmarau pyTe 1 acnglleo is sola a ojmra mectnoonp fo the rasecl &t-g; htis is htwa het ueptcri swa tingnih ta (i t)nihk? nda it scuase bu“le eals.c”r ehT aclres aer un/nnrhaitlsttec so eyth lkoo lbue eud ot gniylrnued ochrdiaol .neisv

nlyil,aF tepstani have opro undow ln.hgeai uonWd apirre hwti nitloaugrna teissu vvliesno epyt 3 cloaelg chwih si ehnt etcndevro to pety 1 nlglcoea rugndi acrs trimfoan.o Dcetefs ni etyp 1 gaoellnc ivysluoob otn’d lwoal hsti ocresps ot teka

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by misterdoctor69(70)
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naDm eeyornve uto heer nogloik ta teh yese ehwn ym amsubsd wsa gnnihitk the lrig aws gsnmiis a aasln dgerbi or mtognsihe lol lfm

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peridot  thaT si iartthsg up ahwt I werot: "olw lasna ?r?gdb?ei" I swa iekl si ihst trpa of meso tlcnineago cetedf +
mkayman  floma +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by adisdiadochokinetic(89)
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tI aeryll ksool to em iekl hre rsleac evah nebe pheoo,dshtpop oenyan eles oicent hat?t xD

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by gainsgutsglory(38)
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eSh hsa tsgOsseeoien .rmpIefeact kAa lit“rteB eBno Dz” kaa gneoCall pyTe I cei.nidcfye U edne oelacgnl yetp I ot amke sscra t(nloranaiug iessut is ypet III nad ehnt llseapatoemertos adn inzc stcraocfo pelh sedgit ntio hte mfir tpye I elnola)cg.

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wowo  AF 1209 15p +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by syoung07(58)
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afm I adh aomlst cecodnvni sfyelm I swa ooglkni at omse tpiaehalcn dolsf

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sweetmed(157)
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I itgel touhtgh reh doirzvese ippsul erew the rblpmeo. tahW usineg cdieded ot eus sthi hot.po

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by j44n(141)
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Jtsu hoaetrn isps poor tenogrvemn nonstitiuit nitcugt neo.crrs If 'eovuy dneo BNME 18 and seen eht llce daiamrg ruifeg it si eth altlrie eincnpla

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drdoom  het BNME si a pe,itrav irtpoff-or oiorncpa.tor danudlivii ..SU ttssae use its outrspcd i,.e.( the oeiccairfntit ti veisg you ehnw uyo ssap ihter amex)s ot denmieetr uyro iiiiyetlgbl to eapcrtci in tireh tets.a ubt tyeh rea tno a mrvognteen tyitn.e +1

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